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- Biological and Life Sciences
- Provencher, Jennifer FRemove filter
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- Mallory, Mark L2
- Baak, Julia E1
- Barry, Tom1
- Berhane, Yohannes1
- Brown, Michael G C1
- Chen, Shao-Min1
- Elliot, Kyle1
- Gavrilo, Maria V1
- Giacinti, Jolene1
- Gilchrist, Grant1
- Graves, Stephanie1
- Hargan, Kathryn1
- Hayden, Brian1
- Jones, Megan1
- Lair, Stéphane1
- Lang, Andrew S1
- Layton-Matthews, Daniel1
- Leybourne, Matthew1
- Linnebjerg, Jannie F1
- McLaughlin, Angela1
- McNamee, Rachel1
- Merkel, Flemming R1
- Ojkic, Davor1
- Orihel, Diane M1
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- Jannie F. Linnebjerg,
- Julia E. Baak,
- Tom Barry,
- Maria V. Gavrilo,
- Mark L. Mallory,
- Flemming R. Merkel,
- Courtney Price,
- Jakob Strand,
- Tony R. Walker, and
- Jennifer F. Provencher
Marine plastic is a ubiquitous environmental problem that can have an impact on a variety of marine biota, such as seabirds, making it an important concern for scientists and policy makers. Although research on plastic ingestion by seabirds is increasing, few studies have examined policies and long-term monitoring programs to reduce marine plastic in the Arctic. This paper provides a review of international, national, and regional policies and long-term monitoring programs that address marine plastic in relation to seabirds in the Arctic countries: Canada, the Kingdom of Denmark (Greenland and the Faroe Islands), Finland, Iceland, Norway, the Russian Federation, Sweden, and the United States of America. Results show that a broad range of international, national, regional and local policies address marine debris, specifically through waste management and the prevention of pollution from ships. However, few policies directly address seabirds and other marine biota. Further, policies are implemented inconsistently across regions, making it difficult to enforce and monitor the efficacy of these policies given the long-range transport of plastic pollution globally. To reduce marine plastic pollution in the Arctic environment, pan-Arctic and international collaboration is needed to implement standardized policies and long-term monitoring programs for marine plastic in the Arctic and worldwide. - OPEN ACCESS
- Angela McLaughlin,
- Jolene Giacinti,
- Ishraq Rahman,
- Jordan Wight,
- Kathryn Hargan,
- Andrew S. Lang,
- Mark L. Mallory,
- Gregory J. Robertson,
- Kyle Elliot,
- Davor Ojkic,
- Stéphane Lair,
- Megan Jones,
- Yohannes Berhane,
- Grant Gilchrist,
- Laurie Wilson,
- Sabina I. Wilhelm,
- Michael G.C. Brown, and
- Jennifer F. Provencher
Migratory seabirds move across ocean basins and are one of the primary reservoirs of low pathogenic avian influenza virus (LPAIV). This includes the millions of thick-billed murres (Uria lomvia) and common murres (Uria aalge) that are distributed across northern hemisphere oceans. In response to increasingly frequent detections of highly pathogenic avian influenza virus (HPAIV) in Europe in 2020–2021, avian influenza virus (AIV) monitoring in wildlife has increased. We compiled data from murres tested for AIV in Canada between 2007 and 2022 to quantify spatiotemporal variation in the prevalence of LPAIV and HPAIV in these birds. No HPAIV was detected in murres prior to 2022, but HPAIV was present in 46% of both live/harvested and found dead murres in the northwestern Atlantic in 2022 with prevalence peaking at 63% among live birds in the summer. In the eastern Canadian Arctic, HPAIV prevalence in 2022 was <1% while LPAIV prevalence was 21%, which was significantly higher than previous sampling years. Power analyses suggest approximately 100 samples from breeding murres should be collected annually per colony or region to detect moderate changes in HPAIV prevalence. These analyses inform robust monitoring of viruses in wildlife, with implications for conservation, harvest management, and public health. - OPEN ACCESS
- Stephanie Graves,
- Shao-Min Chen,
- Rachel McNamee,
- Tazi H. Rodrigues,
- Brian Hayden,
- Chelsea M. Rochman,
- Jennifer F. Provencher,
- Michael D. Rennie,
- Daniel Layton-Matthews,
- Matthew Leybourne,
- Owen A. Sherwood, and
- Diane M. Orihel
Microplastics degrade slowly over time, leaching carbon (C) that could be subsequently incorporated into aquatic food webs. Current estimates of microplastic degradation vary, and little is known about microplastic-derived C fate under natural environmental conditions. To investigate whether microplastics leach C that is subsequently incorporated into aquatic food webs, we added isotopically enriched microplastics to Lake 378 at the Experimental Lakes Area in Ontario, Canada. In an ∼1100 L limnocorral (in situ open-bottom enclosure), we added 99% 13C-labelled polystyrene (8–216 µm in longest dimension) at a nominal concentration of 3268 particles/L. A second limnocorral without microplastics served as a negative control. Monthly measurements of δ13C-DIC and δ13C-DOC in filtered water revealed no detectable leaching of 13C from the plastic. Compound-specific isotope analysis of δ13C in amino acids of bulk plankton and periphyton revealed a slight (0.5‰) enrichment in 13C, within the range of natural variability for these organisms. Under the natural conditions of temperate oligotrophic lakes, degradation of microplastics is likely a very slow process that was not possible to detect in this 4-month experiment. Future studies should focus on assessing degradation of microplastics under realistic field scenarios to improve estimates of degradation pathways and associated time scales.