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Subject Areas: Public Health (59) | 28 Mar 2025 |
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- OPEN ACCESSWe have applied a Bauhaus design lens to inform a visual conceptual framework for a rational mental health care system. We believe that Canada’s healthcare system can often be fragmented and does not always allow for service delivery to easily meet patient care needs. Within our proposed framework, the form of services provided follows patient- and healthcare-centred needs. The framework is also informed by the ethics and values of social responsibility, population health, and principles of quality of care. We review evidence for this framework (based on need, acuity, risk, service intensity, and provider level) and describe patient care pathways from intake/triage to three patient-centred tiers of care: (1) primary care (low needs), (2) acute ambulatory transitional care (moderate needs), and (3) acute hospital and complex care (high needs). Within each tier, various models of care are organized from low to high service intensity as informed by reports from the British Columbia Ministry of Health and the World Health Organization. We hope that our model may help to better conceptualize and organize our mental health care system and help providers clarify roles, responsibilities, and accountabilities to improve quality of care.
- OPEN ACCESSThis paper focuses on the multiple ways in which people who live along the rivers of the Brazilian Amazon, known as ribeirinhos, experience malaria outside of a clinical setting. It describes the local understanding of malaria, strategies to distinguish the illness from other febrile sicknesses, challenges for detecting the disease through biomedical diagnosis methods, and vicissitudes of having malaria. It draws on cases from ribeirinhos from a peri-urban community of Manaus and a rural community from Careiro, State of Amazonas, Brazil. Although malaria is biomedically characterized by the pathogens causing the disease, ribeirinhos have developed other standards to define malaria, including the intensity of the symptoms, the interval between the infections, and the types of medications dispensed to them. In the riverine communities studied, the etiology of malaria includes mosquitoes, microbes, water, wind, sun, and person-to-person transmission. Symptoms of malaria were found to overlap with other febrile sicknesses; hence, ribeirinhos developed skills to monitor how a malaise unfolds in their bodies. Experiential knowledge plays a key role in the early detection of malaria. Individuals who have no previous experience with malaria were found to spend more time seeking health care. Equally important, ribeirinhos perceive that malaria is part of the landscape they inhabit.
- OPEN ACCESSIntroduction: Food insecurity at the individual level has been shown to be associated with the adoption of risky behavior and poor healthcare-seeking behavior. However, the impact of household food insecurity (HFI) on the utilization of maternal healthcare services (MHS) remains unexplored. In this study, we aimed to investigate whether or not household food insecurity was associated with non/inadequate utilization of MHS. Methods: Participants consisted of 3562 mothers aged between 15 and 49 years and with at least one child. The outcome variable was the utilization of MHS, e.g., institutional delivery, attendance ante-, and pre-natal visits. The explanatory variables included various sociodemographic factors (e.g., age, residence, education, wealth) apart from HFI. HFI was measured using the Household Food Insecurity Access Scale (HFIAS). Result: The prevalence of non- and under-utilization of MHS was 5.3 and 36.5, respectively. In the multivariate analysis, HFI, wealth index, and educational level were independently associated with MHS status. The odds of non- and under-utilization of MHS were 3.467 (CI = 1.058–11.354) and 4.104 (CI = 1.794–9.388) times higher, respectively, among women from households reporting severe food insecurity. Conclusion: Severe HFI was significantly associated with both under- and non-utilization of MHS. Interventions programs that address HFI and the empowerment of women can potentially contribute to an increased utilization of MHS.
- Lesya Marushka,
- Malek Batal,
- Donald Sharp,
- Harold Schwartz,
- Amy Ing,
- Karen Fediuk,
- Andrew Black,
- Constantine Tikhonov, and
- Hing Man Chan
Consumption of fish and n-3 fatty acids (n-3 FAs) has been postulated to prevent type 2 diabetes (T2D). Objective: To explore the association between self-reported T2D and fish consumption, dietary n-3 FAs, and persistent organic pollutants (POP) intake in a regionally representative sample of First Nations (FNs) in Manitoba. Design: Data from the cross-sectional First Nations Food, Nutrition and Environment Study (FNFNES) collected from 706 members of 8 Manitoba FNs in 2010 were used. Household interviews were used to collect social and lifestyle data. The consumption of fish was estimated using a traditional food frequency questionnaire. Fish samples were analyzed for the presence of POP. Multiple logistic regression models adjusted for potential risk factors for T2D were developed. Results: A negative, dose–response relationship was found between fish intake and self-reported T2D. Fish consumptions of 2–3 portions per month and ≥1/week were inversely associated with T2D with odds ratio (OR) values of 0.51 (95% CI: 0.28–0.91) and 0.40 (95% CI: 0.19–0.82), respectively, compared with no fish intake. Similarly, intake of n-3 FAs was negatively associated with T2D (OR = 0.48 (95% CI: 0.30–0.77). Dietary POP intake was not associated with T2D. Conclusion: These findings suggest that the consumption of traditionally harvested fish may have a beneficial effect on T2D in Manitoba FNs. - OPEN ACCESSIntroduction: In Canada, the progestin-only dedicated pill is the most widely used method of emergency contraception (EC). This method gained over-the-counter status in Ontario in 2008. Our mixed methods study explored the progestin-only EC knowledge, attitudes, and provision practices of Ontario pharmacists. Methods: From June 2015 to October 2015, we collected 198 mailed surveys from Ontarian pharmacy representatives and conducted 17 in-depth interviews with a subset of respondents. We analyzed these data using descriptive statistics and for content and themes. Results: Results from our English/French bilingual survey indicate that respondents’ knowledge is generally accurate, but confusion persists about the mechanism of action and the number of times the drug can be used in one menstrual cycle. Nearly half (49%) of our survey respondents indicated that progestin-only EC pills are only available behind the counter. Interviewees strongly supported the introduction and promotion of more effective methods of EC in Ontario. Conclusion: Continuing education focusing on both the regulatory status of progestin-only EC and information about the medication appears warranted. Health Canada’s recent approval of ulipristal acetate for use as a post-coital contraceptive may provide a window of opportunity for engaging with health service providers, including pharmacists, about all available modalities of EC in Canada.
- Brett Emo,
- Li-Wen Hu,
- Bo-Yi Yang,
- Kahee A. Mohammed,
- Christian Geneus,
- Michael Vaughn,
- Zhengmin (Min) Qian, and
- Guang-Hui Dong
To assess the effects of housing characteristics and home environmental factors on lung function of Chinese children, 6740 children (aged 6–16 years) were recruited from seven cities in Northeast China in 2012. Performance of lung function was determined by comparison of forced vital capacity (FVC), forced expiratory volume (FEV1), peak expiratory flow (PEF), and maximal mid-expiratory flow (MMEF). Multivariate regression models were used to evaluate the associations with lung function deficit. The results showed that housing conditions were associated with lung function deficit in children. The adjusted odds ratios were 0.47 (95% CI: 0.26–0.83) for FVC for “ping-fang” housing compared with “dan-yuan-lou-fang” housing and 2.90 (95% CI: 2.43–3.47) for FEV1 with home renovations completed within two years compared with counterparts. The linear regression models consistently showed a significant association of housing conditions and home environmental factors with lung function measurements across subjects. A residence taller than seven stories was negatively associated with FEV1 (β = −55; 95% CI: −97 to −13). In conclusion, housing conditions and home environmental factors are particularly important to the development of lung function and respiratory health in children. These factors are concerning and action should be taken to improve them. - OPEN ACCESSBackground: Abortion has been available without criminal restriction in Canada since 1988, and approximately 33 000 terminations take place in Ontario each year. Objectives: This study aimed to explore women’s expressed desire for post-abortion support services, document the priorities expressed by women in seeking post-abortion support, and identify actionable strategies to improve post-abortion support services in Ontario. Methods: Between 2012 and 2014 we conducted in-depth, open-ended interviews with 60 Anglophone women from across Ontario who had recently had an abortion. We aimed to rigorously explore the compounding issues of age and geography on women’s abortion experiences. We analyzed our data for content and themes and reported on the findings related to post-abortion support. Results: One third of our participants expressed a desire for post-abortion support, yet few were able to access a timely, affordable, non-directive service. Women were uncertain about how to find services; most contacted a provider recommended by the clinic or searched online. Women were enthusiastic about a talkline format citing anonymity and convenience as the main advantages. Conclusion: Our results suggest that exploring ways to expand post-abortion support services in Ontario is warranted. A talkline format could provide an anonymous, convenient, non-judgmental, and non-directive way to address this unmet need.
- OPEN ACCESSLittle is known about how the body composition of parents of preschool-aged children is associated with their food parenting practices. In this study, we examined associations between parental body composition and food parenting practices in a sample of Canadian families with preschool-aged children. We conducted a cross-sectional analysis of 68 parents and 52 preschool-aged children. Measures included height, weight, waist circumference (WC), and percentage of fat mass (%FM) measured by BOD POD™. Parents completed an adapted version of the Comprehensive Feeding Practices Questionnaire. To account for correlated observations within families, we used generalized estimating equations with linear regression modelling to examine associations between parent body composition and food parenting practices, with child body mass index (BMI) z-score, child sex, parental sex, and family household income entered as covariates in all models. Parent BMI, WC, and %FM were each significantly and inversely associated with the encouragement of a balanced diet (= −0.021, p = 0.006;= −0.007, p = 0.038;= −0.010, p = 0.034, respectively) and child involvement in meal planning and preparation (= −0.082, p = 0.002;= −0.025, p = 0.032;= −0.038, p = 0.049, respectively). We provide preliminary evidence that overweight/obesity may be associated with select food parenting practices in Canadian families with preschool-age children. Parental body composition may be an important consideration in intervention strategies that target food parenting practices.
- OPEN ACCESSYoung mothers constitute a vulnerable population in Canada. Teens with children are at significant risk of subsequent pregnancy, a dynamic that can exacerbate health, emotional, and socio-economic challenges. We aimed to understand better the dynamics shaping “rapid repeat pregnancy” among young mothers in Ottawa, explore young mothers’ subsequent pregnancy experiences, and identify how services could be improved in Canada’s capital. In 2016, we conducted in-depth interviews with 10 young mothers and semi-structured interviews with 10 key informants working with pregnant and parenting youth. We analyzed interviews for content and themes using a multi-phased, iterative process. Four major themes emerged: (1) young mothers often plan their pregnancies actively or passively; (2) violence before, during, and after pregnancy is common; (3) mental health and substance abuse issues shape pregnancy risk; and (4) becoming pregnant often serves as a source of motivation for young mothers. Our results further indicate that young mothers have difficulty finding youth-friendly, non-judgmental support services and that integrated, multidisciplinary services offering individually tailored support and building on women’s strengths will likely be more successful in helping young mothers prevent subsequent pregnancies. Increasing awareness about existing services and supporting efforts that approach teen pregnancy comprehensively and holistically appear warranted.
- Claire N. Freeman,
- Lena Scriver,
- Kara D. Neudorf,
- Lisbeth Truelstrup Hansen,
- Rob C. Jamieson, and
- Christopher K. Yost
Wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) have been identified as hotspots for antimicrobial resistance genes (ARGs) and thus represent a critical point where patterns in ARG abundances can be monitored prior to their release into the environment. The aim of the current study was to measure the impact of the release of the final treated effluent (FE) on the abundance of ARGs in the receiving water of a recently upgraded WWTP in the Canadian prairies. Sample nutrient content (phosphorous and nitrogen species) was measured as a proxy for WWTP functional performance, and quantitative PCR (qPCR) was used to measure the abundance of eight ARGs, the intI1 gene associated with class I integrons, and the 16S rRNA gene. The genes ermB, sul1, intI1, blaCTX-M, qnrS, and tetO all had higher abundances downstream of the WWTP, consistent with the genes with highest abundance in the FE. These findings are consistent with the increasing evidence suggesting that human activity affects the abundances of ARGs in the environment. Although the degree of risk associated with releasing ARGs into the environment is still unclear, understanding the environmental dimension of this threat will help develop informed management policies to reduce the spread of antibiotic resistance and protect public health. - OPEN ACCESSInnovative, highly processed foods are often designed to “substitute” for traditional, less-processed items in the diet. Yet, concerns about the unhealthfulness of diets high in highly processed foods are growing. Their dominance in the diet has been hypothesized to relate, in part, to the strategic use of on-package nutrition promotion. Our goal was to compare front-of-package (FOP) labelling on highly processed products that appear to have been explicitly designed as substitutes for traditional foods with the FOP labelling on their traditional counterparts. FOP references were recorded from packaged foods in three major Toronto grocery stores (N = 20520). Foods were categorized as substitute or traditional counterparts if these had (1) immediate interchangeability within the diet, (2) inherently different formulation, and (3) the substitute was more heavily processed than its traditional counterpart. Eight substitute–traditional pairs were identified, comprising 18% of products in the data set. Substitute foods were more likely than traditional products to bear FOP nutrition, “organic”, and “natural” references. Substitute foods bore 1.21 times more FOP references, the majority of which highlighted nutrients inherent to the traditional counterpart. Our findings support the contention that highly processed foods may be displacing less-processed foods at least in part through the use of strategic on-package marketing.
- OPEN ACCESSThe objective is to support development of a nutritional intervention for Chinese immigrants with diabetes by defining current deficiencies and identifying modifiable factors and mechanisms of change. Semi-structured interviews conducted with 13 ethnic Chinese with type 2 diabetes identified modifiable problems related to culturally relevant diabetes resources and low cultural acceptability of recommended diets. These factors could be addressed through creation of resources developed in partnership with Chinese-speaking health care professionals and persons with diabetes.
- OPEN ACCESSIn 2017, mifepristone and misoprostol became available for early pregnancy termination as the combination pack Mifegymiso® in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. We conducted 40 semi-structured telephone interviews with Ottawa residents who had abortions before mifepristone’s introduction (n = 20) and after mifepristone–misoprostol became available (n = 20) to explore their experiences obtaining care. We audio-recorded and transcribed all interviews and analyzed these data for content and themes using deductive and inductive techniques. Prior to the introduction of mifepristone, our participants reported obtaining abortion care at two facilities and many faced long wait times. Those who had an abortion after mifepristone became available reported obtaining care from a wider array of providers and few waited more than two weeks. However, several mifepristone–misoprostol users reported having to go through a process that involved as many as 10 health service encounters. Both groups reflected positively on their abortion experiences, but some patients who obtained mifepristone–misoprostol outside of an abortion clinic did not feel as well informed as they would have liked. The introduction of mifepristone appears to have expanded the number of service delivery points and reduced wait times for those seeking abortion care in Ottawa. Identifying ways to expand access to medication abortion information and streamline services appears warranted.
- Tiff-Annie Kenny,
- Philippe Archambault,
- Pierre Ayotte,
- Malek Batal,
- Hing Man Chan,
- William Cheung,
- Tyler D. Eddy,
- Matthew Little,
- Yoshitaka Ota,
- Claudel Pétrin-Desrosiers,
- Steve Plante,
- Julien Poitras,
- Fernando Polanco,
- Gerald Singh, and
- Mélanie Lemire
Ocean conditions can affect human health in a variety of ways that are often overlooked and unappreciated. Oceans adjacent to Canada are affected by many anthropogenic stressors, with implications for human health and well-being. Climate change further escalates these pressures and can expose coastal populations to unique health hazards and distressing conditions. However, current research efforts, education or training curriculums, and policies in Canada critically lack explicit consideration of these ocean–public health linkages. The objective of this paper is to present multiple disciplinary perspectives from academics and health practitioners to inform the development of future directions for research, capacity development, and policy and practice at the interface of oceans and human health in Canada. We synthesize major ocean and human health linkages in Canada, and identify climate-sensitive drivers of change, drawing attention to unique considerations in Canada. To support effective, sustained, and equitable collaborations at the nexus of oceans and human health, we recommend the need for progress in three critical areas: (i) holistic worldviews and perspectives, (ii) capacity development, and (iii) structural supports. Canada can play a key role in supporting the global community in addressing the health challenges of climate and ocean changes. - OPEN ACCESS
- Carole A. Estabrooks,
- Sharon E. Straus,
- Colleen M. Flood,
- Janice Keefe,
- Pat Armstrong,
- Gail J. Donner,
- Véronique Boscart,
- Francine Ducharme,
- James L. Silvius, and
- Michael C. Wolfson
The Royal Society of Canada Task Force on COVID-19 was formed in April 2020 to provide evidence-informed perspectives on major societal challenges in response to and recovery from COVID-19. The Task Force established a series of working groups to rapidly develop policy briefings, with the objective of supporting policy makers with evidence to inform their decisions. This paper reports the findings of the COVID-19 Long-Term Care (LTC) working group addressing a preferred future for LTC in Canada, with a specific focus on COVID-19 and the LTC workforce. First, the report addresses the research context and policy environment in Canada’s LTC sector before COVID-19 and then summarizes the existing knowledge base for integrated solutions to challenges that exist in the LTC sector. Second, the report outlines vulnerabilities exposed because of COVID-19, including deficiencies in the LTC sector that contributed to the magnitude of the COVID-19 crisis. This section focuses especially on the characteristics of older adults living in nursing homes, their caregivers, and the physical environment of nursing homes as important contributors to the COVID-19 crisis. Finally, the report articulates principles for action and nine recommendations for action to help solve the workforce crisis in nursing homes. - OPEN ACCESSThe COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the challenges governments face in balancing civil liberties against the exigencies of public health amid the chaos of a public health emergency. Current and emerging pandemic response strategies may engage diverse rights grounded in civil liberties, including mobility rights, freedom of assembly, freedom of religion, and the right to liberty and security of the person. As traditionally conceived, the discourses of civil rights and public health rest on opposite assumptions about the burden of proof. In the discourse of civil and political rights of the sort guaranteed under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, the onus rests on government to show that any limitation on rights is justified. By contrast, public health discourse centers on the precautionary principle, which holds that intrusive measures may be taken—lockdowns, for example—even in the absence of complete evidence of the benefits of the intervention or of the nature of the risk. In this article, we argue that the two principles are not so oppositional in practice. In testing for proportionality, courts recognize the need to defer to governments on complex policy matters, especially where the interests of vulnerable populations are at stake. For their part, public health experts have incorporated ideas of proportionality in their evolving understanding of the precautionary principle. Synthesizing these perspectives, we emphasize the importance of policy agility in the COVID-19 response, ensuring that measures taken are continually supported by the best evidence and continually recalibrated to avoid unnecessary interference with civil liberties.
- Tania Bubela,
- E. Richard Gold,
- Vivek Goel,
- Max Morgan,
- Karen Mossman,
- Jason Nickerson,
- David Patrick, and
- Aled Edwards
In the event of the current COVID-19 pandemic and in preparation for future pandemics, open science can support mission-oriented research and development, as well as commercialization. Open science shares skills and resources across sectors; avoids duplication and provides the basis for rapid and effective validation due to full transparency. It is a strategy that can adjust quickly to reflect changing incentives and priorities, because it does not rely on any one actor or sector. While eschewing patents, it can ensure high-quality drugs, low pricing, and access through existing regulatory mechanisms. Open science practices and partnerships decrease transaction costs, increase diversity of actors, reduce overall costs, open new, higher-risk/higher-impact approaches to research, and provide entrepreneurs freedom to operate and freedom to innovate. We argue that it is time to re-open science, not only in its now restricted arena of fundamental research, but throughout clinical translation. Our model and attendant recommendations map onto a strategy to accelerate discovery of novel broad-spectrum anti-viral drugs and clinical trials of those drugs, from first-in-human safety-focused trials to late stage trials for efficacy. The goal is to ensure low-cost and rapid access, globally, and to ensure that Canadians do not pay a premium for drugs developed from Canadian science. - OPEN ACCESS
- Gordon J.G. Asmundson,
- Cindy Blackstock,
- Marie Claire Bourque,
- Glenn Brimacombe,
- Allison Crawford,
- S. Hélène Deacon,
- Ken McMullen,
- Patrick J. McGrath,
- Christopher Mushquash,
- Sherry H. Stewart,
- Jennifer Stinson,
- Steven Taylor, and
- Marsha Campbell-Yeo
The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on the mental health of the people of Canada. Most have found it challenging to cope with social distancing, isolation, anxiety about infection, financial security and the future, and balancing demands of work and home life. For some, especially those who have had to face pre-existing challenges such as structural racism, poverty, and discrimination and those with prior mental health problems, the pandemic has been a major impact.The Policy Briefing Report focuses on the current situation, how the COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated significant long-standing weaknesses in the mental health system and makes specific recommendations to meet these challenges to improve the well-being of the people of Canada.The COVID-19 pandemic has had a detrimental effect on mental health of people in Canada but the impact has been variable, impacting those facing pre-existing structural inequities hardest. Those living in poverty, and in some socially stratified groups facing greater economic and social disadvantage, such as some racialized and some Indigenous groups and those with preexisting mental health problems, have suffered the most. Some occupational groups have been more exposed to the virus and to psychological stress with the pandemic. The mental health care system was already overextended and under resourced. The pandemic has exacerbated the problems. The care system responded by a massive move to virtual care. The future challenge is for Canada to strengthen our knowledge base in mental health, to learn from the pandemic, and to provide all in Canada the support they need to fully participate in and contribute to Canada’s recovery from the pandemic.