2.2. Individual swimming performance
Swimming performance (critical swim speed) and kinematics (TBF, TBA, and Strouhal number) of adult Redside Dace was measured in a 30 L Loligo swim flume (Loligo® System, Viborg, Denmark; 19 × 25 × 42 cm swimming compartment) with the side viewing panel covered to reduce stress to the fish from observers. Food was withheld for 24 h before each trial to minimize any metabolic effects of digestion (
Nelson et al. 2003;
Killen et al. 2012). Individuals were tested across incremental flow speeds in a control treatment (i.e., without suspended sediment present, 0 mg bentonite/L; <1.0 Nephelometric Turbidity Unit (NTU); range 0.04–0.87 NTU,
N = 12) and two sediment treatment levels commonly found in the wild; a relatively “low” concentration (20 mg bentonite/L; ∼2 NTU; range 1.39–3.13 NTU,
N = 13) and a relatively “high” concentration (100 mg/L bentonite; ∼8 NTU; range 4.97–9.93 NTU,
N = 13). Each fish was tested under only one condition. Bentonite clay was used as a surrogate sediment due to its small size and ability to stay suspended. This clay is commonly used in experimental studies of suspended sediment (e.g.,
Gray et al. 2014,
2016). Sediment levels were measured (±0.05 NTU) before and after the swim trial using a LaMotte® 2020i sedimentation meter (
www.lamotte.com), and temperature (16.7–18.1 °C) and dissolved oxygen (8.01–10.17 mg/L) were measured using a YSI probe (
www.ysi.com). At the end of each swim trial, mass (7.54 ± 1.23 g; all data are means ± standard deviation (SD)) and standard length (9.24 ± 0.50 cm) were measured. Finally, the swim flume was then emptied, rinsed, and refilled after every swim trial to limit any residual sediment.
Critical swim speed (
Ucrit), which is related to cardiac output of fish and considered a good predictor of swimming capability (
Claireaux et al. 2005), was quantified using an established swim flume protocol for dace and other minnows (
Nelson et al. 2002;
Nelson et al. 2003;
Nelson et al. 2008). An individual fish was haphazardly selected from a stock tank, gently introduced to the flume, and were allowed to acclimate for 30 min at a flow rate of 10 cm/s to orient themselves to the flow direction (
Beecham et al. 2009;
Berli et al. 2014;
Boyd and Parsons 2016). The flow speed was then increased in increments of 5 cm/s every 5 min until the fish became exhausted—defined as when the fish could no longer beat their tail and swim forward for over 10 s (
Nelson et al. 2002;
Mateus et al. 2008). A trial therefore took approximately 60 min to complete (range 45–75 min). One control fish did not complete the first 5 min speed interval (5 cm/s) and was excluded from all further analyses. Critical swim speed (
Ucrit) was then calculated using the equation
Ucrit =
U1 + (
t2) ×
U2, where
U1 = speed of last fully completed interval,
U2 = increment of speed increase (5 cm/s),
t1 = length of time on the last interval, and
t2 = time interval length (
Nelson et al. 2003;
Hildebrandt and Parsons 2016). Before each trial, a flow meter (Höntzsch NT. 2;
www.hoentzsch.com) was used to calibrate the flume by measuring flow rates throughout.
All individual swimming trials were video recorded at 120 frames per second using a GoPro Hero 7 camera (
www.gopro.com) placed above the swim chamber pointing down. An 18′′, bi-colour LED ring light (model MOBIRL18) was placed horizontally above the swim flume to allow even light through the swim chamber. After completing the swim trials, the recordings were cut into 1 min sections for each of the fully completed flow speed increments at a frame rate of 120 frames/s (7200 frames measured/1 min video). The 1 min sections began when the individual was in the middle of the swim flume chamber (
Johansen et al. 2010;
Bartolini et al. 2015;
Halsey et al. 2018). We analyzed TBF and TBA at four-speed intervals (15, 20, 25, and 30 cm/s) by uploading the footage to the open source Fish Analyzer software (
https://github.com/marciosferreira/fish_analyzer). The first clear observation of the fish in the video was manually selected as a model for the fish shape, making it easy for the software to detect the fish in subsequent frames. The orientation of the fish (i.e., heading pointing to the left or right in the video frame) and their location in the swim chamber was selected before running the program, also to make the fish detection more accurate in the subsequent frames. The Fish Analyzer software made a background subtraction, based on an image of the experimental setup previously uploaded, and then used the OpenCV library (
OpenCV 2015, python based) to find and filter contours in the thresholded frames. After that, the software filters then detected contours by size and shape, making it possible to preview where the fish is in each frame and determine its midpoint, tail, and head position in the entire video. The software also allowed us to determine the exact point of the caudal peduncle, making the tail angle measurement more accurate. The software measured TBF (Hz) throughout the video, based on how many times the tip of the tail reached the extreme points up and down throughout the entire video. TBA was calculated as the average amplitude of all beating cycles. One method used to measure kinematic efficiency is to calculate the Strouhal number (a dimensionless metric related to oscillatory propulsion), calculated using the formula: Strouhal = (TBF * TBA)/U, where TBF = tail beat frequency, TBA = tail beat amplitude, and U = flow speed (
Taylor et al. 2003;
Nudds et al. 2014). A Strouhal number between 0.2 and 0.4 is generally considered optimal in fishes (
Triantafyllou et al. 1993;
Taylor et al. 2003) and also varies with swimming speed, generally decreasing with increasing swim speed (e.g.,
Lauder and Tytell 2005). Here, our goal was to measure if the Strouhal number changed in the presence of suspended sediment, which could indicate altered swimming efficiency.
2.3. Schooling behaviour
Schooling behaviour was recorded using schools of Redside Dace (
n = 6 fish/school) in an 850 L Loligo swim flume (Loligo® System, Viborg, Denmark;
www.loligosystems.com; 135 × 45 × 45 cm swimming compartment; model SW10300) across a range of flow speeds (20–60 cm/s) with or without suspended sediment present (see below). The flow was calibrated using a Höntzsch flow meter placed in the middle of the swimming compartment as described above. Fish schools were created by haphazardly selecting fish from a stock tank (
n = 23 schools, total
N = 144 fish). Food was withheld for 24 h prior to experimentation (
Nelson et al. 2003;
Killen et al. 2012). Some individuals were used twice due to the limited number of adult Redside Dace available, but each school was composed of a unique combination of individuals (∼1 month between trials). Schools were assigned to either a control filled with dechlorinated water (0 mg bentonite/L; 0.50 NTU (SD ± 0.18),
n = 12) or a sediment treatment (10 mg bentonite/L; 4.2 NTU (SD ± 0.32),
n = 11), (
Johansen and Jones 2013). This relatively low concentration of sediment (compared to the 20 and 100 mg/L concentrations used for the individual
Ucrit trials) was chosen as this was the limit for optical clarity within the large flume—at higher concentrations, fish could not be observed on camera when at the back or bottom of the swimming compartment. At the end of each schooling trial mass (5.65 ± 0.61 g, mean ± SD) and standard length (7.98 ± 0.52 cm, mean ± SD) of each fish was measured. The swim flume was rinsed and refilled after every schooling swim trial to clear leftover sediment.
The protocol for the schooling trials was similar to that used for individual fish. Schools were haphazardly selected and allowed to acclimate in the flume for 1 h at a flow rate of 10 cm/s prior to the experiment. The speed was then increased in increments of 5 cm/s every 5 min until 60 cm/s was reached, for a total trial duration of 110 min. Swimming was recorded using two GoPro cameras at right angles (1080p; Hero 3 and 4,
www.gopro.com), one which recorded the front of the flume and the other from the top view, allowing for a three dimensional analysis of schooling behaviour (
Stoltz and Neff 2006).
Videos of schooling behaviour from the swim flume were subsampled prior to analysis. We analyzed swimming behaviour at five speed intervals (20, 30, 40, 50, and 60 cm/s). Only the middle 3 min of each 5 min interval were analyzed to allow fish groups to stabilize at each swim speed. Within each of these 3 min swimming periods, we extracted one frame every 5 s to measure the position of each fish.
After subsampling, ImageJ was used to measure
x and
y coordinates at the snout and caudal peduncle of each fish in each frame, from both the top and side camera angles. Videos were synchronized using flashes of a laser pointer at the beginning of each trial, and coordinates were aligned in space using fixed reference points within the swim flume visible in both camera views (
Hazelton and Grossman 2009;
Kimbell and Morrell 2015). Polarization of each school was estimated by fitting a line through the snout and tail coordinates of each fish, calculating the angle of the fish relative to the long axis of the swim flume, and finally calculating the standard deviation of these six angles (i.e., a low standard deviation indicates a highly aligned group;
Nadler et al. 2018). To calculate nearest neighbour distance, average spacing among individuals, and the volume occupied by the school, the approximate center of each fish was first calculated as the midpoint between the measured snout and tail coordinates. Nearest neighbour distance was calculated as the mean distance between the midpoint of each fish and the closest adjacent member of the school. Mean spacing was calculated as the mean distance between the midpoints of all possible pairs of fish (15 measurements). Finally, volume of the school was calculated as the smallest ellipsoid that could be fit around all individual fish.
2.4. Statistical analyses
To determine if the sediment levels (control, low sediment, high sediment) affected critical swim speed of individual fish, we used a linear mixed effects (LME) model with treatment being included as a fixed factor, Fulton’s condition factor (K) as a covariate (to ensure differences in condition factor among individuals did not impact the findings), and trial as a random factor. The effect of sediment on the TBF, amplitude, and Strouhal number were evaluated by running separate LME models for each variable with treatment and flow as fixed factors, Fulton’s condition factor (K) as a covariate, the interaction term between treatment and flow, and trial as a random factor. If a covariate term was not significant (i.e., P > 0.05), it was excluded from the model, and the mixed model was rerun. Next, post hoc Tukey’s tests were run for mixed models with a significant result.
To understand how sediment potentially influences schooling behaviour, we examined the interactive effects of sediment and flow on cohesion and polarization independently. Because we measured cohesion using five metrics (mean nearest neighbour distance, standard deviation of nearest neighbour distance, mean spacing among individuals, standard deviation of mean spacing, and school volume, see above for details), we used a principal component analysis (PCA) to reduce these data to a single variable (package PCAtest, factoextra; Camargo 2022). The first principal component (PC1) of all cohesion variables explained 86.6% of the variation and all variables loaded strongly in the same direction; PC1 was therefore used as an overall composite measure of schooling cohesion in subsequent analyses (
Table 1). To understand how cohesion and polarization were affected by sediment and swimming speed, we then used linear mixed models that included treatment, and flow as fixed factors, school identity as a random factor, and mean fish body length of each group as a covariate (R packages; lme4, nlme). When significant differences were found (i.e.,
P < 0.05), we used a post hoc Tukey’s test using least square means (R packages; lsmeans, multicomp, multicompView). The raw data for this research will be available for download from the University of Windsor institutional depository, which is located at