@article{doi:10.1139/facets-2016-0019, author = {Groves, Phillip A. and Alcorn, Brad and Wiest, Michelle M. and Maselko, Jacek M. and Connor, William P.}, title = {Testing unmanned aircraft systems for salmon spawning surveys}, journal = {FACETS}, volume = {1}, number = {}, pages = {187-204}, year = {2017}, doi = {10.1139/facets-2016-0019}, URL = { https://doi.org/10.1139/facets-2016-0019 }, eprint = { https://doi.org/10.1139/facets-2016-0019 } , abstract = { Unmanned aircraft systems (UASs) were tested for counting Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) redds as a more accurate, safer alternative to manned helicopter flights. Counting redds from the helicopter was less expensive and time consuming, but of the total redds counted at selected sites with a UAS, an average (± SD) of only 77\% ± 14\% was counted from the helicopter. A river-wide census of redds was not possible with a UAS because the study area was too large for the single field crew to survey. Simulation analyses were used to compare stratified random sampling (STRS) and sampling proportional to size (PPS) for estimating annual total redd counts from data collected with a UAS. The STRS estimates were more accurate and precise, whereas the PPS estimates, though biased, had 95\% CIs that included the observed redd count more frequently. We strongly recommend that researchers conduct simulation analyses to evaluate alternative survey sampling methods if they are considering replacing census counts made from manned aircraft with counts estimated from data collected with a UAS. We conclude that UAS application reduces the risk inherent to manned aircraft flights, but the reduction in risk can come at the cost of estimates of population parameters that can sometimes be inaccurate and lack 95\% CI coverage. } } @article {, author = {Burner CJ}, title = {Characteristics of spawning nests of Columbia River salmon}, journal = {US Fish and Wildlife Service Fishery Bulletin}, volume = {52}, pages = {96}, year = {1951} } @article {, author = {Chabot D}, author = {Bird DM}, title = {Wildlife research and management methods in the 21st century: where do unmanned aircraft fit in?}, journal = {Journal of Unmanned Vehicle Systems}, volume = {3}, pages = {137}, year = {2015} } @article {, author = {Connor WP}, author = {Garcia AP}, author = {Connor AH}, author = {Garton EO}, author = {Groves PA}, author = {Chandler JA}, title = {Estimating the carrying capacity of the Snake River for fall Chinook salmon redds}, journal = {Northwest Science}, volume = {75}, pages = {363}, year = {2001} } @article {, author = {Conroy MJ}, author = {Runge JP}, author = {Barker RJ}, author = {Schofield MR}, author = {Fonnesbeck CJ}, title = {Efficient estimation of abundance for patchily distributed populations via two-phase, adaptive sampling}, journal = {Ecology}, volume = {89}, pages = {3362}, year = {2008} } @article {, author = {Dauble DD}, author = {Watson WG}, title = {Status of fall Chinook salmon populations in the mid-Columbia River, 1948–1992}, journal = {North American Journal of Fisheries Management}, volume = {17}, pages = {283}, year = {1997} } @article {, author = {Essington TE}, author = {Sorensen PW}, author = {Paron DG}, title = {High rate of redd superimposition by brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) and brown trout (Salmo trutta) in a Minnesota stream cannot be explained by habitat availability alone}, journal = {Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences}, volume = {55}, pages = {2310}, year = {1998} } @article {, author = {Geist DR}, author = {Dauble DD}, title = {Redd site selection and spawning habitat use by fall Chinook salmon: the importance of geomorphic features in large rivers}, journal = {Environmental Management}, volume = {22}, pages = {655}, year = {1998} } @article {, author = {Groves PA}, author = {Chandler JA}, title = {Spawning habitat used by fall Chinook salmon in the Snake River}, journal = {North American Journal of Fisheries Management}, volume = {19}, pages = {912}, year = {1999} } @article {, author = {Groves PA}, author = {Chandler JA}, author = {Alcorn B}, author = {Richter TJ}, author = {Connor WP}, author = {Garcia AP}, author = {Bradbury SM}, title = {Evaluating salmon spawning habitat capacity using redd survey data}, journal = {North American Journal of Fisheries Management}, volume = {33}, pages = {707}, year = {2013} } @article {, author = {Hanrahan TP}, title = {Bedform morphology of salmon spawning areas in a large gravel-bed river}, journal = {Geomorphology}, volume = {86}, pages = {529}, year = {2007} } @article {, author = {Hansen MH}, author = {Hurwitz WN}, title = {On the theory of sampling from finite populations}, journal = {The Annals of Mathematical Statistics}, volume = {14}, pages = {333}, year = {1943} } @article {, author = {Jones GP}, author = {Pearlstine LG}, author = {Percival HF}, title = {An assessment of small unmanned aerial vehicles for wildlife research}, journal = {Wildlife Society Bulletin}, volume = {34}, pages = {750}, year = {2006} } @article {, author = {Kudo H}, author = {Koshino Y}, author = {Eto A}, author = {Ichimura M}, author = {Kaeriyama M}, title = {Cost-effective accurate estimates of adult chum salmon, Oncorhynchus keta, abundance in a Japanese river using a radio-controlled helicopter}, journal = {Fisheries Research}, volume = {119–120}, pages = {94}, year = {2012} } @article {, author = {Linchant J}, author = {Lisein J}, author = {Semeki J}, author = {Lejeune P}, author = {Vermeulen C}, title = {Are unmanned aircraft systems (UASs) the future of wildlife monitoring? A review of accomplishments and challenges}, journal = {Mammal Review}, volume = {45}, pages = {239}, year = {2015} } @article {, author = {Mulero-Pázmány M}, author = {Barasona JA}, author = {Acevedo P}, author = {Vicente J}, author = {Negro JJ}, title = {Unmanned aircraft systems complement biologging in spatial ecology studies}, journal = {Ecology and Evolution}, volume = {5}, pages = {4808}, year = {2015} } @article {, author = {Rieman BE}, author = {McIntyre JD}, title = {Spatial and temporal variability in bull trout redd counts}, journal = {North American Journal of Fisheries Management}, volume = {16}, pages = {132}, year = {1996} } @article {, author = {Vermeulen C}, author = {Lejeune P}, author = {Lisein J}, author = {Sawadogo P}, author = {Bouché P}, title = {Unmanned aerial survey of elephants}, journal = {PLoS ONE}, volume = {8}, pages = {e54700}, year = {2013} } @article {, author = {Visser R}, author = {Dauble DD}, author = {Geist DR}, title = {Use of aerial photography to monitor fall Chinook salmon spawning in the Columbia River}, journal = {Transactions of the American Fisheries Society}, volume = {131}, pages = {1173}, year = {2002} } @article {, author = {Whitehead K}, author = {Hugenholtz CH}, author = {Myshak S}, author = {Brown O}, author = {LeClair A}, author = {Tamminga A}, title = {Remote sensing of the environment with small unmanned aircraft systems (UASs), part 2: scientific and commercial applications}, journal = {Journal of Unmanned Vehicle Systems}, volume = {2}, pages = {86}, year = {2014} }