Cited by
1. The entrainment of polyester microfibers modifies the structure and function of periphytic biofilms
2. Exploring the ecotoxicological impacts of microplastics on freshwater fish: A critical review
3. Assessment and quantification of microplastic contamination in fishes with different food habits from Beel wetlands
4. Observation and visual identification of microplastics
5. Microplastics contamination in marine system
7. Characteristics, Contamination Levels, and Ecosystem Risk Assessment of Microplastics in Surface Water of a Highly Urbanized River from a Developing Country
8. Assessing the Effects of Microplastics on Freshwater Fish
9. Microplastic Chemostasis and Homogeneity During a Historic Flood on the Mississippi River
10. Microplastics in Farmed Animals—A Review
11. Microplastic-contamination in the flesh and gastrointestinal tract of nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) reared in floating net cages at lake Ranu Grati, Pasuruan, East Java, Indonesia
12. Rhamnetin abrogates polystyrene microplastics prompted hepatic damage by regulating Nrf-2/Keap-1 pathway
13. Microplastics pollution in tropical lakes: water, zooplankton, and fish in Central Mexico
14. A state of the art-mini review on the sources, contamination, analysis, and consequences of microplastics in water
15. Peculiarities of Microplastic Accumulation in Fish and Crustaceans of the Mekong Delta (Vietnam)
16. Microplastic Content in the Gastrointestinal Tract of Some Fish Species of Lake Kubenskoe (Vologda Oblast)
17. From source to sink: part 1—characterization and Lagrangian tracking of riverine microplastics in the Mediterranean Basin
18. Ecological assessment of microplastic contamination in surface water and commercially important edible fishes off Kadalundi estuary, Southwest coast of India
19. Microplastic Occurrences in Freshwater Fish of Bangladesh
20. Emerging pollutant in surface water bodies: a review on monitoring, analysis, mitigation measures and removal technologies of micro-plastics
21. Occurrence of microplastics in commercial fishes from aquatic ecosystems of northern Poland
22. Understanding microplastic pollution of marine ecosystem: a review
23. Assessment of Microplastics and Potentially Toxic Elements in Surface Sediments of the River Kelvin, Central Scotland, United Kingdom
24. Peculiarities of Microplastic Accumulation in Fish and Crustaceans of the Mekong Delta (Vietnam)
25. Microplastic Content in the Gastrointestinal Tract of Some Fish Species of Lake Kubenskoe (Vologda Oblast)
26. Do’s and don’ts of microplastic research: a comprehensive guide
27. Microplastics abundance, distribution and composition in surface waters, sediments and fish species from Amir˗Kalayeh Wetland, Northern Iran
28. Microplastics in complex soil matrix: Recovery, identification and removal using micro nano techniques
29. Extensive Microplastic Contamination in Southeastern Florida Forage Fishes
30. Pharmacotherapeutic potential of ginkgetin against polystyrene microplastics–instigated testicular toxicity in rats: A biochemical, spermatological, and histopathological assessment
31. Long-term investigation of microplastic abundance in Squalius species in Turkish inland waters
32. Current perspectives, challenges, and future directions in the electrochemical detection of microplastics
33. Examining the Environmental Concerns Caused by the Microplastic Contamination in Marine Ecosystem
34. Microplastics in Soils and Sediments
35. Effects of microplastics on amphibian performance and survival: Current knowledge and research gaps
36. Anthropocene airborne microfibers: Physicochemical characteristics, identification methods and health impacts
37. Characteristics of microplastics in Dusky-tailed cardinalfish (
Taeniamia macroptera
) from natural reef and Fish Apartment in Pasir Putih Situbondo, East Java, Indonesia
38. Microplastic Contamination in Vertical Water Columns and Fish: A Comparative Study between the Buriganga River and the Bay of Bengal in Bangladesh
39. Discovering the High Risk of Fragmented Microplastics: A Study on Indoor Dust Microplastics in the Greater Bay Area of China
40. The first evidence of microplastic presence in the River Nile in Khartoum, Sudan: Using Nile Tilapia fish as a bio-indicator
41. Microplastics pollution in rice fields: a case study of Pir Bazar rural district of Gilan, Iran
42. Impacts of microplastic on fisheries and seafood security — Global analysis and synthesis
43. Disperse dyes, temperature and yarn parametre's effect on microfibre shedding of polyester spun yarn
44. Hot or not: systematic review and laboratory evaluation of the hot needle test for microplastic identification
45. Responses of Mytilus galloprovincialis in a Multi-Stressor Scenario: Effects of an Invasive Seaweed Exudate and Microplastic Pollution under Ocean Warming
46. Ecological traits do not predict the uptake of microplastics by fishes in a Neotropical River
47. Hepatoprotective effects of astragalin against polystyrene microplastics induced hepatic damage in male albino rats by modulating Nrf-2/Keap-1 pathway
48. Prevalence of microplastics in commonly consumed fish species of the river Old Brahmaputra, Bangladesh
49. Abundance and characteristics of microplastics in a freshwater river in northwestern Himalayas, India - Scenario of riverbank solid waste disposal sites
50. Distribution characteristics of microplastics and corresponding feeding habits of the dominant shrimps in the rivers of Chongming Island
51. Litter per liter – Lakes' morphology and shoreline urbanization index as factors of microplastic pollution: Study of 30 lakes in NE Poland
52. Characterization and Removal of Microplastics in Landfill Leachate Treatment Plants in Istanbul, Turkey
53. Pinostrobin alleviates testicular and spermatological damage induced by polystyrene microplastics in adult albino rats
54. Microfibers in the gut of invasive armored catfish (Pterygoplichthys spp.) (Actinopterygii: Siluriformes: Loricariidae) in an urban lake in the floodplain of the Grijalva River basin, Mexico
55. Ecological traits do not predict the uptake of microplastics by fishes in a Neotropical River
56. Ingestion of microplastics in commercially important species along Thoothukudi coast, south east India
57. Microplastics Detected in Sediments and Rocks Substrate of Marine Areas with Ghost Nets
58. Screening for Microplastic Uptake in an Urbanized Freshwater Ecosystem: Chondrostoma nasus (Linnaeus, 1758) Case Study
59. Exploring microplastic pollution in a Mediterranean river: The role of introduced species as bioindicators
60. A fit-for-purpose categorization scheme for microplastic morphologies
61. Investigating the fate and transport of microplastics in a lagoon wastewater treatment system using a multimedia model approach
62. Microplastics in fishes in amazon riverine beaches: Influence of feeding mode and distance to urban settlements
63. Rhamnetin alleviates polystyrene microplastics-induced testicular damage by restoring biochemical, steroidogenic, hormonal, apoptotic, inflammatory, spermatogenic and histological profile in male albino rats
64. Aquatic Eco‐systems Under Influence of Climate Change and Anthropogenic Activities
65. Characterization and implication of microplastics on riverine population of the River Ravi, Lahore, Pakistan
66. Microplastics menace: the new emerging lurking environmental issue, a review on sampling and quantification in aquatic environments
67. Microplastic abundances in co-occurring marine mussels: species and spatial differences
68. Occurrence of Microplastics in Riverine Fishes Sold for Human Consumption in Chhattisgarh, India
69. Microplastics in fish and sediments from the Montenegrin coast (Adriatic Sea): Similarities in accumulation
70. Factors influencing the variation of microplastic uptake in demersal fishes from the upper Thames River Ontario
71. Environmental Pollution in Belgium and Implications for Aquatic Health
72. Contamination of microplastics, surface morphology and risk assessment in beaches along the Thoothukudi coast, Gulf of Mannar region
73. Microplastic loads within riverine fishes and macroinvertebrates are not predictable from ecological or morphological characteristics
74. Distinct microplastic patterns in the sediment and biota of an urban stream
75. Microplastics in Sediments of Southwest Caspian Sea: Characteristics, Distribution and Seasonal Variability
76. Spatial and temporal variations of microplastic concentrations in Portland's freshwater ecosystems
77. Microplastics in Eurasian otter (
Lutra lutra
) spraints and their potential as a biomonitoring tool in freshwater systems
78. Modelling the transfer and accumulation of microplastics in a riverine freshwater food web
79. Embryotoxicity of polystyrene microplastics in zebrafish Danio rerio
80. Sample preparation methods for the analysis of microplastics in freshwater ecosystems: a review
81. Dynamics of airborne microplastics, appraisal and distributional behaviour in atmosphere; a review
82. Quantification and Characterisation of Microplastics in Fish and Surface Water at Melayu River, Johor
83. Co-Exposure with an Invasive Seaweed Exudate Increases Toxicity of Polyamide Microplastics in the Marine Mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis
84. Introduction to the Analytical Methodologies for the Analysis of Microplastics
85. Microplastics in Biota
86. Airborne Microplastics
87. Occurrence of Microplastics in Freshwater
88. Occurrences and impacts of microplastics in soils and groundwater
89. Riverine biodiversity and importance: Potential threat and conservational challenges
90. Plastic pollution in marine and freshwater environments: abundance, sources, and mitigation
91. Spatial distribution of microplastics in Chinese freshwater ecosystem and impacts on food webs
92. Microplastic Loads within Riverine Fishes and Macroinvertebrates are Not Predictable from Ecological or Morphological Characteristics
93. Factors Influencing the Variation of Microplastic Uptake in Demersal Fishes from the Upper Thames River Ontario
94. Microplastic sampling techniques in freshwaters and sediments: a review
95. Microplastic pollution in soils and groundwater: Characteristics, analytical methods and impacts
96. Microplastic contamination assessment in water and economic fishes in different trophic guilds from an urban water supply reservoir after flooding
97. Microplastic in angling baits as a cryptic source of contamination in European freshwaters
98. Microplastic pollution in perch (Perca fluviatilis, Linnaeus 1758) from Italian south-alpine lakes
99. Origin, fate, and risk assessment of emerging contaminants in groundwater bodies: a holistic review
100. A novel method for organic matter removal from samples containing microplastics
101. Evidence of Microplastic Translocation in Wild-Caught Fish and Implications for Microplastic Accumulation Dynamics in Food Webs
102. Microplastic distribution in urban vs pristine mangroves: Using marine sponges as bioindicators of environmental pollution
103. The quantity and quality assessment of microplastics in the freshwater fishes: A systematic review and meta-analysis
104. Freshwater wild biota exposure to microplastics: A global perspective
105. Microplastics in different tissues of some commercially important fish species from Anzali Wetland in the Southwest Caspian Sea, Northern Iran
106. Microplastics in aquatic environments: A review on occurrence, distribution, toxic effects, and implications for human health
107. Preparation of biological samples for microplastic identification by Nile Red
108. Abundance, characteristics and variation of microplastics in different freshwater fish species from Bangladesh
109. Do Freshwater Fish Eat Microplastics? A Review with A Focus on Effects on Fish Health and Predictive Traits of MPs Ingestion
110. The missing ocean plastic sink: Gone with the rivers
111. Microplastic fibers — Underestimated threat to aquatic organisms?
112. Ecotoxicological and physiological risks of microplastics on fish and their possible mitigation measures
113. Microplastics contamination in food and beverages: Direct exposure to humans
114. Microplastics occurrence in the commercial Southeast Asian seafood and its impact on food safety and security: A review
115. Microplastics in freshwater fishes: Occurrence, impacts and future perspectives
116. Effects of Microplastics, Polystyrene, and Polyethylene on Antioxidants, Metabolic Enzymes, HSP-70, and Myostatin Expressions in the Giant River Prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii: Impact on Survival and Growth
117. Presence and fate of microplastics in the water sources: focus on the role of wastewater and drinking water treatment plants
118. Microplastics and metal burdens in freshwater Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) of a metropolitan reservoir in Central Mexico: Potential threats for human health
119. Microplastic pollution in surface water and sediments in the urban section of the Vistula River (Poland)
120. Microplastics in wastewater treatment plants: Occurrence, fate and identification
121. Stable Isotope Insights into Microplastic Contamination within Freshwater Food Webs
122. Characterization of microplastics and anthropogenic fibers in surface waters of the North Saskatchewan River, Alberta, Canada
123. Airborne Microplastics
124. Microplastics in freshwater ecosystems: a recent review of occurrence, analysis, potential impacts, and research needs
125. Toward a unified framework for investigating micro(nano)plastics in packaged beverages intended for human consumption
126. Ingestion of microplastics by Hypanus guttatus stingrays in the Western Atlantic Ocean (Brazilian Amazon Coast)
127. Ecotoxicological Assessment of Microplastics in Freshwater Sources—A Review
128. Microplastics in brown trout (Salmo trutta Linnaeus, 1758) from an Irish riverine system
129. Distributions of Microplastics in Surface Water, Fish, and Sediment in the Vicinity of a Sewage Treatment Plant
130. Identification of microplastics in white wines capped with polyethylene stoppers using micro-Raman spectroscopy
131. Microplastic pollution in surface water of Lake Victoria
132. How can we trace microplastics in wastewater treatment plants: A review of the current knowledge on their analysis approaches
133. Microplastics in water, sediment and fish from the Fengshan River system: Relationship to aquatic factors and accumulation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons by fish
134. Ingestion of Microplastic by Fish of Different Feeding Habits in Urbanized and Non-urbanized Streams in Southern Brazil
135. Microplastics as contaminants in freshwater environments: A multidisciplinary review
136. Microplastics in Freshwater Biota: A Critical Review of Isolation, Characterization, and Assessment Methods
137. Exposure to polystyrene microplastics causes reproductive toxicity through oxidative stress and activation of the p38 MAPK signaling pathway
138. Occurrence of microplastics in the Han River and riverine fish in South Korea
139. Effects of spatial and seasonal factors on the characteristics and carbonyl index of (micro)plastics in a sandy beach in Aveiro, Portugal
140. A novel approach to optically distinguish plastics based on fluorescence lifetime measurements
141. Finding Microplastics in Soils: A Review of Analytical Methods
142. Microplastic occurrence and effects in commercially harvested North American finfish and shellfish: Current knowledge and future directions
143. Microplastic prevalence in two fish species in two U.S. reservoirs
144. Occurrence, distribution and size relationships of plastic debris along shores and sediment of northern Lake Victoria
145. Occurrence and Ecotoxicological Effects of Microplastics on Aquatic and Terrestrial Ecosystems
146. Introduction to the Analytical Methodologies for the Analysis of Microplastics
147. Microplastics in Biota
148. Airborne Microplastics
149. “Down by the River”: (Micro-) Plastic Pollution of Running Freshwaters with Special Emphasis on the Austrian Danube
150. Microplastics in Freshwater Environments
151. Plastic Particle Ingestion by Wild Freshwater Fish: A Critical Review
152. Microplastics in the environment: A critical review of current understanding and identification of future research needs
153. A systematic study of the microplastic burden in freshwater fishes of south-western Germany - Are we searching at the right scale?
154. An Approach of Identifying Polymers With Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging
155. Microplastics biomonitoring in Australian urban wetlands using a common noxious fish (Gambusia holbrooki)
156. Emerging threats and persistent conservation challenges for freshwater biodiversity
157. Citizen science sampling programs as a technique for monitoring microplastic pollution: results, lessons learned and recommendations for working with volunteers for monitoring plastic pollution in freshwater ecosystems
158. Microplastic contamination in gudgeons (Gobio gobio) from Flemish rivers (Belgium)
159. Methods for sampling and detection of microplastics in water and sediment: A critical review
160. Microplastic hotspots in the Snake and Lower Columbia rivers: A journey from the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem to the Pacific Ocean
161. Microplastics in the environment: Challenges in analytical chemistry - A review
162. Ecotoxicological effects of microplastics on biota: a review
163. The influence of exposure and physiology on microplastic ingestion by the freshwater fish Rutilus rutilus (roach) in the River Thames, UK
164. Are Nitric Acid (HNO3) Digestions Efficient in Isolating Microplastics from Juvenile Fish?