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Paper Type: Article (341) | 25 Mar 2025 |
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- R. Gunabalan,
- P. Sanjeevikumar,
- Frede Blaabjerg,
- Patrick W. Wheeler,
- Olorunfemi Ojo, and
- Ahmet H. Ertas
This paper presents the characteristic behavior of direct vector control of two induction motors with sensorless speed feedback having the same rating parameters, paralleled combination, and supplied from a single current-controlled pulse-width-modulated voltage-source inverter drive. Natural observer design technique is known for its simple construction, which estimates the speed and rotor fluxes. Load torque is estimated by load torque adaptation and the average rotor flux was maintained constant by rotor flux feedback control. The technique’s convergence rate is very fast and is robust to noise and parameter uncertainty. The gain matrix is absent in the natural observer. The rotor speed is estimated from the load torque, stator current, and rotor flux. Under symmetrical load conditions, the difference in speed between two induction motors is reduced by considering the motor parameters as average and difference. Rotor flux is maintained constant by the rotor flux control scheme with feedback, and the estimation of rotor angle is carried out by the direct vector control technique. Both balanced and unbalanced load conditions are investigated for the proposed AC motor drive system. Experimental results presented in this paper show good agreement with the theoretical formulations. - OPEN ACCESSIn some species where males make no direct contribution to a female’s lifetime reproductive success, females choose mates based on the indirect benefits manifested in their offspring. One trait that may be subject to this sexual selection is immunocompetence (the ability to mount an immune response following exposure to pathogens); however, the results of previous work on its link to male attractiveness have been ambiguous. Herein we examine the life history consequences of mating with males with a history of failure or success in reproductive competitions in Drosophila melanogaster. By examining egg-to-adult survival, body weights, and bacterial loads of offspring reared in either the absence or presence of a bacterial pathogen, we were able to examine whether sire reproductive success was associated with their offsprings’ ability to respond to an immunological challenge and other life history traits. Our results are partially consistent with the predictions of the “immunocompetence handicap hypothesis”: competitively successful males (“studs”) sire male offspring that are better able to handle an immunological challenge than those sired by competitively unsuccessful males (“duds”). However, our assay also revealed the opposite pattern in female offspring, suggestive of the complicating presence of alleles with sexually antagonistic effects on the expression of this important life history trait.
- OPEN ACCESSWe examined the diet of Atlantic puffin (Fratercula arctica) chicks at three midcoast Maine, USA, colonies during the years 2005–2014 and found that the puffins at each island have a distinct diet that has changed in recent years. White hake (Urophycis tenuis) is by far the most frequently delivered prey at each island. Atlantic herring (Clupea harengus) is the second most frequently delivered food, but has declined in recent years on two islands. In contrast, butterfish (Poronotus triacanthus), haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus), and redfish (Sebastes spp.) have increased in the puffin diet on all islands. Chick condition declined significantly from 1993 to 2009. We demonstrate that puffin chicks with greater body weight experience a higher chance of postfledging survival as compared to chicks with lower body weight. The years 2012–2013 were a period of extreme sea surface warming, in which puffin hatching success and productivity sharply declined. This study provides new insight into changes in marine communities, examining changes in chick diet. We discuss our findings in relation to warming sea surface temperatures, recent climate-related decline in puffin productivity in the Gulf of Maine, and the impact of commercial fisheries on forage fish.
- OPEN ACCESSAn age-structured life-cycle model of steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss) for the Stillaguamish River in Puget Sound, Washington, USA, was employed to estimate the number of age-1 steelhead parr that could have produced the estimated adult return of 69 000 in 1895. We then divided the estimated parr numbers by the estimated area of steelhead rearing habitat in the Stillaguamish River basin in 1895 and under current conditions to estimate density of rearing steelhead then and now. Scaled to estimates of total wetted area of tributary and mainstem shallow shoreline habitat, our historic estimates averaged 0.39–0.49 parr·m−2, and ranged from 0.24 to 0.7 parr·m−2. These values are significantly greater than current densities in the Stillaguamish (mainstem average: 0.15 parr·m−2, tributaries: 0.07 parr·m−2), but well within the range of recent estimates of steelhead parr rearing densities in high-quality habitats. Our results indicate that modest improvement in the capacity of mainstem and tributary rearing habitat in Puget Sound rivers will yield large recovery benefits if realized in a large proportion of the area of river basins currently accessible to steelhead.
- OPEN ACCESSThe behavioural response of animals to predation risk commonly depends on the behaviour of potential predators. Here, we report an experiment investigating effects of predator model (a life-like wooden trout model) distance and movement on the behaviour of three-spined sticklebacks Gasterosteus aculeatus L. in a standardized experimental setting. When the predator model was immobile, the behaviour of the sticklebacks could, in general, not be clearly distinguished from a no-predator control treatment. When moving the predator 41 cm towards the stickleback, clear anti-predator behaviours were observed. However, behavioural expression depended on the distance to the predator. At the two farthest distances (approaching from 129 to 88 cm and from 170 to 129 cm), the sticklebacks approached the predator and spent little time freezing. At the two closest distances (approaching from 88 to 47 cm and from 47 to 6 cm), the sticklebacks increased the distance to the predator model and froze their movements. These results suggest that the closest-distance groups showed avoidance behaviour, whereas the farthest-distance groups instead appeared to start inspecting the potential predator. This provides evidence for conditional anti-predator behaviour and highlights the importance of considering distance to, and movement of predator models when interpreting data from standardized behavioural trials.
- OPEN ACCESSThis study examined the effects of a 12 week, treadmill-based, run sprint interval training (SIT) protocol compared with that of a moderate-intensity continuous training (MICT) protocol in healthy, inactive, overweight/obese women, on cardiovascular disease risk factors. After random assignment, the SIT group completed 4–10 × 30 s maximal sprints, with a 4 min active recovery between sprints, and the MICT group completed 30–60 min at moderate intensity (45–55% heart rate reserve (HRR)). The rate of perceived exertion (RPE) was recorded for each session, and perceived enjoyment was quantified every 3 weeks. Clinical and fitness testing were completed at baseline, 6 weeks, and 12 weeks. Twelve female participants (age: 34.1 ± 6.1; body mass index (BMI): 31.3 ± 6.8; VO2peak: 27.0 ± 6.2) completed the intervention. There were significant main effects for time for VO2peak (p = 0.001), body fat percentage (p = 0.001), and session RPE (p = 0.006). VO2peak improved 20.7% in the SIT group (n = 5) and 24.4% in the MICT group (n = 7). Body fat percentage reduced by 1.7% in the SIT group and 2.6% in the MICT group. Perceived enjoyment was similarly high between the groups despite higher session RPE in the SIT group (p = 0.441). SIT training on a motor-driven treadmill elicits similar improvements in oxygen utilization and body composition as moderate-intensity training in this population.
- OPEN ACCESSPersistence of absorbable sutures in fishes in waters below 10 °C affects surgical decisions including approach, closure strategy, and suture selection. We hypothesized that the rate of suture hydrolysis would vary directly with water temperature. Two absorbable monofilament 3-0 suture materials used in fish surgery, poliglecaprone (Monocryl™) and polyglyconate (Maxon™), were evaluated. The maximum tensile load (strength) was measured for suture loops (n = 6) maintained in filtered city water for 2, 4, 6, or 8 weeks at 4, 25, or 37 °C. For Maxon™ at 4 or 25 °C, tensile strength did not decrease over time. However, for Monocryl™ at 4 °C, 2-, 4-, and 8-week loops were stronger than baseline loops. At 25 °C, tensile strength of the suture material declined after 2 weeks. Also, at 37 °C, the optimal design temperature for both suture materials, the strength of Maxon™ decreased at 6 and 8 weeks. Two 4-week loops of Monocryl™ disintegrated when handled, and after 6 and 8 weeks, all were untestable. This study confirms that absorbable sutures lose strength more slowly at ambient temperatures lower than the optimal design temperature (e.g., human body temperature) and will likely be retained longer in fishes living in waters below 25 °C.
- Mathieu Guillemette,
- Catherine Potvin,
- Lauliano Martinez,
- Bonarge Pacheco,
- Dioniz Caño, and
- Ignacio Pérez
Natural forest management and conservation projects such as reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation, and enhancing forest carbon stocks (REDD+) face many challenges in the field. Implementation of these projects depends on such factors as clarity of information among stakeholders, legal security of territories, and local decision-making power. These challenges have been previously identified in the Upper Bayano watershed of eastern Panama, where a long history of land cover and land-use conflicts is present between three different human groups. With a long-term objective of natural forest conservation, this study aims to develop and test participatory approaches (participatory mapping and participatory 3D modelling) for the Upper Bayano watershed in an attempt to create a consensus among all stakeholders on current land cover and land-use conflicts to overcome challenges faced by projects as REDD+. We found that the third dimension allows a common understanding over the landscape, creates a common ground discussion, and leads towards a consensus, while the participatory approach brings discussion and positive effects among the stakeholders and the bridging institutions bring equity and transparency. Finally, we discuss implications of this knowledge generation and common agreement over the landscape for future forest management projects such as REDD+’s implementation. - OPEN ACCESSThe cardiovagal baroreflex is an important physiological reflex that is commonly taught in health-related university physiology courses. This reflex is responsible for the rapid maintenance of blood pressure through dynamic changes in heart rate (HR) and vascular resistance. The use of lower-body negative pressure (LBNP) and lower-body positive pressure (LBPP) can manipulate these stretch sensitive baroreceptors. High performance and relatively inexpensive homemade LBNP and LBPP chambers can be easily constructed providing a valuable tool for both research and teaching purposes. There has been previous documentation of how to build a LBNP chamber; however, the information available usually lacks appropriate construction details, and there is currently no literature on how to build a chamber that can accommodate both LBNP and LBPP. In addition, a recently developed novel LBNP/LBPP chamber positioned on a 360° tilt-table provided the unique utility of superimposing both LBNP/LBPP and body position as independent or combined stressors to alter central blood volume. The primary purposes of this manuscript are to (1) provide step-by-step instructions on how to build a tilt-table LBNP/LBPP chamber, and (2) demonstrate the effectiveness of a tilt-table LBNP/LBPP chamber to facilitate undergraduate and graduate learning in the laboratory by effectively demonstrating the cardiovagal baroreflex.
- OPEN ACCESSUnmanned aircraft systems (UASs) were tested for counting Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) redds as a more accurate, safer alternative to manned helicopter flights. Counting redds from the helicopter was less expensive and time consuming, but of the total redds counted at selected sites with a UAS, an average (± SD) of only 77% ± 14% was counted from the helicopter. A river-wide census of redds was not possible with a UAS because the study area was too large for the single field crew to survey. Simulation analyses were used to compare stratified random sampling (STRS) and sampling proportional to size (PPS) for estimating annual total redd counts from data collected with a UAS. The STRS estimates were more accurate and precise, whereas the PPS estimates, though biased, had 95% CIs that included the observed redd count more frequently. We strongly recommend that researchers conduct simulation analyses to evaluate alternative survey sampling methods if they are considering replacing census counts made from manned aircraft with counts estimated from data collected with a UAS. We conclude that UAS application reduces the risk inherent to manned aircraft flights, but the reduction in risk can come at the cost of estimates of population parameters that can sometimes be inaccurate and lack 95% CI coverage.
- OPEN ACCESSTotal Zn concentrations and Zn isotope ratios were measured, using multicollector inductively coupled plasma (ICP)-mass spectrometry (MS), in three species of aquatic insects collected from a stream in Peterborough, Ontario, Canada. Total Zn levels averaged 193 ± 88 μg/g dry weight (dw) in water striders (Heteroptera: Gerridae, Aquarius remigis) and were significantly higher than the concentrations measured in stonefly nymphs (Plecoptera: Perlidae, Acroneuria abnormis) and caddisfly larvae (Trichoptera: Limnephilidae, Pycnopsyche guttifer), i.e., 136 ± 34 μg/g dw and 125 ± 26 μg/g dw, respectively. Average delta values for 66Zn/64Zn in the water striders were approximately 0.7‰ lighter (−1.2‰ ± 1.0‰) and were significantly different than those measured for stoneflies (−0.45‰ ± 0.62‰) and caddisflies (−0.51‰ ± 0.54‰). Nitrogen isotope ratios were significantly different (P < 0.05) among the three species suggesting differences in trophic positioning. Similar to the Zn isotope ratios, δ 13C values for the water striders (−28.61‰ ± 0.98‰) were significantly different than those of the stoneflies and caddisflies, i.e., −30.75‰ ± 1.33‰ and −30.68‰ ± 1.01‰, respectively. The data suggest that the differences observed in Zn ratios relate to food source for these insects. Similar to their carbon sources, Zn in water striders appears to be primarily of terrestrial origin, and of aquatic origin for the other two species.
- OPEN ACCESSAcanthodians may represent a paraphyletic assemblage of stem chondrichthyans, stem osteichthyans, stem gnathostomes, or some combination of the three. One of the difficulties in determining the phylogenetic affinities of this group of mostly small, spiny fishes is that several subgroups of acanthodians are represented by relatively little information in the fossil record. It is becoming increasingly apparent that to understand the evolution of gnathostomes, we must understand more about acanthodians. This study uses micro-computed tomography to test hypotheses about acanthodian jaw function, and in doing so provides insight into the form, function, and ecological role of ischnacanthiform acanthodian jaws and teeth from an extraordinary Early Devonian fossil locality in the Northwest Territories of Canada. The results of this study suggest that ischnacanthiform acanthodians may have coexisted by trophic niche differentiation, employing specialized feeding strategies during the Silurian and Early Devonian.
- OPEN ACCESSThe accumulation of evidence that open access publishing can increase citation rates highlights one benefit of universal accessibility to scholarly works. However, studies investigating the effect of open access publishing on citations are typically conducted across a wide variety of journals and disciplines, introducing a number of potential issues and limiting their utility for specific disciplines. Here, I used three primary marine ecology journals with an open access option as a “microcosm” of scientific publishing to determine whether or not open access articles received more citations than non-open access articles during the same time frame, controlling for self-citations, article type, and journal impact factor. I also tested for the effects of time since publication and the number of authors. Citations were positively correlated with time since publication and differed across the three journals. In addition, open access articles received significantly more citations than non-open access articles. Self-citations increased with author number and were affected by a complex interaction between open access, journal, and time since publication. This study demonstrates that open access articles receive more citations in hybrid marine ecology journals, although the causal factors driving this trend are unknown.
- OPEN ACCESSHydrogen absorption by palladium (Pd) in Pd/MCM-41 was studied at 298.2 ± 0.1 K and between 0.5 and 1.0 atm. Mass percent Pd loadings of 0.81%, 1.10%, 1.16%, and 2.30% of total Pd/MCM-41 were used. Absorption was measured in gas-tight stainless steel cells equipped with computer-logged pressure transducers. The average maximum hydrogen absorption for all samples was 0.85 ± 0.18 H/Pd. An apparent trend of increasing hydrogen absorption as the mass percent loading of Pd increased was determined to be non-significant. Similar experiments using Pd black showed a lower absorption of 0.79 ± 0.09 H/Pd.
- Krishna K. Thakur,
- Crawford Revie,
- Henrik Stryhn,
- Shannon Scott Tibbetts,
- Jean Lavallée, and
- Raphaël Vanderstichel
Soft-shelled lobsters pose economic challenges to the lobster industry due to low meat yields and survivability during holding and transportation. Our objectives were to describe spatio-temporal patterns of soft-shelled lobsters in southwestern Nova Scotia, and identify environmental and lobster-related factors associated with shell quality. We analyzed data obtained from a broad-scale, intensive monitoring project and remotely sensed water temperatures. Mixed-effect logistic regression and linear regression methods analyzed more than 130 000 samples collected between 2004 and 2014. The annual overall prevalence of soft-shelled lobsters ranged from 9% to 38% and varied significantly among fishing areas. Shell quality was influenced by sex and size, and in the 2 months before the fishing season, lower water temperatures (4–6 weeks prior to sampling) were associated with reduced prevalence of soft-shells. High annual variability of soft-shell prevalence, that water temperature alone could not explain, suggests that adjusting fishing seasons, arbitrarily, in two fishing areas will not improve the overall shell quality of landed lobsters. Further research is needed to evaluate the effects of long-term temperature and ecosystem changes on lobster health in eastern Canada. - OPEN ACCESSWe examine the importance of the rock weathering feedback mechanism during the last deglacial period (∼16 000–4000 BCE) using an Earth system model of intermediate complexity (the University of Victoria Earth System Climate Model (UVic ESCM)) with four box-model parameterizations of terrestrial weathering. The deglacial climate change is driven by changes in orbital parameters, ice core reconstructions of atmospheric CO2 variability, and prescribed removal of continental ice sheets. Over the course of the 12 000 year simulation period, increases in weathering provide a mechanism that slowly removes CO2 from the atmosphere, in opposition to the observed atmospheric CO2 increase during this period. These processes transfer both carbon and alkalinity to the ocean, the combination of which results in as much as a 1000 Pg C increase in total ocean carbon, relative to a control simulation with constant weathering. However, the rapid expansion of northern hemisphere vegetation introduces a significant uncertainty among the weathering parameterizations. Further experiments to test the individual impacts of weathering dissolved inorganic carbon and alkalinity fluxes on ocean biogeochemistry suggest that the worldwide distribution of rock types and the ratio of carbonate to silicate weathering may be crucially important in obtaining an accurate estimate of changes in global weathering rates.
- OPEN ACCESSMicro-trenching is an innovative and discreet utility installation method that includes the creation of a narrow trench to lay cable or conduit in the ground. To investigate the functionality and durability of micro-trenching in cold regions, two micro-trenching technologies were employed and monitored over the course of two winters in a parking lot in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. During construction, productivity rate and generated waste material were studied. The installation’s physical integrity and optical performance were also evaluated during the monitoring period. Physical integrity was assessed by monitoring the conduit location using ground-penetrating radar (GPR), and an optical time-domain reflectometer (OTDR) test was conducted to determine attenuation in performance. Results indicated that the installation experienced undesirable upward and downward movements in sections with high traffic load, which may be prevented with a more effective reinstatement method. However, the fiber’s optical performance was not affected.
- OPEN ACCESSOceanic circulation patterns shape both the distribution of species and spatial patterns of intraspecific genetic variation by influencing passively dispersed marine invertebrates. In the northwest Atlantic, strong and consistent currents at the mouth of the Bay of Fundy are expected to restrict dispersal in this region, but the relationship between populations of high dispersal species along the surrounding coastal regions has been largely underrepresented in the phylogeographic literature. We analyzed phylogeographic patterns in two intertidal invertebrates with high dispersal abilities, Tritia obsoleta (Mollusca: Gastropoda) and Macoma petalum (Mollusca: Bivalvia), between Cape Cod and the Gulf of St. Lawrence using mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA). Hierarchical analysis of molecular variance revealed population structuring among regions defined by circulation patterns, highly divergent lineages within M. petalum, and strong concordant genetic subdivision in both species between the Bay of Fundy and Gulf of Maine. Our results suggest that the gyre at the mouth of the bay is influential in restricting alongshore dispersal, allowing genetic divergence between regions to arise through genetic drift. These findings are concordant with biogeographic and phylogeographic studies of other marine organisms, suggesting that the genetic isolation of widely distributed species may be a common feature of intertidal invertebrate communities in the Bay of Fundy.
- OPEN ACCESSAn ordinary differential equation describing the transverse profiles of U-shaped glacial valleys has two formal analogies, which we explore in detail, bridging these different areas of research. First, an analogy with point particle mechanics completes the description of the solutions. Second, an analogy with the Friedmann equation of relativistic cosmology shows that the analogue of a glacial valley profile is a universe with a future singularity of interest in theoretical models of cosmology. A Big Freeze singularity, which was not previously observed for positive curvature index, is also contained in the dynamics.
- OPEN ACCESSBody size is one of the most important characteristics of an organism, impacting a great variety of ecological characteristics. The influence of diet on body size has received considerable attention, with previous studies suggesting a greater tendency towards increased body size in herbivores than macro-carnivores. The earliest known herbivorous and macro-carnivorous synapsids provide an ideal case study for examining body size evolution in different dietary regimes. Sphenacomorpha contains two lineages: Edaphosauridae (some of the most abundant terrestrial herbivores in the late Carboniferous and early Permian), and Sphenacodontia (the largest and most abundant carnivores of that time). Phylogenetic comparative analyses are used to compare trait evolution in sphenacomorphs, including a Bayesian method for identifying branches along which phenotypic selection occurred. Two branches show rapid increases in body size in the late Carboniferous. The first occurred in Edaphosauridae, along the branch leading to the herbivorous members. The later shift towards larger size occurred in Sphenacodontia, producing a clade of large carnivores. It is possible that the rapid appearance of large herbivorous synapsids in the Carboniferous provided the selective pressure for carnivores to increase their size. Following these two shifts, rates of evolution in edaphosaurids slowed significantly, but the carnivorous sphenacodontians showed further increases.