Cited by
1. Microplastics in the World Oceans and Strategies for Their Control
2. Plastic ingestion in thick-billed murres (Uria lomvia) from the Canadian high Arctic
3. Morphodynamics drive the transport and accumulation of anthropogenic microparticles in tropical coastal depositional systems in southeastern Brazil
4. Environmental behavior and toxic effects of micro(nano)plastics and engineered nanoparticles on marine organisms under ocean acidification: A review
5. Arctic threads: Microplastic fibres in Chukchi and Beaufort sea sediments
6. Decades of monitoring plastic pollution in seabirds in Canada: Spatial, temporal, and methodological insights
7. The utility of monitoring snow for microplastics in the Arctic: a pilot study from Iqaluktuuttiaq, Nunavut
8. Unveiling microplastics pollution in Alaskan waters and snow
9. Floating microplastic pollution in the vicinity of a marine protected area and semi-enclosed bay of Peru
10. Occurrence Characteristics and Ecotoxic Effects of Microplastics in Environmental Media: a Mini Review
11. Full Rotational Dynamics of Plastic Microfibers in Turbulence
12. Microplastic and other anthropogenic microparticles in Arctic char (Salvelinus alpinus) and their coastal habitat: A first-look at a central Canadian Arctic commercial fishery
13. Effective Removal of Microplastic Particles from Wastewater Using Hydrophobic Bio-Substrates
14. Microplastics and anthropogenic microparticles in surface waters from Yellowknife Bay, Great Slave Lake, Northwest Territories, Canada
15. An assessment of microplastics in fecal samples from polar bears (Ursus maritimus) in Canada's North
16. Microplastics in remote region of the world: insights from the glacier of Geladandong, China
17. From the Caribbean to the Arctic, the most abundant microplastic particles in the ocean have escaped detection
18. Microplastics in Arctic waters of the Finnish Sámi area
19. Microplastics in the Volta Lake: Occurrence, distribution, and human health implications
20. The utility of monitoring snow for microplastics in the Arctic: A pilot study from Iqaluktuuttiaq, Nunavut
21. An assessment of microplastics in fecal samples from polar bears (<i>Ursus maritimus</i>) in Canada’s North
22. The Occurrence of Microplastics in Donax trunculus (Mollusca: Bivalvia) Collected along the Tuscany Coast (Mediterranean Sea)
23. Plastic and anthropogenic microfiber pollution on exposed sandy beaches in Nova Scotia, Canada
24. Surface microplastics in the Kara Sea: from the Kara Gate to the 83°N
25. Spatial distribution of anthropogenic particles and microplastics in a meso-tidal lagoon (Arcachon Bay, France): A multi-compartment approach
26. A first assessment of microplastic contamination in the snow of Ankara, Turkey
27. Assessment of microplastic contamination in the Loire River (France) throughout analysis of different biotic and abiotic freshwater matrices
28. Aquatic worms: relevant model organisms to investigate pollution of microplastics throughout the freshwater-marine continuum
29. Cryosphere as a temporal sink and source of microplastics in the Arctic region
30. Research progress on microplastics pollution in polar oceans
31. Long term trends in floating plastic pollution within a marine protected area identifies threats for Endangered northern bottlenose whales
32. Microplastic Pollution in the Polar Oceans – A Review
33. The power of multi-matrix monitoring in the Pan-Arctic region: plastics in water and sediment
34. Microplastics in Arctic invertebrates: status on occurrence and recommendations for future monitoring
35. No accumulation of microplastics detected in western Canadian ringed seals (Pusa hispida)
36. Microplastic materials in the environment: Problem and strategical solutions
37. The Phenomenon of Antibiotic Resistance in the Polar Regions: An Overview of the Global Problem
38. Models of justice evoked in published scientific studies of plastic pollution
39. A review on state-of-the-art detection techniques for micro- and nano-plastics with prospective use in point-of-site detection
40. Horizontal distribution of surface microplastic concentrations and water-column microplastic inventories in the Chukchi Sea, western Arctic Ocean
41. Understanding microplastic pollution in the Nordic marine environment – knowledge gaps and suggested approaches
42. Shorebirds ingest plastics too: what we know, what we do not know, and what we should do next
43. An ecotoxicological risk model for the microplastics in arctic waters
44. Microplastics in the first-year sea ice of the Novik Bay, Sea of Japan
45. The Chubut River estuary as a source of microplastics and other anthropogenic particles into the Southwestern Atlantic Ocean
46. Microplastics distribution in sediment and mussels along the British Columbia Coast, Canada
47. Plastic burdens in northern fulmars from Svalbard: Looking back 25 years
48. Microsynthetics in waters of the South American Pantanal
49. Microplastics in sediments of the Pantanal Wetlands, Brazil
50. Microplastics in global bivalve mollusks: A call for protocol standardization
51. Investigation of microplastic pollution in Arctic fjord water: a case study of Rijpfjorden, Northern Svalbard
52. Anthropogenic microfibers are highly abundant at the Burdwood Bank seamount, a protected sub-Antarctic environment in the Southwestern Atlantic Ocean
53. Microplastics in arctic invertebrates- Status on occurrence and recommendations for future monitoring
54. Microplastic ingestion in zooplankton from the Fram Strait in the Arctic
55. Microplastics and nanoplastics in the marine-atmosphere environment
56. Plastic pollution in the Arctic
57. Microplastics captured by snowfall: A study in Northern Iran
58. Are We Underestimating Anthropogenic Microfiber Pollution? A Critical Review of Occurrence, Methods, and Reporting
59. Microplastics in beluga whale (Delphinapterus leucas) prey: An exploratory assessment of trophic transfer in the Beaufort Sea
60. Spatio-temporal variation of microplastic pollution in the sediment from the Chukchi Sea over five years
61. Assessment of Microplastics in Irish River Sediment
62. Evidence of Microplastic Size Impact on Mobility and Transport in the Marine Environment: A Review and Synthesis of Recent Research
63. Are we contaminating our samples? A preliminary study to investigate procedural contamination during field sampling and processing for microplastic and anthropogenic microparticles
64. Pervasive distribution of polyester fibres in the Arctic Ocean is driven by Atlantic inputs
65. Current status of studies on microplastics in the world's marine environments
66. Microbial colonizers of microplastics in an Arctic freshwater lake
67. Prevalence of microplastics and anthropogenic debris within a deep-sea food web
68. Microplastics and other anthropogenic particles in Antarctica: Using penguins as biological samplers
69. Prioritizing Suitable Quality Assurance and Control Standards to Reduce Laboratory Airborne Microfibre Contamination in Sediment Samples
70. Anthropogenic litter in marine waters and coastlines of Arctic Canada and West Greenland
71. Microplastics in polar regions: An early warning to the world's pristine ecosystem
72. Monitoring Surfactants Pollution Potentially Related to Plastics in the World Gyres Using Radar Remote Sensing
73. Domestic laundry and microfiber pollution: Exploring fiber shedding from consumer apparel textiles
74. Remote, but Not Isolated—Microplastics in the Sub-surface Waters of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago
75. Microplastics around an Arctic seabird colony: Particle community composition varies across environmental matrices
76. Breeding seabirds as vectors of microplastics from sea to land: Evidence from colonies in Arctic Canada
77. Bioretention cells remove microplastics from urban stormwater
78. Anthropogenic Microfibers are Highly Abundant at the Burdwood Bank Seamount, a Protected Sub-Antarctic Environment in the Southwestern Atlantic Ocean