@article{doi:10.1139/facets-2016-0002, author = {Dyke, Stephanie O.M. and Saulnier, Katie M. and Pastinen, Tomi and Bourque, Guillaume and Joly, Yann}, title = {Evolving data access policy: The Canadian context}, journal = {FACETS}, volume = {1}, number = {}, pages = {138-147}, year = {2017}, doi = {10.1139/facets-2016-0002}, note ={PMID: 27990475}, URL = { https://doi.org/10.1139/facets-2016-0002 }, eprint = { https://doi.org/10.1139/facets-2016-0002 } , abstract = { In setting up a data access policy to share controlled access data from the McGill Epigenomics Mapping Centre (EMC), an International Human Epigenome Consortium (IHEC) partner project, we encountered ethical and legal challenges that are likely to be relevant to other researchers sharing data, especially from Canadian projects. We discuss our solutions to the following data-sharing challenges, based on comparative legal and policy analysis: (1) providing access to data to a growing number of researchers; (2) maintaining Canadian privacy standards while sharing controlled access data internationally; (3) freedom of information requests; and (4) providing more incentives for researchers to share pre-publication data. } } @article {, author = {Bravo E}, author = {Calzolari A}, author = {De Castro P}, author = {Mabile L}, author = {Napolitani F}, author = {Rossi AM}, title = {Developing a guideline to standardize the citation of bioresources in journal articles (CoBRA)}, journal = {BMC Medicine}, volume = {13}, pages = {33}, year = {2015} } @article {, author = {Cambon-Thomsen A}, author = {Thorisson GA}, author = {Mabile L}, title = {The role of a bioresource research impact factor as an incentive to share human bioresources}, journal = {Nature Genetics}, volume = {43}, pages = {503}, year = {2011} } @article {, author = {Campbell EG}, author = {Clarridge BR}, author = {Gokhale M}, author = {Birenbaum L}, author = {Hilgartner S}, author = {Holtzman NA}, title = {Data withholding in academic genetics: evidence from a national survey}, journal = {Journal of the American Medical Association}, volume = {287}, pages = {473}, year = {2002} } @article {, author = {Dyke SOM}, author = {Hubbard TJ}, title = {Developing and implementing an institute-wide data sharing policy}, journal = {Genome Medicine}, volume = {3}, pages = {60}, year = {2011} } @article {, author = {Dyke SOM}, author = {Cheung WA}, author = {Joly Y}, author = {Ammerpohl O}, author = {Lutsik P}, author = {Rothstein MA}, title = {Epigenome data release: a participant-centered approach to privacy protection}, journal = {Genome Biology}, volume = {16}, pages = {142}, year = {2015} } @article {, author = {Joly Y}, author = {Zeps N}, author = {Knoppers BM}, title = {Genomic databases access agreements: legal validity and possible sanctions}, journal = {Human Genetics}, volume = {130}, pages = {441}, year = {2011} } @article {, author = {Knoppers BM}, author = {Chisholm RL}, author = {Kaye K}, author = {Cox D}, author = {Thorogood A}, author = {Burton P}, title = {A P3G generic access agreement for population genomic studies}, journal = {Nature Biotechnology}, volume = {31}, pages = {384}, year = {2013} } @article {, author = {Milius D}, author = {Dove ES}, author = {Chalmers D}, author = {Dyke SOM}, author = {Kato K}, author = {Nicolás P}, title = {The International Cancer Genome Consortium’s evolving data-protection policies}, journal = {Nature Biotechnology}, volume = {32}, pages = {519}, year = {2014} } @article {, author = {Ramos EM}, author = {Din-Lovinescu C}, author = {Bookman EB}, author = {McNeil LJ}, author = {Baker CC}, author = {Godynskiy G}, title = {A mechanism for controlled access to GWAS data: experience of the GAIN Data Access Committee}, journal = {American Journal of Human Genetics}, volume = {92}, pages = {479}, year = {2013} } @article {, author = {Saulnier KM}, author = {Joly Y}, title = {Locating Biobanks in the Canadian Privacy Maze}, journal = {The Journal of Law, Medicine \& Ethics}, volume = {44}, pages = {7}, year = {2016} } @article {, author = {Shabani M}, author = {Knoppers BM}, author = {Borry P}, title = {From the principles of genomic data sharing to the practices of data access committees}, journal = {EMBO Molecular Medicine}, volume = {7}, pages = {507}, year = {2015} } @article {, author = {Tenopir C}, author = {Allard S}, author = {Douglass K}, author = {Aydinoglu AU}, author = {Wu L}, author = {Read E}, title = {Data sharing by scientists: practices and perceptions}, journal = {PLoS ONE}, volume = {6}, pages = {e21101}, year = {2011} } @article {, author = {Tenopir C}, author = {Dalton ED}, author = {Allard S}, author = {Frame M}, author = {Pjesivac I}, author = {Birch B}, title = {Changes in data sharing and data reuse practices and perceptions among scientists worldwide}, journal = {PLoS ONE}, volume = {10}, pages = {e0134826}, year = {2015} } @article {, author = { }, title = {Prepublication data sharing}, journal = {Nature}, volume = {461}, pages = {168}, year = {2009} }