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- Epidemiology
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- Adamovicz, Laura1
- Allan, Brian F1
- Allender, Matthew C1
- Berhane, Yohannes1
- Berry, Isha1
- Bodner, Korryn1
- Brown, Michael G C1
- Brunner, Jesse L1
- Chickering, Michael1
- Duffus, Amanda L J1
- Elliot, Kyle1
- Espie, Richard H M1
- Gagnon, Graham1
- Giacinti, Jolene1
- Gilchrist, Grant1
- Gray, Matthew J1
- Greiner, Ariel1
- Hansen, Lisbeth Truelstrup1
- Hargan, Kathryn1
- Hayes, Emalie1
- Huang, Yannan1
- Jamieson, Rob1
- Jarvis-Cross, Madeline1
- Johnston, Lindsay1
- Jones, Megan1
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- Krishna K. Thakur,
- Crawford Revie,
- Henrik Stryhn,
- Shannon Scott Tibbetts,
- Jean Lavallée, and
- Raphaël Vanderstichel
Soft-shelled lobsters pose economic challenges to the lobster industry due to low meat yields and survivability during holding and transportation. Our objectives were to describe spatio-temporal patterns of soft-shelled lobsters in southwestern Nova Scotia, and identify environmental and lobster-related factors associated with shell quality. We analyzed data obtained from a broad-scale, intensive monitoring project and remotely sensed water temperatures. Mixed-effect logistic regression and linear regression methods analyzed more than 130 000 samples collected between 2004 and 2014. The annual overall prevalence of soft-shelled lobsters ranged from 9% to 38% and varied significantly among fishing areas. Shell quality was influenced by sex and size, and in the 2 months before the fishing season, lower water temperatures (4–6 weeks prior to sampling) were associated with reduced prevalence of soft-shells. High annual variability of soft-shell prevalence, that water temperature alone could not explain, suggests that adjusting fishing seasons, arbitrarily, in two fishing areas will not improve the overall shell quality of landed lobsters. Further research is needed to evaluate the effects of long-term temperature and ecosystem changes on lobster health in eastern Canada. - OPEN ACCESSMercury (Hg) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are global pollutants known for their toxicity to wildlife. Because of their trophic position, common loons (Gavia immer (Brünnich 1764)) are excellent indicators of environmental quality. In 2014 and 2015, tissue samples of ten adult common loons (plus one recapture) were obtained in Meadow Lake Provincial Park, Saskatchewan, and assessed for Hg and PAH exposure. Blood and feather levels of these contaminants are indicative of exposure during breeding and in wintering areas, respectively. Compared with an international Hg database, blood Hg levels were low (<1 μg/g). In most loons (90.5%, 10 out of 11), blood PAH concentrations were also low (<10 ng/g), but high (120 ng/g) for one individual (9.5% 1 out of 11). Feather PAH concentrations were high (95.9 ng/g and 250.6 ng/g) in two of the four loons (50%) caught in 2015. These data indicate that loons breeding in Meadow Lake Provincial Park were exposed to low levels of Hg; however, some individuals are being exposed to PAHs in both their breeding and wintering locations. The effect of these environmental pollutants on individual loon fitness is unclear, but because of their extreme toxicity in biological systems we suggest that future monitoring in the surrounding region is warranted.
- OPEN ACCESSRanaviruses are emerging pathogens of poikilothermic vertebrates. In 2015 the Global Ranavirus Reporting System (GRRS) was established as a centralized, open access, online database for reports of the presence (and absence) of ranavirus around the globe. The GRRS has multiple data layers (e.g., location, date, host(s) species, and methods of detection) of use to those studying the epidemiology, ecology, and evolution of this group of viruses. Here we summarize the temporal, spatial, diagnostic, and host-taxonomic patterns of ranavirus reports in the GRRS. The number, distribution, and host diversity of ranavirus reports have increased dramatically since the mid 1990s, presumably in response to increased interest in ranaviruses and the conservation of their hosts, and also the availability of molecular diagnostics. Yet there are clear geographic and taxonomic biases among the reports. We encourage ranavirus researchers to add their studies to the portal because such collation can provide collaborative opportunities and unique insights to our developing knowledge of this pathogen and the emerging infectious disease that it causes.
- Nicole A. Lopez Vargas,
- Laura Adamovicz,
- Brittany Willeford,
- Brian F. Allan, and
- Matthew C. Allender
Ranaviruses are worldwide pathogens of ectothermic vertebrates that can threaten herptile conservation efforts. Identifying transmission routes is critical for understanding disease ecology and promoting species conservation. Frog virus 3 (FV3) DNA was detected in mosquitoes during a ranavirus outbreak in semicaptive box turtles, but the role that insect vectors play under natural conditions is unknown. To address this knowledge gap, we collected mosquito species known to take blood meals from reptiles and amphibians (Aedes canadensis, Culex erraticus, Culex territans, and Uranotaenia sapphirina) from mid-May to early August, 2014, at four study sites in Vermilion County, Illinois, two of which had historic or ongoing FV3 outbreaks in box turtles and amphibians. Mosquitoes were batched by date and species, DNA was extracted, and quantitative polymerase chain reaction was performed for detection of FV3. FV3 was not detected despite one of the sites having an active FV3 outbreak during the study period. Our findings indicate that FV3 detection is uncommon in mosquitoes during outbreak and nonoutbreak conditions at these sites in Illinois. Thus, we cannot establish that mosquitoes contribute to transmission during natural mortality events without performing further studies. - OPEN ACCESS
- Martin Krkošek,
- Madeline Jarvis-Cross,
- Kiran Wadhawan,
- Isha Berry,
- Jean-Paul R. Soucy,
- Korryn Bodner,
- Ariel Greiner,
- Leila Krichel,
- Stephanie Penk,
- Dylan Shea,
- Juan S. Vargas Soto,
- Ed W. Tekwa,
- Nicole Mideo, and
- Péter K. Molnár
This study empirically quantifies dynamics of SARS-CoV-2 establishment and early spread in Canada. We developed a transmission model that was simulation tested and fitted in a Bayesian framework to timeseries of new cases per day prior to physical distancing interventions. A hierarchical version was fitted to all provinces simultaneously to obtain average estimates for Canada. Across scenarios of a latent period of 2–4 d and an infectious period of 5–9 d, the R0 estimate for Canada ranges from a minimum of 3.0 (95% CI: 2.3–3.9) to a maximum of 5.3 (95% CI: 3.9–7.1). Among provinces, the estimated commencement of community transmission ranged from 3 d before to 50 d after the first reported case and from 2 to 25 d before the first reports of community transmission. Among parameter scenarios and provinces, the median reduction in transmission needed to obtain R0 < 1 ranged from 46% (95% CI: 43%–48%) to 89% (95% CI: 88%–90%). Our results indicate that local epidemics of SARS-CoV-2 in Canada entail high levels of stochasticity, contagiousness, and observation delay, which facilitates rapid undetected spread and requires comprehensive testing and contact tracing for its containment. - OPEN ACCESS
- Yannan Huang,
- Lindsay Johnston,
- Ana Parra,
- Crystal Sweeney,
- Emalie Hayes,
- Lisbeth Truelstrup Hansen,
- Graham Gagnon,
- Amina Stoddart, and
- Rob Jamieson
Wastewater-based surveillance methods have been implemented in several countries as a tool for monitoring SARS-CoV-2 at a community scale. A variety of methods have been used for concentrating, extracting, and detecting the virus, with no clear consensus on the most effective approach. In this note, we report preliminary findings from a study that is tracking SARS-CoV-2 in wastewater in Halifax, Nova Scotia, with a specific focus on the use of four reverse transcriptase quantitative PCR (RT-qPCR) assays for detecting the virus in wastewater. We were able to detect the virus in wastewater samples during the initial rise of cases in the Halifax region in early November 2020. Levels of the targeted SARS-CoV-2 gene fragments increased and fell in response to reported cases of COVID-19. The CDC N1 and E RT-qPCR assays demonstrated greater relative sensitivity than the CDC N2 and N3 assays for detection of SARS-CoV-2 in raw sewage samples. - OPEN ACCESS
- Angela McLaughlin,
- Jolene Giacinti,
- Ishraq Rahman,
- Jordan Wight,
- Kathryn Hargan,
- Andrew S. Lang,
- Mark L. Mallory,
- Gregory J. Robertson,
- Kyle Elliot,
- Davor Ojkic,
- Stéphane Lair,
- Megan Jones,
- Yohannes Berhane,
- Grant Gilchrist,
- Laurie Wilson,
- Sabina I. Wilhelm,
- Michael G.C. Brown, and
- Jennifer F. Provencher
Migratory seabirds move across ocean basins and are one of the primary reservoirs of low pathogenic avian influenza virus (LPAIV). This includes the millions of thick-billed murres (Uria lomvia) and common murres (Uria aalge) that are distributed across northern hemisphere oceans. In response to increasingly frequent detections of highly pathogenic avian influenza virus (HPAIV) in Europe in 2020–2021, avian influenza virus (AIV) monitoring in wildlife has increased. We compiled data from murres tested for AIV in Canada between 2007 and 2022 to quantify spatiotemporal variation in the prevalence of LPAIV and HPAIV in these birds. No HPAIV was detected in murres prior to 2022, but HPAIV was present in 46% of both live/harvested and found dead murres in the northwestern Atlantic in 2022 with prevalence peaking at 63% among live birds in the summer. In the eastern Canadian Arctic, HPAIV prevalence in 2022 was <1% while LPAIV prevalence was 21%, which was significantly higher than previous sampling years. Power analyses suggest approximately 100 samples from breeding murres should be collected annually per colony or region to detect moderate changes in HPAIV prevalence. These analyses inform robust monitoring of viruses in wildlife, with implications for conservation, harvest management, and public health.