Open access

A comparison of approaches to quantify carbon for ecosystem service assessments through time

Publication: FACETS
16 July 2024


Monitoring of global climate regulation ecosystem services is needed to inform national accounts, meet emission targets, and evaluate nature-based climate solutions. As carbon monitoring is context-dependent, the most useful methodological approach will depend on the spatial extent and resolution, temporal frequency, baseline, available data, funding, and dominant drivers of change, all of which will impact results and interpretation. Here, focusing on above and belowground carbon storage and sequestration, we review four groups of methods for estimating trends in carbon over time: (1) field-based measurements, (2) land cover maps with reference carbon values by land cover type, (3) statistical and machine learning models linking field measurements to remotely sensed data, and (4) mass balance models representing key carbon pools and flows between them. We discuss strengths, limitations, and best practices for each method to assist researchers in implementing an approach or critically evaluating whether an existing carbon dataset can be used for a different project. The best methods often account for spatial variability of carbon, ecosystem interconnections, and temporal stability of carbon stocks against future environmental changes. Effective carbon monitoring can help determine optimal conservation, restoration, and/or land management interventions with win-win outcomes for both conservation and nature-based climate solutions.


Carbon storage and sequestration contribute to climate regulation by storing carbon and removing carbon from the atmosphere, respectively (United Nations et al. 2021). The amount of carbon stored and sequestered in ecosystems worldwide is dynamic both in space and time (Harris et al. 2021). For example, Canadian forested ecosystems are changing from net carbon sinks to sources due to climate change and associated increases in forest disturbances (e.g., insect outbreaks, fires, drought stress; Fig. 1; Natural Resources Canada 2021). Despite these rapid changes, many ecosystem services are assessed at only one point in time. To support the need for information required by researchers and decision-makers to monitor changes in carbon, we review methods associated with different carbon monitoring approaches. Here, the term monitoring is used broadly to emphasize the importance of measuring and estimating carbon over time.
Fig. 1.
Fig. 1. Total greenhouse gas (GHG) net emissions and net removals across Canada's managed forests from 1990–2019, in million tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent (Mt CO2e), while accounting for both natural disturbances and forest management activities. Data from Natural Resources Canada (2021, 2022) and Environment and Climate Change Canada (2021). For estimating GHG emissions and removals, Canada uses the carbon budget model of the Canadian Forest Sector, CBM-CFS3 (Kurz et al. 2009; Stinson et al. 2011), which is an inventory-based model (e.g., mass balance approach).
The System of Environmental Economic Accounting Ecosystem Accounting (SEEA EA) framework provides guidance on measuring ecosystem services (United Nations et al. 2021). SEEA EA recognizes both carbon storage (e.g., retention of carbon stocks) and sequestration (e.g., net uptake by ecosystems in long-lived carbon stocks) as components of the global climate regulation services (United Nations et al. 2021). SEEA EA seeks to align with and complement the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) guidelines and the monitoring framework of the Kunming–Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework. Hence, the SEEA EA framework suggests quantifying carbon sequestration using a metric of net ecosystem carbon balance (e.g., carbon gains from gross primary productivity minus plant and soil respiration minus carbon losses from land use change, disturbance, harvest, etc.) (United Nations et al. 2022). The IPCC guidelines include two methods for monitoring carbon sequestration over time. The stock-difference method relies on first estimating carbon stocks at multiple time steps and taking their difference, whereas the gain-loss method subtracts carbon losses (e.g., due to disturbances, harvest) from carbon gains (e.g., due to growth) for each time step (IPCC 2006).
IPCC guidelines focus on managed land, whereas the SEEA EA framework includes both unmanaged and managed ecosystems (United Nations et al. 2021). The SEEA EA framework also calls for monitoring carbon across key ecosystem types. This can be challenging because many scientific fields and ecosystems can have unique monitoring techniques to capture relevant processes, drivers, and pressures specific to each system. For example, carbon models can include relevant processes to account for abrupt permafrost thaw in peatlands (Hugelius et al. 2020; Turetsky et al. 2020) or include a different set of processes to simulate soil organic carbon change under multiple combinations of land use and management scenarios in agricultural soils (Smith et al. 2000; VandenBygaart et al. 2008). Approaches are similar across systems but may require modifications to account for relevant processes and drivers specific to each ecosystem.
The variety of guidelines and methods can not only hinder comparisons of results and interoperability across studies but can also create challenges in selecting the most appropriate monitoring approach to employ or the proper existing dataset to consider for a particular research question or decision. Specifically, we focus on four carbon monitoring approaches (Fig. 2 and Table 1): (1) field-based approaches: field measurements, (2) stratify and multiply approaches: LULC maps with reference carbon storage values for each LULC type, (3) direct remote sensing approaches: statistical and machine learning models linking remote sensing and field data, and (4) mass balance approaches: models accounting for key carbon pools and flows between them. These approaches generally align with the SEEA EA modeling techniques for ecosystem accounting (as summarized in Table 3 of the United Nations 2022). For global climate regulation services, SEEA EA also seeks to align with the IPCC guidelines, which organize methods into three tiers, each increasing in complexity (IPCC 2006, 2019). For example, typically, Tiers 1 and 2 follow stratify and multiply approaches with default IPCC values for Tier 1 and country-specific stock change and reference carbon stock values for Tier 2 (IPCC 2006, 2019). Tier 3 methods often rely on either field-based approaches (e.g., repeated national forest inventories) or mass balance approaches tailored to national circumstances (IPCC 2019). Direct remote sensing approaches are often only used for verification; however, Hunka et al. (2023) suggested ways to improve alignment with the IPCC guidelines.
Fig. 2.
Fig. 2. Synthesis of carbon estimation approaches capable of monitoring carbon over time. Stratify and multiply (II), direct remote sensing (III), and mass balance approaches (IV) are all capable of extrapolating field measurements (I) to monitor carbon across larger regions, longer time periods, and hard-to-measure carbon pools. Data requirements and capacity to model at finer spatial resolutions and to include additional processes and drivers of change increase when moving from left to right. RS, remote sensing; LULC, land use land cover.
Table 1.
Table 1. Comparison of approaches to monitor carbon storage and sequestration.
ApproachStrengthsLimitationsBest practices
I. Field-based approach takes representative field measurements across a study area
Rely on measurements directly observed in the field; direct observations can have higher accuracy and lower uncertainty
Sampling is limited in space and time, and may require extrapolation to larger study area extents and/or time periods
Requires high financial resources and time investments
Employ a good study design (e.g., consider statistical power, replication of sites, sampling frequency, and sampling intensity) and select an appropriate sampling method
Conduct rigorous statistical analyses of the data
Careful consideration is needed when extrapolating beyond the study's boundaries
II. Stratify and multiply approach multiplies land use and land cover (LULC) maps with reference carbon stocks by LULC type
Easy to acquire the necessary data
Low financial costs for implementation
Typically, it does not account for variability within land cover classes (e.g., due to successional changes over time, climate, soil type, degradation, species composition, and management)
Difficult to account for global change drivers other than land cover change, the effects of time lags, site history, and novel or mixed ecosystem types
Use detailed land cover class maps that account for species-specific forest types, forest stand-age, permanent crop type, climate, soils, and management
Use locally derived reference carbon stocks and stock change factors instead of default values from the IPCC wherever possible
III. Direct remote sensing approach links remote sensing data with field measurements using statistical and machine learning models
Account for the spatial heterogeneity of carbon within land cover classes
Account for the spatial heterogeneity in areas where the land use or cover is uncertain (e.g., mixed ecosystems, ecosystems in transition, novel ecosystems)
Capable of estimating fine-scale carbon stock changes (e.g., due to degradation or afforestation)
Maps are not easily updated each year and hence are often only available for snapshots in time
Models calibrated using sparse or clustered field sampling data may have low accuracy in areas outside of where the model was calibrated, and if field sampling data do not capture the spatial variability of carbon across key environmental gradients
When relying on optical imagery or radar, saturation can occur where models under-predict biomass in areas of high biomass
Validate and calibrate with local site-specific field surveys
Develop automated algorithms that are easily updated each year
Use spatial cross-validation for variable selection and for accuracy assessments (e.g., select folds that are spatially distant to match the level of distance between field sampling locations and prediction locations)
Determine the area of applicability and only predict in these areas (e.g., exclude areas outside of the range of the observed environmental variable space for which field measurements were collected or use a method that also accounts for gaps within the environmental variable space)
Integrate multi-sensor data (e.g., optical, radar, and LiDAR) to improve accuracy
IV. Mass balance approach models key carbon pools and flows between them
Assess carbon stock changes across multiple pools through time
Account for many drivers of change, including urbanization, harvest, wildfires, and droughts
Data for all input variables may not be available
Often computationally intensive
Require user expertise
Outputs are not always spatially explicit, but rather spatially referenced to coarser scale reporting areas, which can limit uses that require fine-scale spatially explicit carbon estimates
Models will be most accurate if locally calibrated (e.g., use local site-specific field surveys for input data to improve model accuracy)
Integrate remote sensing data for accurate disturbance detection (e.g., harvest, wildfires, LULC change)
Conduct sensitivity analyses
Assess uncertainty
Verify the estimates against independent data
Here, we discuss the strengths, limitations, and best practices for each of the four approaches: field-based; stratify and multiply; direct remote sensing; and mass balance approaches (Table 1). We focus on example applications of each approach using Canadian ecosystems, which are important for global carbon storage and sequestration and will likely see significant changes in the future (Natural Resources Canada 2021). The selected examples cover a range of key ecosystems (e.g., forests, agricultural systems, wetlands, peatlands, and near-shore coastal systems), indicating how carbon could be assessed across ecosystems. We also stress how the selection of an approach and modeling framework depends on a research question. We end by proposing a decision tree for selecting an approach for monitoring soil organic carbon in agricultural systems.

Carbon monitoring approaches for ecosystem service assessments

I. Field-based approaches

Field-based approaches are designed to take representative in-situ measurements of carbon in the field for a given study area (Table 1). Different field survey techniques are used to estimate carbon stocks in key pools (e.g., soils, aboveground and belowground vegetation) and fluxes between pools (e.g., soil respiration). Field-based monitoring requires a study design that considers appropriate levels of replication and statistical power for trend detection (Larsen et al. 2001; Lindenmayer and Likens 2010). Uncertainty in carbon estimates can be assessed through subsequent statistical analysis of the field data.
Direct field observations can have lower uncertainty compared to other approaches, although accuracy will depend on sampling intensity, especially in areas with high spatial variability of carbon (Eigenbrod et al. 2010). Therefore, it is important to consider whether a trend can be detected based on the sampling design that was carried out (Larsen et al. 2001). If the number of field survey samples is not large enough to accurately reflect the value of the population (e.g., actual carbon value across a study area) due to time or cost limitations in collecting data, then field surveys can be coupled with remotely sensed data for more comprehensive spatially continuous carbon estimates across larger areas and longer time periods; see Sections II, III, and IV (Houghton et al. 2001; Goetz et al. 2009). Of course, all methods would require enough field survey samples to capture carbon variability across key environmental gradients.
Below we focus on field measurements needed to assess (1) carbon stocks within key pools (e.g., soils and aboveground and belowground vegetation) and (2) carbon fluxes between pools (e.g., soil CO2 efflux and net ecosystem CO2 exchange).

Assessment of carbon stocks

Soil carbon
When sampling soil carbon stocks, it is important to consider the following: (1) sampling a large enough volume of soil to achieve a representative sample, (2) collecting careful measurements of bulk density that avoid soil compaction, and (3) sampling to a depth where mineral soil contains relatively small amounts of organic matter (Burton and Pregitzer 2008). Guidelines can vary; for example, SEEA EA recommends only including soil organic carbon up to 2 m below the surface, even in peatlands (United Nations et al. 2021). Short-term and long-term soil experiments and repeated soil surveys can be employed to monitor changes in soil organic carbon storage over time (Richter et al. 2007).
Additional considerations are needed to measure soil carbon in coastal systems (e.g., blue carbon: carbon stored in kelp forests, mangroves, tidal marshes, and seagrass meadows; Macreadie et al. 2021). For example, field studies measuring sediment organic carbon storage in eelgrass meadows have found high variability in carbon stocks between sites due to many factors, including water depth, salinity, mud content (Röhr et al. 2018), light, nutrient availability (Postlethwaite et al. 2018), and relative water motion (Prentice et al. 2019). Local field measurements are especially important in these coastal systems, due to the high spatial heterogeneity of carbon stocks among sites. Furthermore, understanding the drivers behind the spatial variability of carbon stocks and fluxes in seagrasses locally, nationally, and globally could improve model predictions of potential greenhouse gas benefits from restoration interventions (Macreadie et al. 2021).
Carbon accumulation rates (e.g., carbon burial rates) can be estimated by dividing the mass of carbon within a soil profile by age. There are many methods for dating a soil profile, including short-lived radioisotopes, radiocarbon, and other soil layer attributes (Wilkinson et al. 2018; Young et al. 2019). For example, older agricultural soil layers have a different color compared to newly accumulated sediment following marsh restoration (Wollenberg et al. 2018).
Carbon accumulation rates of younger near-surface soils should not be compared to accumulation rates of older, deeper soils (Wilkinson et al. 2018; Young et al. 2019). For example, the carbon accumulation rates of recently formed near-surface peat are not directly comparable to accumulation rates derived from older, deeper peat (Young et al. 2019). Compared to deeper peat, near-surface peat has not undergone the same level of decomposition (Young et al. 2019). Wilkinson et al. (2018) urged similar caution in coastal ecosystems, where carbon in recently deposited sediments has undergone less degradation compared to more permanent and deeper carbon stocks.
Aboveground and belowground vegetation biomass and carbon
Aboveground forest biomass can be measured through forest inventories (e.g., Canada's National Forest Inventory (NFI) 2008). Species-specific diameter at breast height (DBH) is typically measured in field inventory plots, and then biomass is estimated using species-specific allometric equations to scale DBH measurements to biomass (Jenkins et al. 2003; Ziter et al. 2013). To account for aboveground shrub and understory biomass, multiple methods exist, including line-intercept transects, point-intercept transects, visual cover within plots, and diameter measurements at the root collar within plots (Burton and Pregitzer 2008).
Belowground biomass is often measured by collecting root biomass samples using large-diameter cores or soil pits. Sampling a large volume of soil is important to obtain a representative sample of roots (Burton and Pregitzer 2008). Larger root biomass, which can be missed when using small cores, can be estimated using species-specific allometric equations (Burton and Pregitzer 2008). If only aboveground biomass measurements are available, then below-ground biomass can be estimated using the ratio of belowground to aboveground biomass (root-to-shoot ratios: e.g., available from the IPCC 2019, Table 4.4, or from synthesis studies: Cairns et al. 1997; Mokany et al. 2006).
Typically, general values from the literature are used to convert biomass to carbon (Martin et al. 2018). For example, Mitchell et al. (2021) assumed that aboveground biomass was 48% carbon. Yet, carbon content can vary by species and tissue; therefore, species-specific conversion factors should be used when available (Martin et al. 2018).
In coastal systems, biomass can be measured in a similar way through inventories, for example, by measuring kelp bed area and biomass (Sutherland et al. 2008).

Assessment of carbon fluxes

Soil CO2 efflux
CO2 emissions can be measured directly in the field using dynamic closed gas exchange systems to estimate soil respiration (e.g., O'Neill et al. 2003; Ryan and Law 2005). Field sampling designs should account for the high spatial and temporal (e.g., seasonal, daily, and diel) variability of soil respiration due to heterogeneity of root and microbial activity as well as covariation with environmental factors, such as soil water content and temperature (Davidson et al. 1998; Tang and Baldocchi 2005). Soil respiration includes both autotrophic (e.g., root) and heterotrophic (e.g., microbial) respiration; to determine the contribution of each component, techniques include measuring CO2 efflux for each component separately, comparing locations with and without roots, and using isotopic methods (Hanson et al. 2000). Soil respiration can change following disturbances (e.g., wildfires: O'Neill et al. 2003) and under global warming (Richter et al. 2007). For example, in coastal systems, emissions may increase under continuing climate change (Macreadie et al. 2021).
Net ecosystem CO2 exchange
Net ecosystem CO2 exchange between terrestrial vegetation and the atmosphere can be estimated using eddy covariance (EC) flux towers. EC flux towers produce continuous estimates of net ecosystem CO2 exchange with high temporal resolution, showing daily and seasonal patterns (Baldocchi 2008). As EC flux towers are sparse in space, flux estimates are most useful for testing and improving the representation of processes in carbon-cycle models (Baldocchi 2008).

II. Stratify and multiply approach

The stratify and multiply approach relies on first stratifying the study area into multiple land cover or ecosystem types (Goetz et al. 2009; Table 1). A representative reference carbon stock value is assigned to each cover type. To estimate total carbon stocks, the area of each cover type is multiplied by the associated reference carbon stock value (Goetz et al. 2009). If reference values are only available for ecosystems, then the reference value can be multiplied by stock change factors, which are factors reflecting carbon changes due to land use (e.g., Bai et al. 2020) or management (e.g., VandenBygaart et al. 2004, 2008; IPCC 2006).
Carbon sequestration can be estimated in two ways, either by differencing two carbon storage maps built using LULC information from two time periods (stock-difference method, e.g., Sharp et al. 2020) or by using a gain-loss method to account for carbon losses through emission factors and carbon gains through removal factors (e.g., Harris et al. 2021).
It is relatively easy to obtain the required data for the stratify and multiply approach with low financial costs; however, this approach usually relies on simple land cover maps and therefore does not often account for carbon stored in different ecosystem cover types due to species composition, management, intact vs. degraded forests, successional differences (e.g., stand age), elevation, site history (e.g., legacy effects), and climatic zone (Sharp et al. 2020). This limitation can be overcome by using more detailed land cover maps that include additional classes (GFOI 2016; Sharp et al. 2020). The stratify and multiply approach also rarely accounts for global change drivers other than land cover change, the effect of time lags, and novel or mixed ecosystem types.
The largest sources of uncertainty for the stratify and multiply approach come from (1) land cover misclassification errors and (2) variability in reference carbon values. For example, when differencing two carbon storage maps built using this approach, the expected carbon stock changes may not be greater than the errors introduced from misclassifications in the LULC maps over time (Goetz et al. 2009). Also, there may be large spatial variability of carbon stocks within each land cover type; however, variability is typically reduced when using local site-specific field measurements to derive reference carbon stocks and stock change factors instead of default values from the IPCC (2006). Uncertainty in the carbon estimates can be calculated by combining uncertainties in the inputs (e.g., LULC data, reference carbon stocks, stock change factors) using error propagation (IPCC 2006). A Monte–Carlo analysis can also be used to assess uncertainty in carbon estimates when data are available to account for variability in each input value (e.g., VandenBygaart et al. 2004).
Many ecosystem service modeling platforms rely on the stratify and multiply approach, including the Integrated Valuation of Ecosystem Services and Tradeoffs, InVEST (Sharp et al. 2020), and the ARtificial Intelligence for Ecosystem Services, ARIES (Martínez-López et al. 2019). See supplementary material for examples of the stratify and multiply approach for monitoring carbon across ecosystems (Bai et al. 2020) and in agricultural (VandenBygaart et al. 2004, 2008), wetland (Ducks Unlimited Canada 2015; Euliss et al. 2006), and coastal systems (Filbee-Dexter and Wernberg 2020).

III. Direct remote sensing approach

The direct remote sensing approach relies on the integration of remotely sensed observations with field measurements of carbon, linked through a statistical or machine learning algorithm (Table 1). For example, field-based measurements are used to calibrate (e.g., train) a model that relates the field measurements of biomass or soil carbon to environmental conditions captured by remotely sensed imagery. Once these relationships have been determined, the model can then be used to predict biomass or soil carbon in areas with remotely sensed imagery, but without field observations. The direct remote sensing approach is useful to obtain fine-scale (e.g., 30 m, 250 m) spatially continuous carbon stock maps through time. Using a stock-difference method, these carbon storage maps can be differenced to obtain carbon sequestration (e.g., Xu et al. 2021). Unlike the stratify and multiply approach, statistical models can explicitly account for uncertainty in carbon estimates (e.g., through prediction intervals).
Compared to the stratify and multiply approach, the direct remote sensing approach can capture the spatial heterogeneity of carbon within land cover classes and in ecosystems that are novel, mixed, or in transition, which can reduce uncertainty (Goetz et al. 2009). The Direct Remote Sensing Approach can also estimate pixel level and fine-scale carbon stock changes (e.g., due to degradation or afforestation, Goetz et al. 2009), whereas the stratify and multiply approach typically only captures carbon changes due to land cover change (United Nations et al. 2022). Using local site-specific field measurements for calibration and validation will improve accuracy and lower uncertainty (Sothe et al. 2022).
A key limitation of this approach occurs when models are calibrated using sparse or clustered field sampling data that do not capture the spatial variability of carbon across key environmental gradients (Ploton et al. 2020; Ludwig et al. 2023). In these cases, if random subsets are selected when performing cross-validation (e.g., nonspatial cross-validation), then overfitting may occur, and prediction accuracy may be overly optimistic because spatial autocorrelation is ignored (e.g., neighboring sampling plots are not independent and yet are included in the withheld testing subsets; Ploton et al. 2020). Alternatively, spatial cross-validation can reduce overfitting and lead to more reliable accuracy assessments by selecting folds in a way where folds are spatially distant at a level that reflects the distance between field sampling locations and prediction locations across the whole study area (Schwantes et al. 2016; Ludwig et al. 2023). Also, predictions should be limited to areas that are well represented by the field data's environmental variable space. For example, an area of applicability can be determined by only predicting within the range of the observed environmental variable space of the field data or by using a method that also accounts for gaps within the environmental variable space of the field data (e.g., Ludwig et al. 2023).
In comparison to optical sensors, active sensors such as light detection and ranging (LiDAR) and synthetic aperture radar (SAR) are more sensitive to vegetation structure and biomass. LiDAR emits laser pulses typically in the near-infrared range to estimate vegetation structure and height with high accuracy; however, due to cost constraints, wall-to-wall coverage across large areas is often not possible, and as such, LiDAR data are most useful for extending field data (Hyde et al. 2007; Goetz and Dubayah 2011). For example, data from space-based LiDAR can systematically detect forest structure across a broader range of forest types to fill in gaps created by sparse or clustered field data (Goetz and Dubayah 2011). LiDAR can also accurately detect changes in elevation; for example, multi-temporal LiDAR estimates of elevation change following a wildfire show promising results in capturing soil carbon loss, as demonstrated for a peatland in the United States (Reddy et al. 2015). Another active sensor, SAR, transmits short microwave pulses to measure vegetation structure even in cloudy conditions and is often available across broader regions compared to LiDAR (Flores-Anderson et al. 2019).
Each sensor has its own strengths and limitations, and as such, integration of multi-sensor data (e.g., optical, SAR, LiDAR) often improves accuracy (Hyde et al. 2007; De Sy et al. 2012). When relying on optical imagery or SAR, saturation can occur where models under-predict biomass in areas of high biomass (Gibbs et al. 2007). Also, maps derived using the direct remote sensing approach are often only available for snapshots in time (e.g., Hengl et al. 2017; Spawn et al. 2020; Sothe et al. 2022). However, advances in analysis-ready data, cloud computing, and automated algorithms have led to this approach being increasingly implemented over time (e.g., annual biomass maps from 1984 to 2016: Matasci et al. 2018). See supplementary materials for examples of the direct remote sensing approach for monitoring carbon across ecosystems (Hengl et al. 2017; Spawn et al. 2020; Sothe et al. 2022) and in agricultural systems (Sanderman et al. 2017; Gholizadeh et al. 2018), peatlands (Reddy et al. 2015), and forests (Beaudoin et al. 2018; Matasci et al. 2018).

IV. Mass balance approach

The Mass Balance Approach relies on models that account for all key carbon pools and flows between them over time (GFOI 2016; Table 1). These models can account for carbon flows due to natural processes (e.g., growth, decay) and anthropogenic drivers of change (e.g., urbanization, climate change, management, LULC change, harvest, wildfire). These models often require user expertise, can be computationally intensive, and are not always spatially explicit, which can limit their use when fine-scale spatially explicit carbon estimates are required. For example, output carbon estimates can either be spatially explicit where values are known at exact locations (e.g., pixels, stands) or spatially referenced where values are unknown at exact locations but rather aggregated to coarser scale analysis units (e.g., ecoregions, administrative regions) (GFOI 2016). Mass balance (e.g., bookkeeping, conservation of mass) models can be (1) empirical (e.g., inventory-based), (2) process-based, or (3) hybrid models incorporating empirical and process-based components (GFOI 2016). Process-based carbon models can more accurately project changes in carbon under novel conditions, but they have high data requirements for calibration, are computationally intensive, and can be overly general (Sleeter et al. 2022). In contrast, inventory-based models (e.g., empirical models) usually rely on field measurements to derive carbon flux rates across pools over time (Stinson et al. 2011; Sleeter et al. 2022). As such, inventory-based models are less computationally intensive and can generate spatially explicit fine-scale estimates of carbon (Shaw et al. 2021; Sleeter et al. 2022).
For all model types, using local site-specific field measurements for model calibration and validation will reduce uncertainty. Furthermore, recent studies have also improved on the integration of remote sensing and forest carbon modeling (Zhou et al. 2021). For example, the generic carbon budget model (GCBM) and the land use and carbon simulator (LUCAS) use spatially explicit input data, including time series of forest disturbances derived from remote sensing, for more accurate accounts of the effects of disturbance (e.g., wildfire, harvest) and LULC change on carbon (e.g., Bona et al. 2020; Shaw et al. 2021; Zhou et al. 2021; Sleeter et al. 2022). Multiple types of uncertainty can be accounted for, including overall uncertainty in the carbon estimates due to uncertainties in the input parameters, using a Monte–Carlo approach (e.g., Hirsch et al. 2004).
Different models may include different drivers. For example, to assess changes in boreal peatland carbon stocks in Canada, modeling approaches include (1) the Canadian model for peatlands, which accounts for wildfire disturbances but not permafrost thaw (Bona et al. 2020), (2) dynamic global ecosystem models that incorporate permafrost dynamics (Chaudhary et al. 2017), and (3) inventory-based models (Hugelius et al. 2020) that can also account for abrupt permafrost thaw (Turetsky et al. 2020). Also, most modeling studies focus on one ecosystem (e.g., forests, peatlands); however, modeling across ecosystems can account for flows between ecosystems and avoid double counting (Daniel et al. 2018; Sleeter et al. 2019). See supplementary materials for examples of the mass balance approach for monitoring carbon across ecosystems (Daniel et al. 2018; Sleeter et al. 2019), and in agricultural systems (Smith et al. 2000), peatlands (Chaudhary et al. 2017; Bona et al. 2020; Hugelius et al. 2020; Turetsky et al. 2020) and forests (Fig. 1; Kurz et al. 2009; Stinson et al. 2011; Shaw et al. 2021).

A comparison of approaches

In the previous sections, we have discussed the strengths, limitations, and best practices of each approach (Table 1). Furthermore, we show how the approaches relate to one another (Fig. 2). Models are often needed to estimate carbon for pools that are hard to measure in the field and to extrapolate carbon estimates across time and space (GFOI 2016). For accurate extrapolation, stratify and multiply, direct remote sensing, and mass balance approaches all require data for calibration and validation from field measurements (field-based approach). Moving from left to right, the approaches increase in capacity to include additional processes, finer spatial resolutions, and drivers of change, which consequently increase data requirements and user expertise (Fig. 2). These methods are not entirely independent; instead, interoperability between methods is common. For example, input parameters for the mass balance approach (e.g., biomass, disturbance products) may be derived using direct remote sensing or field-based approaches. In the next section, we discuss how a given research question’s goals help guide the selection of an approach. Lastly, we suggest that all approaches consider the temporal stability of carbon stocks against future disturbances and seek to increase interoperability.

Selecting a monitoring approach

A researcher's goals for carbon monitoring will shape the selection of an approach, metric, and level of assessment. Figure 3 synthesizes key questions relevant for selecting and employing the most useful approach towards monitoring carbon for a given question or decision. Table S1 in the supplementary material provides example studies for each monitoring question in Fig. 3. Field-based sampling may be sufficient if a researcher or decision-maker does not require spatially continuous carbon estimates over large regions. However, if time or cost constraints limit field data collection, then linking field-based measurements with remote sensing or land cover data can expand carbon monitoring across larger regions and longer time periods. Methods often focus on one ecosystem; however, methods accounting for the flow of carbon across ecosystems will avoid double counting. It is also important to select an approach that captures all relevant drivers for a study area and time period. For example, LULC might be the dominant driver of change at short time scales; however, climate change may become a relevant driver at longer time scales.
Fig. 3.
Fig. 3. Synthesis of questions to be considered when selecting a monitoring approach that best matches the goals of a project. Considering these key questions could guide the selection of the most useful approach, which will depend on a research question or policy/management decision. See supplementary material (Table S1) for example studies for each question regarding spatial level, carbon pool, carbon component, ecosystem, driver of change, and type of approach.
To demonstrate the process of selecting a monitoring approach, we consider the goal of monitoring soil organic carbon storage in an agriculture system. We synthesize the questions a researcher or decision-maker might face in selecting a monitoring approach using a decision tree (Fig. 4). Decisions for each question depend on many factors, including dominant drivers of change, spatial extent, time period, data availability, and user expertise. Field surveys and soil experiments can be designed to capture all relevant drivers of change; however, some approaches for scaling up to a landscape/region are not well-suited to account for all relevant drivers. For example, a monitoring method designed to capture changes in carbon related to land use change will not capture changes in carbon related to management or climate change. Therefore, it is important to assess which drivers of change are most relevant for a given study area and time period, because a driver can be context- and scale-dependent. For example, in urban and peri-urban areas at short time scales, LULC may be the dominant driver. The next decision will depend on the availability of data. If a researcher only has a few field measurements for each land cover type, then a stratify and multiply approach could be selected (e.g., Sharp et al. 2020). However, when more field measurements are available within and across cover types and replicated across key environmental gradients, then a direct remote sensing approach could be selected (e.g., Hengl et al. 2017; Sanderman et al. 2017). For direct remote sensing approaches (see Section III), accuracy should be assessed using spatial cross-validation, and prediction should only occur in areas within the range of the observed environmental variable space of the field measurements used to calibrate the model. If agricultural management is identified as a key driver, then the monitoring approach could be adapted to capture carbon changes related to management (e.g., VandenBygaart et al. 2004, 2008). At longer time scales, climate change may become a relevant driver, which may require a process-based model through a mass balance approach (e.g., CENTURY, Smith et al. 2000) as well as validation and calibration data from long-term soil-warming experiments to better account for the complexity of how soil carbon will respond to climate change (Richter et al. 2007).
Fig. 4.
Fig. 4. Example of a decision tree for selecting an approach to monitoring soil carbon in agricultural systems.

Monitoring carbon storage stability

No matter the selected approach, all studies should consider the stability, longevity, and resilience of the ecosystem storing carbon (Keith et al. 2021). Carbon storage resilience could be maintained through a combination of (1) rapid recovery of carbon to pre-disturbance levels and (2) resistance of carbon stocks against future disturbances. Recovery following a disturbance will depend on many factors (e.g., disturbance type, severity, and frequency; ecosystem type; species composition; species life-history traits; local climate; and soil properties; Bartels et al. 2016). For example, grassland carbon stocks following drought took only a few years to recover to a pre-disturbance state (Fu et al. 2017), boreal forest carbon stocks following wildfire took ≥100 years to recover (Palviainen et al. 2020), whereas disturbance of peatland carbon stocks would take centuries to recover, and as such are often considered irrecoverable at timescales needed to avoid climate impacts (Harris et al. 2022).
An area of active research concerns whether the management and conservation of resilient and diverse ecosystems could aid in maintaining stable rates of carbon stock increases and stable carbon stocks resilient to disturbances. Forests with greater tree species richness tend to have both higher productivity (Liang et al. 2016; Mori et al. 2021) and stability of productivity over time (Jucker et al. 2014). For example, the temporal stability of aboveground wood production was greater in mixed-species forests relative to monocultures (Jucker et al. 2014). Furthermore, Osuri et al. (2020) found that the temporal stability of a vegetation index was greater in species-rich natural forests compared to monodominant plantations, especially during drought years. Ecosystems with greater diversity often have higher resilience to disturbances, including insects (Jactel and Brockerhoff 2007) and drought (Anderegg et al. 2018). Therefore, accounting for biodiversity in addition to carbon storage and sequestration will support the resilience of carbon stocks and stock increases even in the face of increased disturbances under continuing climate change. The Essential Biodiversity Variables (EBVs) developed by the Group on Earth Observations Biodiversity Observation Network (GEO BON) could provide valuable information on the state of biodiversity (Navarro et al. 2017), including species or functional richness, which could be a useful predictor for forest resilience (Messier et al. 2019; Aquilué et al. 2020), and in turn, forest carbon storage and sequestration stability.


After selecting and applying an approach, researchers should follow the Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable (FAIR) guiding principles (Wilkinson et al. 2016) to ensure transparency, reproducibility, and reusability of carbon monitoring products (e.g., data, models, tools, and algorithms). Hence, interoperability can be improved by facilitating information exchange through a high-level synthesis of the strengths, limitations, and best practices of four key carbon monitoring methods. Our synthesis could help researchers and decision-makers understand the key metadata and methods behind open-source carbon datasets and the appropriate conditions for the re-use of open-source models and algorithms. However, this is only a first step; enhancing interoperability would require many additional initiatives, including fostering a culture of data sharing, data transparency, reproducibility, and collaborations for sharing technology, protocols, and expertise (Vargas et al. 2017; Powers and Hampton 2019).


We need better assessments and measurements of global climate regulation services to prioritize the selection of optimal nature-based climate solutions, accurately account for carbon dynamics in national accounting and greenhouse gas emission inventories, and ensure governments are meeting emission reduction targets. Not all carbon monitoring approaches are equivalent, and not every study follows best practices. Scientists and decision-makers need to be aware of how carbon monitoring approaches differ, the assumptions taken, and the strengths, limitations, and best practices of each approach, all of which will allow for the critical evaluation of whether a given method or existing dataset will meet a project's goals. As climate change continues, we need accurate monitoring of carbon that will ensure emission reduction targets are met. For example, some projects may require accounting for (1) fine-scale heterogeneity of carbon within land cover classes (e.g., forest degradation), (2) other disturbances besides land cover change, (3) the stability of carbon stocks against future disturbances, (4) differences in carbon stocks between natural and production forests, (5) flow of carbon across ecosystems to avoid double counting, and (6) legacy effects from historical land uses. Accounting for these factors will be easier with field-based, direct remote sensing, and mass balance approaches, which may lead to the optimal prioritization of nature-based climate solutions with larger and longer lasting climate mitigation potential.


We acknowledge the support of the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) for ResNet ( (funding reference number NSERC NETGP 523374-18) and Cette recherche a été financée par le Conseil de recherches en sciences naturelles et en génie du Canada (CRSNG; numéro de référence NSERC NETGP 523374-18). M-JF acknowledges support from the NSERC of Canada Discovery Grant (#5134) and the NSERC Canada Research Chair (CRC). AG acknowledges support from the Liber Ero Chair in Biodiversity Conservation and the NSERC Discovery program. We thank Elena Bennett, Klara Winkler, and Peter Morrison for their valuable feedback in writing this review. We also thank participants at our ResNet Theme 3 carbon storage/sequestration workshop held on 20 April 2021. Our review builds upon many of the ideas discussed during this workshop.


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Supplementary material

Supplementary Material 1 (DOCX / 49.3 KB).

Information & Authors


Published In

cover image FACETS
Volume 92024
Pages: 1 - 13
Editor: Jeremy Kerr


Received: 1 April 2023
Accepted: 12 February 2024
Version of record online: 16 July 2024

Data Availability Statement

This article is a review and only contains data that is already publicly available.

Key Words

  1. ecological monitoring
  2. nature's contributions to people
  3. remote sensing
  4. mass balance models
  5. soil organic carbon
  6. carbon sequestration



Plain Language Summary

A review of approaches to assess the amount of carbon stored in ecosystems over time



Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON M5S 3B2, Canada
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, Writing – original draft, and Writing – review & editing.
Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON M5S 3B2, Canada
Department of Biology, McGill University, Montreal, QC H3A 1B1, Canada
Apex Resource Management Solutions, Ottawa, ON K2A 3K2, Canada
Author Contributions: Conceptualization and Writing – review & editing.
Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON M5S 3B2, Canada
Author Contributions: Conceptualization and Writing – review & editing.
Department of Biology, McGill University, Montreal, QC H3A 1B1, Canada
Quebec Centre for Biodiversity Science, McGill University, Montreal, QC H3A 1B1, Canada
Group on Earth Observations Biodiversity Observation Network
Author Contributions: Conceptualization and Writing – review & editing.
Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON M5S 3B2, Canada
Author Contributions: Conceptualization and Writing – review & editing.

Author Contributions

Conceptualization: AMS, CRF, PSR, AG, M-JF
Writing – original draft: AMS
Writing – review & editing: AMS, CRF, PSR, AG, M-JF

Competing Interests

The authors have no conflicts of interest.

Funding Information

Liber Ero Chair in Biodiversity Conservation
NSERC Canada Research Chair (CRC) in spatial ecology

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