Volume 4 • 2019

For decades, Indigenous voices have called for more collaborative and inclusive research practices. Interest in community-collaborative research is consequently growing among university-based researchers in Canada. However, many researchers receive little formal training on how to collaboratively conduct research with Indigenous communities. This is particularly problematic for early-career researchers (ECRs) whose fieldwork often involves interacting with communities. To address this lack of training, two peer-led workshops for Canadian ECRs were organized in 2016 and 2017 with the following objectives: (i) to cultivate awareness about Indigenous cultures, histories, and languages; (ii) to promote sharing of Indigenous and non-Indigenous ways of knowing; and (iii) to foster approaches and explore tools for conducting community-collaborative research. Here we present these peer-led Intercultural Indigenous Workshops and discuss workshop outcomes according to five themes: scope and interdisciplinarity, Indigenous representation, workshop environment, skillful moderation, and workshop outcomes. Although workshops cannot replace the invaluable experience gained through working directly with Indigenous communities, we show that peer-led workshops can be an effective way for ECRs to develop key skills for conducting meaningful collaborative research. Peer-led workshops are therefore an important but insufficient step toward more inclusive research paradigms in Canada.

We examined the physical and geochemical effects of sediment on the uptake of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) into marine sediment feeders and their transfer to higher trophic fauna. Sediment PBDEs increased with % total organic carbon (%TOC), organic carbon (OC) flux and grain size (%fines). Tissue PBDE variance was best explained (R2 = 0.70) by sediment acid volatile sulfides (AVS), PBDEs, and organic lability and input, with the highest values near wastewater outfalls. Dry weight tissue/sediment PBDEs declined with increasing sediment PBDEs, resulting in tissue dilution (ratio <1) at >10 000 pg/g in harbours. Ratios also decreased with increasing %fines, resulting in regional differences. These patterns imply that high levels of fines and high sediment concentrations make PBDEs less bioavailable. Dry weight PBDEs increased >100× between background deposit feeders and predators (polychaetes, crabs, bottom fish, seal), but lipid normalized PBDEs barely increased (<1.3%), suggesting remarkably high uptake in low-lipid sediment feeders, and that PBDEs don’t accumulate at higher trophic levels, but lipid content does. Filter feeders had lower lipid-normalized PBDEs than deposit feeders, highlighting the importance of food resources in higher trophic fauna for bioaccumulation. The most profound congener change occurred with sediment uptake, with nona/deca-BDEs declining and tetra-hexa-BDEs increasing. Harbour sediment feeders had more deca-BDEs than other samples, suggesting PBDEs mostly pass unmodifed through them. Deca-BDEs persist patchily in all tissues, reflecting variable dependence on sediment/pelagic food.

The present study investigated the in vivo neuroprotective role of Panax ginseng extract (PGE) pretreatment against transient cerebral ischemia in a middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAO) model. Rats were randomly divided as follows: group I, control; group II, sham-operated; group III, where animals were subjected to MCAO surgery; and group IV, where animals were orally administered 10 mL PGE per day (200 mg/kg of body weight per day) for 30 d followed by MCAO induction at day 31. Following 24 h of reperfusion, blood and tissue (brain, liver, and kidney) samples were collected for biochemical and histopathological examination. Biochemical testing included lipid profile, liver enzymes, kidney function tests, C-reactive protein (CRP), lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), glucose, and total protein estimation. Tissue antioxidants (catalase, superoxide dismutase, and glutathione) were assessed in brain, liver, and kidney tissues. MCAO-induced histopathological changes were also examined in the tissues. Pretreatment with PGE showed significant improvement in tissue antioxidant status in brain, liver and kidney tissues. PGE treatment maintains plasma lipid profile, liver enzymes, kidney function, and CRP, LDH, and glucose levels. Histologically, monocytes and macrophage infiltration were observed in the tissues of MCAO animals, whereas PGE treatment preserved tissue architecture and minimal monocyte infiltration. PGE supplementation showed a neuroprotective effect against ischemia–reperfusion injury by effectively increasing endogenous antioxidant enzyme activity.

One possible solution to the recent decline of calcium (Ca) concentrations in Canadian Shield forests and lakes in eastern North America is the addition of Ca-rich wood ash to watersheds. We investigated the feasibility of using small, mainly residential sources of non-industrial wood ash (NIWA) for this purpose by quantifying concentrations of its major nutrients and metals, its toxicity to Daphnia in aqueous extracts, and estimating the amount of NIWA available in the District of Muskoka in central Ontario. Locally collected NIWA averaged 30% Ca, and also contained smaller but significant amounts of K, Mg, Na, and P. Of these, K was so soluble that it was toxic to Daphnia over 48 h in the concentrate and 10-fold dilution; however, sedimented ash was not toxic over 15 d. Most metal levels in NIWA were below targets permitting unrestricted land application. However, Cu and Zn were just above these targets, but well below those for conditional use. Muskoka residents generate about 235 000 kg of NIWA annually, not enough to treat all central Ontario areas affected; however, a NIWA recycling programme implemented across southern Ontario could generate enough ash to solve the Ca decline problem in Muskoka’s forests and lakes.

Determining how much to set aside in a system of protected areas has been widely discussed. In the past, targets that have been set internationally and domestically are best described as politically driven. In recent years, there has been a call to shift towards evidence-based targets for conservation. One element that has been largely missing from this dialogue is public perception of how much to protect. We conducted an online, regionally balanced survey of just over 2000 Canadians to ask about their values for protected areas, including how much they thought was currently and should be protected. Overall, Canadians overwhelmingly agree that protected areas are necessary and think that approximately 50% of land and sea should be protected in Canada and globally. Nation-wide support for a significant increase in the amount of land/sea protected is a new finding in Canada, although consistent with applications of the same survey in other countries. As the timeline for achieving the current 2020 protected area targets approaches, countries are beginning to discuss what targets to set for the next decade. Our findings demonstrate strong public support for significantly scaling up Canada’s conservation targets, consistent with ecological evidence.

Zymosan, an immunogenic cell wall extract of Saccharomyces cerevisiae has potential for use as an experimental pyrogen. However, the short-lived sickness responses noted with intraperitoneal and intra-articular administration of zymosan limits investigations on the long-term effectiveness of antipyretic drugs. Thus, there remains a need to establish an alternative route of zymosan administration that could induce long-lived fevers and inflammation. We injected male Sprague Dawley rats (250–300 g) subcutaneously with zymosan (30 or 300 mg/kg) or saline; n = 7–8. We measured core body temperature, cage activity, food intake and body mass for 24 h after injection. Blood and brain samples were collected at 2, 8, and 18 h after injection. Zymosan (300 mg/kg) induced fever, lethargy, and anorexia, which lasted for 24 h. Zymosan-induced sickness responses were accompanied by increased blood plasma levels of interleukin (IL)-6 and tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α; activation of inflammatory transcription factors (nuclear factor (NF) for IL-6, signal transducer and activator of transcription (STAT)-3, and NF-κB) in the hypothalamus and circumventricular organs; and increased hypothalamic mRNA expression of TNF-α, IL-1β, and IL-6 and rate-limiting enzymes for prostaglandin synthesis. Our results confirm the suitability of subcutaneous administration of zymosan for screening antipyretic and anti-inflammatory drugs in rats.

We used moored 75 kHz acoustic Doppler current profilers (ADCPs) to examine seasonal cycles in zooplankton deep scattering layers (DSLs) observed below 1300 m depth at Endeavour Ridge hydrothermal vents. DSLs are present year-round in the lower water column near vent plumes. Temporal variations suggest passive, flow-induced displacements superimposed on migratory movements. Although the strongest DSLs are shallower than the neutrally buoyant plumes (1900–2100 m), anomalies also occur at and below plume depth. Upward movement from plume depth in the main DSL is evident in late summer/fall, resulting in shallower DSLs in winter, consistent with the timing of adult diapause/reproduction in upper-ocean migratory copepods. Movement from the upper ocean to plume depth coincides with pre-adult migration to greater depths in spring. Synchronous 20–40 d cycles in DSLs may account for patchiness in space and time of above-plume zooplankton layers observed in summer during previous net-sampling surveys, and suggests lateral and vertical migratory movements to counter current drift away from plume-derived food sources. Persistent near-bottom DSLs move vertically between the spreading plume and seafloor. Historical net data suggests that these are deep, resident fauna. Unlike upper ocean fauna, they seem to be advected considerable distances from the ridge axis, where they are evident as remnant scattering layers.

Coastal biogenic habitats are vulnerable to human impacts from both terrestrial and marine realms. Yet the broad spatial scale used in current approaches of quantifying anthropogenic stressors is not relevant to the finer scales affecting most coastal habitats. We developed a standardized human impact metric that includes five bay-scale and four local-scale (0–1 km) terrestrial and marine-based impacts to quantify the magnitude of anthropogenic impacts to coastal bays and nearshore biogenic habitats. We applied this metric to 180 seagrass beds (Zostera marina), an important biogenic habitat prioritized for marine protection, in 52 bays across Atlantic Canada. The results show that seagrass beds and coastal bays exist across a wide human impact gradient and provide insight into which are the most and least affected by human threats. Generally, land alteration, nutrient loading, and shellfish aquaculture were higher in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, whereas invasive species and fishing activities were higher along the Atlantic coast. Sixty-four percent of bays were at risk of seagrass decline from nitrogen loading. We also found high within-bay variation in impact intensity, emphasizing the necessity of quantifying impacts at multiple spatial scales. We discuss implications for management and conservation planning, and application to other coastal habitats in Canada and beyond.

Monarch butterflies (Danaus plexippus, Linnaeus, 1758) are comprised of two migratory populations separated by the Rocky Mountains and are renowned for their long-distance movements among the United States, Canada, and Mexico. Both populations have declined over several decades across North America prompting all three countries to evaluate conservation efforts. Monitoring monarch distribution and abundance is a necessary aspect of ongoing management in Canada where they are a species at risk. We used presence-only data from two citizen science data sets to estimate the annual breeding distribution of monarch butterflies in Canada between 2000 and 2015. Monarch breeding distribution in Canada varied widely among years owing to natural variation, and when considering the upper 95% of the probability of occurrence, the annual mean breeding distribution in Canada was 484 943 km2 (min: 173 449 km2; max: 1 425 835 km2). The area of occurrence was approximately an order of magnitude larger in eastern Canada than in western Canada. Habitat restoration for monarch butterflies in Canada should prioritize productive habitats in southern Ontario where monarchs occur annually and, therefore, likely contribute most to the long-term viability of monarchs in eastern North America. Overall, our assessment sets the geographic context to develop successful management strategies for monarchs in Canada.

The salmon louse Lepeophtheirus salmonis (Krøyer 1837) displays numerous sexually dimorphic characteristics. Insights into their underlying molecular components have only recently been explored, which serve to better understand both the basic biology of the louse, associated impacts on drug sensitivity, and evolution of resistance. Expression of 16 L. salmonis genes putatively involved in sexual dimorphism and reproduction were used to determine differences between sexes and better understand responses to mating using RT-qPCR of pre-adult and adult lice. Analysis of these genes revealed the dynamic nature of sex-biased expression across stages. However, female reception of a spermatophore did not appear to impact the expression of these particular genes. Furthermore six of these transcripts and 84 others identified previously in a large-scale louse transcriptomics experiment were used to estimate differences in evolutionary rates and codon-usage bias of sex-related genes using phylogenetic analysis by maximum likelihood (PAML) and codonW. Results suggest male-biased genes are evolving at significantly greater rates than female-biased and unbiased genes as evidenced by higher rates of non-synonymous substitutions and lower codon-usage bias in these genes. These analyses expand our understanding of interactions of sex-biased expression across the pre-adult and adult life stages and provide foundations for better understanding evolutionary differences in sex-biased genes of L. salmonis.

Researchers and government agencies are increasingly embracing Indigenous knowledge to inform ecological monitoring. However, there are few detailed accounts of designing monitoring methods based in Indigenous knowledge to meet Indigenous objectives. This research details the design of a program initiated by the Gitga’at First Nation to document the knowledge and observations of their harvesters as a contemporary monitoring initiative. We, Gitga’at and academic researchers, first conducted informal interviews with knowledge holders to gauge interest and to establish community objectives. We then convened community meetings and workshops to design methods to document harvesters’ knowledge and observations. We tested and revised these methods (a post-harvest season interview guide, and a logbook to be completed by harvesters) over the course of two harvest seasons. Semi-structured interviews were more successful than the logbooks in meeting multiple community monitoring objectives. However, we were encouraged by younger participants’ suggestions to develop a digital app based on the logbook to encourage future participation. Our work can serve as a guide to other Indigenous peoples and collaborators who wish to leverage the knowledge of their land and (or) sea users, and the methods we develop are available to adapt to other cultural, social-ecological, and political contexts.

Addition of nutrients, such as nitrogen, can degrade water quality in lakes, rivers, and estuaries. To predict the fate of nutrient inputs, an understanding of the biogeochemical cycling of nutrients is needed. We develop and employ a novel, parsimonious, process-based model of nitrogen concentrations and stable isotopes that quantifies the competing processes of volatilization, biological assimilation, nitrification, and denitrification in nutrient-impacted rivers. Calibration of the model to nitrogen discharges from two wastewater treatment plants in the Grand River, Ontario, Canada, show that ammonia volatilization was negligible relative to biological assimilation, nitrification, and denitrification within 5 km of the discharge points.

Nowadays, individuals heavily rely on search engines for seeking information. The presence of information bubbles (filter bubbles and echo chambers) can threaten the effectiveness of these systems in providing unbiased information and damage healthy civic discourse and open-minded deliberation. In this paper, we propose a new paradigm for search that aims at mitigating the information bubble in the search. The paradigm, which we call perspective-based search (PBS), is based on the intuition that in a fair search the user should not be limited to the results corresponding to a specific perspective of the search topic. Briefly, in PBS, different perspectives of the search topic are identified and presented to the user and the user can select a perspective for the search results. In this paper, we focus on the paradigm itself, why it is an appropriate solution, and how it differs from other solutions. We raise new questions and call for research on the paradigm and on providing solutions for implementing its required components. We do not aim at providing any specific implementation for it, although we provide some hints on implementing it. We also provide a survey of the related concepts and methods and discuss their differences with PBS.

Carbonatites are unusual alkaline rocks with diverse compositions. Although previous work has characterized the effects these rocks have on soils and plants, little is known about their impacts on local ecosystems. Using a deposit within the Great Lakes–St. Lawrence forest in northern Ontario, Canada, we investigated the effect of a carbonatite on soil chemistry and on the structure of plant and soil microbial communities. This was done using a vegetation survey conducted above and around the deposit, with corresponding soil samples collected for determining soil nutrient composition and for assessing microbial community structure using 16S/ITS Illumina Mi-Seq sequencing. In some soils above the deposit a soil chemical signature of the carbonatite was found, with the most important effect being an increase in soil pH compared with the non-deposit soils. Both plants and microorganisms responded to the altered soil chemistry: the plant communities present in carbonatite-impacted soils were dominated by ruderal species, and although differences in microbial communities across the surveyed areas were not obvious, the abundances of specific bacteria and fungi were reduced in response to the carbonatite. Overall, the deposit seems to have created microenvironments of relatively basic soil in an otherwise acidic forest soil. This study demonstrates for the first time how carbonatites can alter ecosystems in situ.

Prey individuals employ several adaptive behaviours to reduce predation risk. We need to learn how those behaviours interact in an overall strategy of risk management, how strategies vary with changing conditions, and whether some behaviours might compensate for others. I addressed these issues with manipulative experiments evaluating how snowshoe hares’ (Lepus americanus) vigilance varies with their giving-up densities (GUDs) in artificial food patches. I tested whether the results, collected when there was no evidence of predation, were congruent with an earlier study under higher predation. When predator sign was common, vigilance depended directly on habitat. But when risk was low, habitat’s influence on vigilance was indirect. Hares were least vigilant during the new moon where the distance to escape habitat was far, but only in open risky habitat. Hares were more vigilant during the full moon, but only at stations far from escape habitat. Moon phase and additional cover had no effect on GUDs that were highest at open risky stations far from escape habitat. The results suggest that reduced risk allowed hares to allocate less time to vigilance, but they needed to forage for similar amounts of food during each moon phase to maintain their energetic state.

Objective: Females continue to participate in sport at lower rates than males. Girls who participate in sport gain many advantages. Even with programs designed to emphasize participation, some females continue with sport participation while others do not. Given the advantages and controversies surrounding testosterone and female sport, it is possible that testosterone may predispose females toward sport participation. Our objective was to determine if the second to fourth digit (2D:4D) ratio, a proxy for prenatal androgen exposure, correlates with sport participation throughout female adolescence and young adulthood. Methods: A cross-sectional analysis of indirect prenatal androgen exposure (i.e., 2D:4D) was completed on 18–30-year-old women (n = 92) using demographics, anthropometrics, sport-specific behaviour tendencies, and retrospective sport participation. Results: 2D:4D was not significantly correlated with total sport participation (TSP) (r = −0.065, p = 0.538). Secondary analyses revealed significant correlations between TSP and maximum hand grip (r = 0.406, p = 0.000) and the Sport Orientation Questionnaire (SOQcomp (r = 0.513475, p = 0.000), SOQgoal (r = 0.253, p = 0.015), SOQwin (r = 0.366, p = 0.000)). Conclusion: Although strength and competitiveness are strongly correlated with female sport participation, the impact of prenatal androgen exposure (i.e., 2D:4D) remains to be determined given its weak and negative association with female sport participation. Given that females participate in sport at lower rates than males, continuing to determine what factors influence sport participation is an important goal.

Marine protected areas (MPAs) design is a complex process that typically involves diverse stakeholders, requiring compromise between diverging priorities. Such compromises, when not carefully understood, can threaten the ecological effectiveness of MPAs. Using the example of the Canadian Laurentian Channel MPA, we studied a planning process from initial scientific advice to the final MPA. We analysed the impacts of successive boundary modifications to the draft MPA, often made to accommodate extractive industries, on the protection of seven species initially identified as potential conservation priorities. We also quantified the potential economic impacts of changes in boundary modifications on the fisheries industry. Results show that reducing the proposed MPA size by 33.4% helped reduce the potential economic impact on the fishing industry by 65.5%, but it resulted in up to 43% decrease in protection of species of conservation priority. Changes in MPA boundary delineation during the design were not subjected to formal scientific reviews, raising questions on the potential effectiveness of this MPA. Better integration of science in MPA design is required to help assess the impacts that trade-offs made during stakeholder consultations can have on the MPA ecological effectiveness.

The use of fossil moth wing scales has recently been introduced as a new method to reconstruct population histories of lepidopterans and provide a proxy for insect disturbance. We investigated the potential for using wing-scale ultrastructure to distinguish between the five most common outbreak species of moth pests in eastern North America: spruce budworm (Choristoneura fumiferana Clemens), hemlock looper (Lambdina fiscellaria Guenée), forest tent caterpillar (Malacosoma disstria Hübner), blackheaded budworm (Acleris variana Fernie), and jack pine budworm (Choristoneura pinus Freeman). Using scanning electron images of scales, we made qualitative and quantitative comparisons of morphological traits at the ultrastructural level. We found that hemlock looper and eastern blackheaded budworm scales could be categorically separated from each other and from the three other species. We developed a quadratic discriminant function using measurements of ultrastructure traits that distinguishes scales of the three remaining species with an overall accuracy of 66%. We found that forest tent caterpillar could be well separated based on these traits, but we were less confident in distinguishing the closely related jack pine and spruce budworm. Our method offers potential advantages in scale identification for future studies in paleoecology, while providing the additional advantage of not requiring intact, unfolded, and undamaged scales.

The 31 March 2018 closure of the National Research Universal reactor marked the end of over 70 years of materials research using neutron beams from major neutron sources at the Chalk River Laboratories in Chalk River, Ontario, Canada. This closure will have a major impact on the Canadian materials research community, including researchers in the physics, chemistry, and engineering of materials. After a brief review of the history of neutron beams at the Chalk River Laboratories, we present the results of a bibliometric study of the scientific output of the research with neutron beams. In this study, we compiled a complete bibliographic record of the research papers beginning with the first neutron scattering experiments at the National Research Experimental reactor in 1947, analyzed the citations from 1980 onward, and benchmarked the results against major neutron beam facilities in other countries and against other major research facilities in Canada. We also conducted a broader bibliometric analysis of the use of neutron scattering data among all Canadians, regardless of where the data were taken. The results provide a useful metric of the size of the Canadian neutron scattering community and places into context the importance of access to this research tool.

The gap between research and its implementation is an impediment to conservation of the environment. Translating science into actionable management and policy requires effective communication and collaboration among scientists, practitioners, and policy-makers. Ecologists routinely rely on spatial data to describe wildlife distributions; however, habitat definitions vary by species, and data sources often differ from those used by land managers. Finding commonalities in the language and data used to plan for industrial activities and wildlife conservation may help address the research-implementation gap for threatened species like woodland caribou. We built resource selection functions for caribou using Alberta Vegetation Index (AVI) habitat data, which is employed by the Alberta forest industry for landbase planning. Our goal was to bridge the research-implementation gap by providing the forest industry with tools to facilitate planning for caribou conservation within their jurisdiction. In contrast to previous studies that highlighted shortcomings in AVI data for predicting wildlife habitat use, we found that resource selection function models that combined AVI data with complementary covariates validated well to predict caribou habitat use. We suggest that by using a data source familiar to land managers, ecologists can facilitate the bridging of the research-implementation gap without compromising the quality of ecological modeling.

The objective is to support development of a nutritional intervention for Chinese immigrants with diabetes by defining current deficiencies and identifying modifiable factors and mechanisms of change. Semi-structured interviews conducted with 13 ethnic Chinese with type 2 diabetes identified modifiable problems related to culturally relevant diabetes resources and low cultural acceptability of recommended diets. These factors could be addressed through creation of resources developed in partnership with Chinese-speaking health care professionals and persons with diabetes.

Silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) are an emerging class of contaminants with the potential to impact ecosystem structure and function. AgNPs are antimicrobial, suggesting that microbe-driven ecosystem functions may be particularly vulnerable to AgNP exposure. Predicting the environmental impacts of AgNPs requires in situ investigation of environmentally relevant dosing regimens over time scales that allow for ecosystem-level responses. We used 3000 L enclosures installed in a boreal lake to expose plankton communities to chronic and pulse AgNP dosing regimens with concentrations mimicking those recorded in natural waters. We compared temporal patterns of plankton responses, Ag accumulation, and ecosystem metabolism (i.e., daily ecosystem respiration, gross primary production, and net ecosystem production) for 6 weeks of chronic dosing and 3 weeks following a pulsed dose. Ag accumulated in microplankton and zooplankton, but carbon-specific Ag was nonlinear over time and generally did not predict plankton response. Ecosystem metabolism did not respond to either AgNP exposure type. This lack of response corresponded with weak microplankton responses in the chronic treatments but did not reflect the stronger microplankton response in the pulse treatment. Our results suggest that lake ecosystem metabolism is somewhat resistant to environmentally relevant concentrations of AgNPs and that organismal responses do not necessarily predict ecosystem-level responses.

We report on the results of the first mark–recapture survey of freshwater turtles in an isolated urban wetland complex in one of Canada’s fastest growing municipalities. Although we found turtles in every surveyed wetland, the density and assemblage of turtles in smaller wetlands were significantly different than in larger wetland bodies. We also documented two species of turtles that were thought to be absent from this wetland complex, the Northern Map turtle and Eastern Musk turtle. We noted that a wetland that was bisected by a high-traffic road showed a male-skewed sex ratio in the population of Midland Painted turtles but not in the population of Eastern Snapping turtles. As a whole, the sex ratios inside the wetland complex were not skewed. These results reinforce the conclusions of a previous study of a single wetland within this same complex that had found a correlation between road mortality and a male-skewed sex ratio in Midland painted turtles. We discuss population sources and sinks within the complex and the importance of protecting the overland corridors that support the safe turtle movements within this provincially significant wetland complex.

Pollution is a pervasive, albeit often invisible, threat to biodiversity in Canada. Currently, the Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (COSEWIC) relies on expert opinion to assess the scope (i.e., the proportion of a species’ population that may be affected) of pollution to species at risk. Here, we describe a spatially explicit, quantitative method for assessing the scope of pollution as a threat to species at risk in Canada. Using this method, we quantified the geographic co-occurrence of 488 terrestrial and freshwater species and pollution sources and determined that, on average, 57% of the mapped occurrences of each species at risk co-occurred with at least one pollution source. Furthermore, we found a weak correlation between the scope of the threat of pollution as assessed by COSEWIC expert panels and the geographic overlap of species occurrences and pollution sources that we determined with our quantitative method. Experts frequently identified scope of pollution as absent or negligible even for species with extensive co-occurrence with pollution sources, especially vascular plants. Clearly, a quantitative approach is needed to make accurate estimates of the scope of pollution as a threat to species at risk in Canada.

The concept of health permeates priorities and policies for managing wild Pacific salmon (Oncorynchus spp.). Regulatory agencies rely largely on salmon abundance and (or) the absence of pathogens to declare if a population is healthy. Our goal was to determine if there was a receptive policy environment within Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) to adopt a cumulative effects perspective of health. We used a previously developed health model along with a multiple streams framework and a narrative review of DFO policy to see how fish health was situated in DFO’s salmon management problems, policy, and politics. We discovered that a cumulative effects perspective was consistent with policy goals and priorities. DFO’s guiding principles and responsibilities for aquatic animal health were spread across multiple policies and regulations. There were no processes or people responsible for integrating information and activities. The use of the word health in policies and planning without a consistent definition meant that DFO could not explicitly assess if it has reached its management target of healthy salmon. An option for transitioning to cumulative effects perspective is to adopt a healthy public policy perspective and processes to integrate the diverse information linked to social and environmental determinants of health.

Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), a pesticide used in salmonid aquaculture, is released directly into the environment where nontarget organisms are at risk of exposure. We determined threshold concentrations for mortality of Calanus spp., the dominant zooplankton species in the North Atlantic, and assessed sublethal effects, focusing on the escape response and oxygen consumption rates (OCRs) as behavioral and physiological assays. One-hour exposure to 170 mg·L−1 (i.e., 10% of the recommended H2O2 treatment) was lethal to copepodite stage V (92% mortality) and adult females (100% mortality). The acute median lethal concentration (1h-LC50) was 214.1 (150.67–277.4) and 48.6 (44.9–52.2) mg·L−1 for copepodite V and adults, respectively. The 25-h LC50 was 77.1 (57.9–96.2) and 30.63 (25.4–35.8) mg·L−1 for copepodite V and adults, respectively. At concentrations of 0.5% and 1% of the recommended treatment level, Calanus spp. showed a decrease in escape performance and lower OCRs with increased concentration. At H2O2 concentrations of 5% of the recommended treatment levels (85 mg·L−1), exposed copepods showed no escape reaction response. These results suggest that sublethal concentrations of H2O2 will increase the risk of predation for Calanus spp. Furthermore, this study provides supporting evidence that theoretical “safe” values, traditionally used for predicting toxicity thresholds, underestimate the impact of H2O2 on the physiological condition of nontarget crustaceans.

Women in science, technology, engineering, and math are not equally represented across tenure-track career stages, and this extends to grant funding, where women applicants often have lower success rates compared with men. While gender bias in reviewers has been documented, it is currently unknown whether written language in grant applications varies predictably with gender to elicit bias against women. Here we analyse the text of ∼2000 public research summaries from the 2016 Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) individual Discovery Grant (DG) program. We explore the relationship between language variables, inferred gender and career stage, and funding levels. We also analyse aggregated data from the 2012–2018 NSERC DG competitions to determine whether gender impacted the probability of receiving a grant for early-career researchers. We document a marginally significant gender difference in funding levels for successful grants, with women receiving $1756 less than men, and a large and significant difference in rejection rates among early-career applicants (women: 40.4% rejection; men: 33.0% rejection rate). Language variables had little ability to predict gender or funding level using predictive modelling. Our results indicate that NSERC funding levels and success rates differ between men and women, but we find no evidence that gendered language use affected funding outcomes.
Cimicid insects, bed bugs and their allies, include about 100 species of blood-feeding ectoparasites. Among them, a few have become widespread and abundant pests of humans. Cimicids vary in their degree of specialization to hosts. Whereas most species specialize on insectivorous birds or bats, the common bed bug can feed on a range of distantly related host species, such as bats, humans, and chickens. We suggest that association with humans and generalism in bed bugs led to fundamentally different living conditions that fostered rapid growth and expansion of their populations. We propose that the evolutionary and ecological success of common bed bugs reflected exploitation of large homeothermic hosts (humans) that sheltered in buildings. This was a departure from congeners whose hosts are much smaller and often heterothermic. We argue that interesting insights into the biology of pest species may be obtained using an integrated view of their ecology and evolution.
Science Applications Forum

British Columbia has the greatest biological diversity of any province or territory in Canada. Yet increasing numbers of species in British Columbia are threatened with extinction. The current patchwork of provincial laws and regulations has not effectively prevented species declines. Recently, the Provincial Government has committed to enacting an endangered species law. Drawing upon our scientific and legal expertise, we offer recommendations for key features of endangered species legislation that build upon strengths and avoid weaknesses observed elsewhere. We recommend striking an independent Oversight Committee to provide recommendations about listing species, organize Recovery Teams, and monitor the efficacy of actions taken. Recovery Teams would evaluate and prioritize potential actions for individual species or groups of species that face common threats or live in a common area, based on best available evidence (including natural and social science and Indigenous Knowledge). Our recommendations focus on implementing an adaptive approach, with ongoing and transparent monitoring and reporting, to reduce delays between determining when a species is at risk and taking effective actions to save it. We urge lawmakers to include this strong evidentiary basis for species recovery as they tackle the scientific and socioeconomic challenges of building an effective species at risk Act.

A key dimension of our current era is Big Data, the rapid rise in produced data and information; a key frustration is that we are nonetheless living in an age of ignorance, as the real knowledge and understanding of people does not seem to be substantially increasing. This development has critical consequences, for example it limits the ability to find and apply effective solutions to pressing environmental and socioeconomic challenges. Here, we propose the concept of “knowledge in the dark”—or short: dark knowledge—and outline how it can help clarify key reasons for this development: (i) production of biased, erroneous, or fabricated data and information; (ii) inaccessibility and (iii) incomprehensibility of data and information; and (iv) loss of previous knowledge. Even in the academic realm, where financial interests are less pronounced than in the private sector, several factors lead to dark knowledge, that is they inhibit a more substantial increase in knowledge and understanding. We highlight four of these factors—loss of academic freedom, research biases, lack of reproducibility, and the Scientific tower of Babel—and offer ways to tackle them, for example establishing an international court of arbitration for research and developing advanced tools for research synthesis.
Review Article
Open science can significantly influence the development and translational process of precision medicine in Canada. Precision medicine presents a unique opportunity to improve disease prevention and healthcare, as well as to reduce health-related expenditures. However, the development of precision medicine also brings about economic challenges, such as costly development, high failure rates, and reduced market size in comparison with the traditional blockbuster drug development model. Open science, characterized by principles of open data sharing, fast dissemination of knowledge, cumulative research, and cooperation, presents a unique opportunity to address these economic challenges while also promoting the public good. The Centre of Genomics and Policy at McGill University organized a stakeholders’ workshop in Montreal in March 2018. The workshop entitled “Could Open be the Yellow Brick Road to Precision Medicine?” provided a forum for stakeholders to share experiences and identify common objectives, challenges, and needs to be addressed to promote open science initiatives in precision medicine. The rich presentations and exchanges that took place during the meeting resulted in this consensus paper containing key considerations for open science precision medicine in Canada. Stakeholders would benefit from addressing these considerations as to promote a more coherent and dynamic open science ecosystem for precision medicine.

Marine plastic pollution is an environmental contaminant of significant concern. There is a lack of consistency in sample collection and processing that continues to impede meta-analyses and large-scale comparisons across time and space. This is true for most taxa, including seabirds, which are the most studied megafauna group with regards to plastic ingestion research. Consequently, it is difficult to evaluate the impacts and extent of plastic contamination in seabirds fully and accurately, and to make inferences about species for which we have little or no data. We provide a synthesized set of recommendations specific for seabirds and plastic ingestion studies that include best practices in relation to sample collection, processing, and reporting, as well as highlighting some “cross-cutting” methods. We include guidance for how carcasses, regurgitations, and pellets should be handled and treated to prevent cross-contamination, and a discussion of what size class of microplastics can be assessed in each sample type. Although we focus on marine bird samples, we also include standardized techniques to remove sediment and biological material that are generalizable to other taxa. Lastly, metrics and data presentation of ingested plastics are briefly reviewed in the context of seabird studies.