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Paper Type: Review (45) | 31 Mar 2025 |
Subject Areas: Zoology (44) | 31 Mar 2025 |
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- OPEN ACCESSWith increasing input of neurotoxic mercury to environments as a result of anthropogenic activity, it has become imperative to examine how mercury may enter biotic systems through its methylation to bioavailable forms in aquatic environments. Recent development of stable isotope-based methods in methylation studies has enabled a better understanding of the factors controlling methylation in aquatic systems. In addition, the identification and tracking of the hgcAB gene cluster, which is necessary for methylation, has broadened the range of known methylators and methylation-conducive environments. Study of abiotic factors in methylation with new molecular methods (the use of stable isotopes and genomic methods) has helped elucidate the confounding influences of many environmental factors, as these methods enable the examination of their direct effects instead of merely correlative observations. Such developments will be helpful in the finer characterization of mercury biogeochemical cycles, which will enable better predictions of the potential effects of climate change on mercury methylation in aquatic systems and, by extension, the threat this may pose to biota.
- OPEN ACCESSA Bt soybean has been recently developed, thus, efficiently regulating the populations of major lepidopteran pests. However, in other cases, these benefits have been reduced or lost because of the rapid evolution of pest resistance to the Bt toxins in transgenic crops. When pest populations are exposed to Bt crops and to refuges (non-Bt plants), the evolution of resistance is governed by the fitness of resistant individuals relative to susceptible individuals for both the presence and absence of Bt toxins. One major ecological concern regarding the biosafety of Bt crops on the environment is their potential effects on non-target organisms, especially predators and parasitoids that play an important role in pest control. This information is important for supporting insect resistance management (IRM) programs and for improving agricultural practices in a crop production system with Bt plants. Before the use of Bt plants for insect pest control in Brazil is adopted, IRM programs should be established to ensure the sustainability of this technology for integrated pest management (IPM). This review presents data on Bt soybean and lepidopteran pests as well as on the importance of natural enemies as a form of biological control, and applications for IPM and IRM.
- OPEN ACCESSElectronic cigarettes (ECs) are devices that are used recreationally or as smoking cessation tools, and have become increasingly popular in recent years. We conducted a review of the available literature to determine the health effects caused by the use of these devices. A heating element in the EC aerosolizes a solution of propylene glycol, glycerol, nicotine (optional), and flavouring (optional). These compounds are generally harmless on their own. However, upon heating, they produce various carcinogens and irritants. We found that concentrations of these toxicants vary significantly depending on the type of EC device, the type of EC liquid, and the smoking behaviour of the user. Exposure to these vapours can cause inflammation and oxidative damage to in vitro and in vivo cells. EC aerosol can also potentially affect organ systems and especially cardiovascular and lung function. We concluded that EC use causes acute effects on health but not as severe as those of conventional cigarettes (CCs). These devices could, therefore, be of use for smokers of CCs wishing to quit. However, as EC aerosol introduces new toxicants not found in CCs, long-term studies are needed to investigate possible chronic effects associated with EC use.
- OPEN ACCESSThe need to better understand how plasticity and evolution affect organismal responses to environmental variability is paramount in the face of global climate change. The potential for using RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) to study complex responses by non-model organisms to the environment is evident in a rapidly growing body of literature. This is particularly true of fishes for which research has been motivated by their ecological importance, socioeconomic value, and increased use as model species for medical and genetic research. Here, we review studies that have used RNA-seq to study transcriptomic responses to continuous abiotic variables to which fishes have likely evolved a response and that are predicted to be affected by climate change (e.g., salinity, temperature, dissolved oxygen concentration, and pH). Field and laboratory experiments demonstrate the potential for individuals to respond plastically to short- and long-term environmental stress and reveal molecular mechanisms underlying developmental and transgenerational plasticity, as well as adaptation to different environmental regimes. We discuss experimental, analytical, and conceptual issues that have arisen from this work and suggest avenues for future study.
Integrating wood fuels into agriculture and food security agendas and research in sub-Saharan Africa
In sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), food security can be influenced by many factors including farmer productivity, access to soil amendments, labor availability, and family incomes (just to name a few). In this paper, we suggest that an additional issue contributes to food insecurity and has been historically absent from the discussion, namely access to cooking energy, particularly for very low income, food insecure individuals. This paper examines the most recent literature that describes the central role played by wood fuels, in particular firewood and charcoal, as a vital, though controversial, source of fuel used by the vast majority of rural and urban sub-Saharan Africans. We explore the reality that although the health risks of collecting and using firewood and charcoal in traditional manners are real, policy makers, researchers, and donors need to address the sustainability and viability of the current fuel types used by the majority of people. We end the paper with a series of practical suggestions for improving the wood fuel systems as they currently exist in the region. - OPEN ACCESS
- Julia J. Mlynarek,
- Chandra E. Moffat,
- Sara Edwards,
- Anthony L. Einfeldt,
- Allyson Heustis,
- Rob Johns,
- Mallory MacDonnell,
- Deepa S. Pureswaran,
- Dan T. Quiring,
- Zoryana Shibel, and
- Stephen B. Heard
Many populations are thought to be regulated, in part, by their natural enemies. If so, disruption of this regulation should allow rapid population growth. Such “enemy escape” may occur in a variety of circumstances, including invasion, natural range expansion, range edges, suppression of enemy populations, host shifting, phenological changes, and defensive innovation. Periods of relaxed enemy pressure also occur in, and may drive, population oscillations and outbreaks. We draw attention to similarities among circumstances of enemy escape and build a general conceptual framework for the phenomenon. Although these circumstances share common mechanisms and depend on common assumptions, enemy escape can involve dynamics operating on very different temporal and spatial scales. In particular, the duration of enemy escape is rarely considered but will likely vary among circumstances. Enemy escape can have important evolutionary consequences including increasing competitive ability, spurring diversification, or triggering enemy counteradaptation. These evolutionary consequences have been considered for plant–herbivore interactions and invasions but largely neglected for other circumstances of enemy escape. We aim to unite the fragmented literature, which we argue has impeded progress in building a broader understanding of the eco-evolutionary dynamics of enemy escape. - OPEN ACCESSRecently, the use of small-bodied fish in environmental monitoring has increased, particularly within the Canadian environmental effects monitoring (EEM) and other adaptive programs. Although it is possible to measure changes with many small-bodied species, interpretation is often complicated by the absence of information on the biology and ecology of fish not of commercial, recreational, or traditional interest. Knowing and understanding the basic biology of these fishes aids in the sensitivity of study designs (i.e., ability to detect change) and the interpretation of all biological levels of responses (e.g., cellular to community). The increased use of slimy sculpin (Cottus cognatus Richardson, 1836) in impact assessment studies in North America provides a considerable amount of information on life history aspects. The slimy sculpin has the most ubiquitous North American distribution among cottids but yet has a very small home range, thus integrating environmental conditions of localized areas. This paper describes aspects of slimy sculpin life cycle that affect collection efficiency and timing, and describes and provides data collected over more than 10 years of studies at more than 20 reference study sites. This overview provides a functional and informative compilation to support adaptive environmental monitoring and provide a baseline for comparative ecological study.
- Lori E.A. Bradford,
- Tim Vogel,
- Karl-Erich Lindenschmidt,
- Kerry McPhedran,
- Graham E.H. Strickert,
- Terrence A. Fonstad, and
- Lalita A. Bharadwaj
There is movement in engineering fields and in Indigenous communities for enhancement of local participation in the design of community infrastructure. Inclusion of community priorities and unique cultural, spiritual, and traditional values harmonize the appearance, location, and functionality of developments with the social and cultural context in which they are built and contribute to holistic wellness. However, co-design processes that align community values and the technical needs of water facilities are difficult to find. A scoping review was conducted to explore the state of knowledge on co-design of water infrastructure in Indigenous Canada to build a knowledge base from which practices and processes could emerge. The scoping results revealed that articles and reports emerged only in recent years, contained case studies and meta-reviews with primary (qualitative) data, and involved community members in various capacities. Overall, 13 articles were reviewed that contributed to understanding co-design for water infrastructure in Indigenous Canada. Barriers to co-design included funding models for Indigenous community infrastructure, difficulties in engineers and designers understanding Indigenous worldviews and paradigms, and a lack of cooperation among stakeholders that contribute to ongoing design failures. A working definition of co-design for Indigenous water infrastructure is presented. - OPEN ACCESSMercury (Hg) is a global pollutant emitted primarily as gaseous Hg0 that is deposited in aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems following its oxidation to HgII. From that point, microbes play a key role in determining Hg’s fate in the environment by participating in sequestration, oxidation, reduction, and methylation reactions. A wide diversity of chemotrophic and phototrophic microbes occupying oxic and anoxic habitats are known to participate directly in Hg cycling. Over the last few years, new findings have come to light that have greatly improved our mechanistic understanding of microbe-mediated Hg cycling pathways in the environment. In this review, we summarize recent advances in microbially mediated Hg cycling and take the opportunity to compare the relatively well-studied chemotrophic pathways to poorly understood phototrophic pathways. We present how the use of genomic and analytical tools can be used to understand Hg transformations and the physiological context of recently discovered cometabolic Hg transformations supported in anaerobes and phototrophs. Finally, we propose a conceptual framework that emphasizes the role that phototrophs play in environmental Hg redox cycling and the importance of better characterizing such pathways in the face of the environmental changes currently underway.
- Palmira Granados Moreno,
- Sarah E. Ali-Khan,
- Benjamin Capps,
- Timothy Caulfield,
- Damien Chalaud,
- Aled Edwards,
- E. Richard Gold,
- Vasiliki Rahimzadeh,
- Adrian Thorogood,
- Daniel Auld,
- Gabrielle Bertier,
- Felix Breden,
- Roxanne Caron,
- Priscilla M.D.G. César,
- Robert Cook-Deegan,
- Megan Doerr,
- Ross Duncan,
- Amalia M. Issa,
- Jerome Reichman,
- Jacques Simard,
- Derek So,
- Sandeep Vanamala, and
- Yann Joly
Open science can significantly influence the development and translational process of precision medicine in Canada. Precision medicine presents a unique opportunity to improve disease prevention and healthcare, as well as to reduce health-related expenditures. However, the development of precision medicine also brings about economic challenges, such as costly development, high failure rates, and reduced market size in comparison with the traditional blockbuster drug development model. Open science, characterized by principles of open data sharing, fast dissemination of knowledge, cumulative research, and cooperation, presents a unique opportunity to address these economic challenges while also promoting the public good.The Centre of Genomics and Policy at McGill University organized a stakeholders’ workshop in Montreal in March 2018. The workshop entitled “Could Open be the Yellow Brick Road to Precision Medicine?” provided a forum for stakeholders to share experiences and identify common objectives, challenges, and needs to be addressed to promote open science initiatives in precision medicine. The rich presentations and exchanges that took place during the meeting resulted in this consensus paper containing key considerations for open science precision medicine in Canada. Stakeholders would benefit from addressing these considerations as to promote a more coherent and dynamic open science ecosystem for precision medicine. - OPEN ACCESS
- Jennifer F. Provencher,
- Stephanie B. Borrelle,
- Alexander L. Bond,
- Jennifer L. Lavers,
- Jan A. van Franeker,
- Susanne Kühn,
- Sjúrður Hammer,
- Stephanie Avery-Gomm, and
- Mark L. Mallory
Marine plastic pollution is an environmental contaminant of significant concern. There is a lack of consistency in sample collection and processing that continues to impede meta-analyses and large-scale comparisons across time and space. This is true for most taxa, including seabirds, which are the most studied megafauna group with regards to plastic ingestion research. Consequently, it is difficult to evaluate the impacts and extent of plastic contamination in seabirds fully and accurately, and to make inferences about species for which we have little or no data. We provide a synthesized set of recommendations specific for seabirds and plastic ingestion studies that include best practices in relation to sample collection, processing, and reporting, as well as highlighting some “cross-cutting” methods. We include guidance for how carcasses, regurgitations, and pellets should be handled and treated to prevent cross-contamination, and a discussion of what size class of microplastics can be assessed in each sample type. Although we focus on marine bird samples, we also include standardized techniques to remove sediment and biological material that are generalizable to other taxa. Lastly, metrics and data presentation of ingested plastics are briefly reviewed in the context of seabird studies. - OPEN ACCESSRanaviruses are an emerging group of pathogens capable of infecting all cold-blooded vertebrates. In Europe, ranaviruses pose a particularly potent threat to wild amphibian populations. Since the 1980s research on amphibian-infecting ranaviruses in Europe has been growing. The wide distribution of amphibian populations in Europe, the ease with which many are monitored, and the tractable nature of counterpart ex situ experimental systems have provided researchers with a unique opportunity to study many aspects of host–ranavirus interactions in the wild. These characteristics of European amphibian populations will also enable researchers to lead the way as the field of host–ranavirus interactions progresses. In this review, we provide a summary of the current key knowledge regarding amphibian infecting ranaviruses throughout Europe. We then outline important areas of further research and suggest practical ways each could be pursued. We address the study of potential interactions between the amphibian microbiome and ranaviruses, how pollution may exacerbate ranaviral disease either as direct stressors of amphibians or indirect modification of the amphibian microbiome. Finally, we discuss the need for continued surveillance of ranaviral emergence in the face of climate change.
- Grace E.P. Murphy,
- Jillian C. Dunic,
- Emily M. Adamczyk,
- Sarah J. Bittick,
- Isabelle M. Côté,
- John Cristiani,
- Emilie A. Geissinger,
- Robert S. Gregory,
- Heike K. Lotze,
- Mary I. O’Connor,
- Carlos A.S. Araújo,
- Emily M. Rubidge,
- Nadine D. Templeman, and
- Melisa C. Wong
Seagrass meadows are among the most productive and diverse marine ecosystems, providing essential structure, functions, and services. They are also among the most impacted by human activities and in urgent need of better management and protection. In Canada, eelgrass (Zostera marina) meadows are found along the Atlantic, Pacific, and Arctic coasts, and thus occur across a wide range of biogeographic conditions. Here, we synthesize knowledge of eelgrass ecosystems across Canada’s coasts, highlighting commonalities and differences in environmental conditions, plant, habitat, and community structure, as well as current trends and human impacts. Across regions, eelgrass life history, phenology, and general species assemblages are similar. However, distinct regional differences occur in environmental conditions, particularly with water temperature and nutrient availability. There is considerable variation in the types and strengths of human activities among regions. The impacts of coastal development are prevalent in all regions, while other impacts are of concern for specific regions, e.g., nutrient loading in the Atlantic and impacts from the logging industry in the Pacific. In addition, climate change represents a growing threat to eelgrass meadows. We review current management and conservation efforts and discuss the implications of observed differences from coast to coast to coast. - OPEN ACCESS
- Jeremy R. Brammer,
- Allyson K. Menzies,
- Laurence S. Carter,
- Xavier Giroux-Bougard,
- Manuelle Landry-Cuerrier,
- Melanie-Louise Leblanc,
- Mikhaela N. Neelin,
- Emily K. Studd, and
- Murray M. Humphries
Traditional food systems based on harvest from the local environment are fundamental to the well-being of many communities, but their security is challenged by rapid socio-ecological change. We synthesized literature and data describing how a fundamental form of biodiversity, animal body size, contributes to the security of traditional food systems through relationships with species availability, accessibility, adequacy, and use. We found larger vertebrate species were more available, accessible, and used on a per kilogram basis, particularly for mammals. Conversely, larger species were no more or less adequate from a combined nutritional, health, and cultural perspective. Larger species represented more biomass, and this biomass required less time to harvest, with greater but more variable mean caloric returns over time. Smaller species provided more consistent caloric returns and were harvested during documented shortages of prey. This reliance on species with a range of body sizes is consistent with optimal foraging theory and the evolutionary value of flexibility, and highlights the importance of a biodiverse pool of species for traditional food security in times of change. Our synthesis of published literature and data highlights the many socio-ecological correlates of species size and how these relate to the security of traditional food systems. - OPEN ACCESS
- Jannie F. Linnebjerg,
- Julia E. Baak,
- Tom Barry,
- Maria V. Gavrilo,
- Mark L. Mallory,
- Flemming R. Merkel,
- Courtney Price,
- Jakob Strand,
- Tony R. Walker, and
- Jennifer F. Provencher
Marine plastic is a ubiquitous environmental problem that can have an impact on a variety of marine biota, such as seabirds, making it an important concern for scientists and policy makers. Although research on plastic ingestion by seabirds is increasing, few studies have examined policies and long-term monitoring programs to reduce marine plastic in the Arctic. This paper provides a review of international, national, and regional policies and long-term monitoring programs that address marine plastic in relation to seabirds in the Arctic countries: Canada, the Kingdom of Denmark (Greenland and the Faroe Islands), Finland, Iceland, Norway, the Russian Federation, Sweden, and the United States of America. Results show that a broad range of international, national, regional and local policies address marine debris, specifically through waste management and the prevention of pollution from ships. However, few policies directly address seabirds and other marine biota. Further, policies are implemented inconsistently across regions, making it difficult to enforce and monitor the efficacy of these policies given the long-range transport of plastic pollution globally. To reduce marine plastic pollution in the Arctic environment, pan-Arctic and international collaboration is needed to implement standardized policies and long-term monitoring programs for marine plastic in the Arctic and worldwide. - OPEN ACCESS
The value of paleolimnology in reconstructing and managing ecosystem vulnerability: a systematic map
Vulnerability can measure an ecosystem’s susceptibility to change as a result of pressure or disturbance, but can be difficult to quantify. Reconstructions of past climate using paleolimnological methods can create a baseline to calibrate future projections of vulnerability, which can improve ecosystem management and conservation plans. Here, we conduct a systematic map to analyze the range and extent that paleolimnological published studies incorporated the concept of vulnerability. Additional themes of monitoring, management, conservation, restoration, or ecological integrity were also included. A total of 52 relevant unique articles were found, a majority of which were conducted in Europe or North America since 2011. Common themes identified included management and adaptation, with the latter heavily focussed on climate change or disturbance. From this, we can infer that the use of paleolimnology to discuss the concept of vulnerability is an emerging field. We argue that paleolimnology plays a valid role in the reconstruction of ecosystem vulnerability due to its capacity to broaden the scope of long-term monitoring, as well as its potential to help establish management and restoration plans. The use of paleolimnology in vulnerability analysis will provide a clearer lens of changes over time; therefore, it should be frequently implemented as a tool for vulnerability assessment. - OPEN ACCESSFederal and provincial governments of Canada recently signed onto a Pan-Canadian Approach to Transforming Species at Risk Conservation. The approach is based on collaboration among jurisdictions and stakeholders to enhance multiple species and ecosystem-based conservation in selected biodiversity hot spots. In this review paper, we focus on one of the biodiversity hot spots—the South of the Divide area in the province of Saskatchewan—to propose appropriate mechanisms to incentivize stewardship on agricultural Crown lands. Through a focused review and synthesis of empirical studies, we propose a range of policy instruments and incentives that can help deliver multi-species at risk conservation on Crown agricultural lands in Saskatchewan. We outline a range of policy instruments and incentives that are relevant to conservation on Crown agricultural lands and argue that a portfolio of options will have the greatest social acceptability. More germane is the need to foster collaboration between the government of Saskatchewan, other provincial/territorial governments, and the federal government, nongovernmental organizations, and land managers. Such collaboration is critical for enhanced decision-making and institutional change that reflects the urgent call for creating awareness of species at risk policies, building trust, and leveraging the local knowledge of land managers for conservation.
- OPEN ACCESSA central contention of this paper is that conservation strategies are failing because they have become increasingly integrated into, and share the assumptions of, the structures of capitalism. As a result, conservation is becoming a strategic specialty within capitalism, rather than an ethical challenge to its basic assumptions. The paper examines this integration by analysing the way Hardin’s argument in the “tragedy of the commons” metaphor was taken up by policy makers in Canada’s East Coast fishery and a case is made that, as seen in the case of the fishery, this strategic integration limited the analytical capability of conservation to highlight the causes of environmental degradation. The critical literature on Hardin’s model points to the failure to recognize the importance of social relations and local institutional arrangements in combatting environmental failure. This paper contributes to the importance of “the social” in conservation debates by emphasizing Polanyi’s contrasting definitions of formal and substantive economics and the way they relate to contrasting conceptions of tragedy, as set out by Hardin (formal tragedy from above) and Goldmann’s conception of a historically specific tragedy that can be described as substantive tragedy from below. The analytical failure associated with Hardin’s metaphor can serve as a cautionary tale for current strategic and specific conservation strategies that tend to downplay the importance of ethical and social issues.
- Kate Sherren,
- Kirsten Ellis,
- Julia A. Guimond,
- Barret Kurylyk,
- Nicole LeRoux,
- Jeremy Lundholm,
- Mark L. Mallory,
- Danika van Proosdij,
- Allison K. Walker,
- Tony M. Bowron,
- John Brazner,
- Lisa Kellman,
- B. L. Turner II, and
- Emily Wells
We review what is known about ecosystem service (ES) delivery from agricultural dykelands and tidal wetlands around the dynamic Bay of Fundy in the face of climate change and sea-level rise, at the outset of the national NSERC ResNet project. Agricultural dykelands are areas of drained tidal wetland that have been converted to agricultural lands and protected using dykes and aboiteaux (one-way drains or sluices), first introduced by early French settlers (Acadians). Today, Nova Scotia’s 242 km system of dykes protect 17,364 ha of increasingly diverse land uses—including residential, industrial, and commercial uses as well as significant tourism, recreational, and cultural amenities—and is undergoing system modernization and adaptation. Different ES are provided by drained and undrained landscapes such as agriculture from dykelands and regulating services from wetlands, but more complex dynamics exist when beneficiaries are differentiated. This review reveals many knowledge gaps about ES delivery and dynamics, including around net greenhouse gas implications, storm protection, water quality, fish stocks, pollination processes, sense of place, and aesthetics, some of which may reveal shared ES or synergies instead of trade-offs. We emphasize the need to be open to adapting ES concepts and categorizations to fully understand Indigenous implications of these land use decisions. - OPEN ACCESSNegative biodiversity trends are evident in Canada, in spite of its ecological and economic wealth and high governance capacity. We examined the current implementation of Canada’s national biodiversity strategy—the planning instrument to the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity—through its existing legal framework. We did this by evaluating biodiversity-related strategies and plans and 201 federal, provincial, and territorial laws. We found that while most jurisdictions claim dedicated attention to biodiversity, there is little evidence of an integrated approach within provinces and territories and across the federation. Biodiversity conservation led by governments underscores the need for considerations of species and ecosystem services to be mainstreamed into economic and development decision-making. Key challenges to this include Canada’s unusual degree of decentralized constitutionally ascribed authority over natural assets and its historical and continued economic emphasis on extraction of natural resources—a conflict of interest for jurisdictions. Transitioning to scale-appropriate planning and integrated decision-making that can address the pressures and causes of biodiversity conservation in Canada will require transformative change. Law reform, while necessary, will not succeed unless accompanied by a whole-of-government approach, a shift to a bio-centric mindset, innovative governance (particularly Indigenous-led conservation), and federal leadership with strong levels of financial investment.