FACETS is Canada’s first multidisciplinary open access science journal. FACETS is published by Canadian Science Publishing, Canada's independent, not-for-profit publisher of 22 international scientific journals.

FACETS is based on three pillars: Community, Choice, and Quality. FACETS values community and was developed through consultations with scholarly stakeholders; Canadian Science Publishing believes that a healthy scientific publishing community results in better submissions, better publications, and ultimately better science. FACETS provides choice by publishing a broad range of article types, which results in a greater diversity of published research and ultimately improved dissemination of critical research. FACETS is committed to publishing quality research that demonstrates evidence of advancing knowledge.


The objective of FACETS is to provide a high-quality, affordable Canadian open access option that best serves the publishing and dissemination needs of Canadian as well as international researchers. FACETS encompasses a broad range of scientific and multidisciplinary areas and publishes technically sound research that demonstrates a contribution to advancing knowledge. The multidisciplinary nature of FACETS provides a new vehicle to promote and showcase research in the global community.

Our vision is to advance science by publishing high-quality, open access research that represents the multifaceted global community of researchers and offers choice to our authors.

Our goal is to do our part to ensure that open access publishing in Canada is synonymous with quality. For authors who want to make their research available to the widest network of readers and for editors who want to contribute to the development of the highest quality multidisciplinary research publication, FACETS is the best option.

Diversity and inclusion are core to our vision for FACETS. We are committed to the principles established by the Coalition for Diversity and Inclusion in Scholarly Communications c4disc.org. We recognize that there is more that we can do to enhance diversity and inclusion in peer review. Thus, we have recently established an Editorial Board recruitment committee that will actively integrate diversity and inclusion principles into our processes as we invite experts to join our Editorial Board. These principles will include (but are not be limited to) considerations of gender, ethnicity, demographics, and geography to ensure that the editorial board is representative of the multifaceted global research communities that the journal serves.


FACETS is a multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary open access science journal that primarily features research articles, but also includes review articles, communications, notes, perspectives, editorials, science applications forum papers, and retrospectives. FACETS currently focuses on seven research areas. Although not officially covering Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH) topics, the Integrative Sciences section includes intersections of science and the social sciences. Additional subject categories will be added as the journal evolves in conjunction with emerging scientific advances.

As a benefit of online publishing, papers are aggregated by subject areas rather than into the usual volume/issue format, making the best use of online technology to improve discovery of related content. Finally, new and emerging fields can be easily added without the delays caused by developing and setting up a new online publishing platform.

FACETS will publish manuscripts in English or French. French abstracts will be translated into English.

Journal Metrics

  • 3.1
    2-year journal impact factor
  • 32/73
    Rank by 2-year impact factor in Multidisciplinary Sciences
  • 2.9
    5-year journal impact factor

Indexing information

FACETS is indexed on the American Mathematical Society, Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), OCLC, ReadCube, Science Citation Index Expanded, Scopus, and WorldCat.


FACETS is archived in CLOCKSS and Portico.