Data and knowledge needs for improving science and policy for peatlands in Canada in a changing world: insights from Global Peatlands Initiative Workshop, June 2023

Publication: FACETS
20 February 2025


Knowledge and data on the current function, future threats, and benefits of peatlands in Canada are required to support evidence-based decision-making to ensure they continue to provide critical ecosystem services. This is particularly relevant for Canada, given the large expanse of relatively intact peatland area. There is a need, not only to standardize protocols, but also to prioritize types of information and knowledge that can best meet conservation and management goals. This was the challenge posed to the participants of the Global Peatlands Initiative workshop in June 2023 in Quebec City, Quebec, Canada. Participants were composed of researchers using primarily Western science approaches that use peatland data for carbon accounting, policy or sustainable land use, reclamation/restoration, conservation, wildlife, and water resources applications. For seven peatland data categories (hydrometeorological and environmental sensing; peat coring and depth; greenhouse gas monitoring; biodiversity; vegetation, woody debris, and litter; Traditional Knowledge; water quality), three priority measurements were identified and recommendations for their collection were discussed. The key recommendations from the workshop were to (1) create standardized, yet flexible protocols; (2) coordinate field data collection where possible; (3) weave more Traditional Knowledge into understanding of peatlands; (4) create an atlas of existing peatland information; (5) scope opportunities to create a network of peatland “super sites”.

1. Introduction

Peatlands are wetland ecosystems that have accumulated partially decomposed organic material, i.e., peat, to a thickness of at least 40 cm in Canada (NWWG 1997). There is growing recognition of the important role that peatlands play in ecosystem service provision, including contributions to climate regulation, biodiversity support, water resource management, water quality protection, and nutrient cycling (Frolking and Roulet 2007; Minayeva and Sirin 2012; Leifeld and Menichetti 2018; Xu et al. 2018; Taillardat et al. 2020). Peatland protection and restoration have been cited as important actions to meet commitments under both climate action and biodiversity protection strategies (Joosten 2015; IUCN 2021; UNEP 2022). Despite this role, peatlands are facing many threats, such as drainage for agriculture, forestry and peat extraction, excavation during mining activities, and climate change-induced disturbances, such as permafrost thaw, and greater frequency and severity of droughts and wildfires (e.g., Harris et al. 2022). These threats are particularly apparent at high latitudes where climate warming is proceeding at a rate much higher than the global average (IPCC 2021) and where resource extraction is also expanding (e.g., Wang et al. 2020). Therefore, decisions about where to prioritize specific peatland management actions will need to be made in an era of change, in terms of changes not only to the physical environment but also changes in values and policy frameworks (e.g., Brown 2020; Moxey et al. 2021).
Knowledge and data on current peatland ecosystem functions and services, future threats, and opportunities for peatland conservation are required to support evidence-based decision-making on peatland management and stewardship (Reed et al. 2022). This is particularly relevant in a Canadian context given that Canada is home to one-quarter of the world's peatlands, 98% of which remain in a relatively intact state (Rochefort et al. 2022), but also where less than 10% have formal protection (Harris et al. 2022). Given Canada's vast peatland area, appropriate management will be important for the country to meet commitments under multinational environmental agreements and national climate action and biodiversity goals. For example, avoided peatland conversion (i.e., keeping intact peatlands undisturbed) was estimated to result in greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reductions of 10.1 Mt CO2-e in 2030, contributing 12% of calculated natural climate solutions for Canada (Drever et al. 2021). Further, Canada has committed to conserving 30% of its land and water by 2030 (Government of Canada 2023). This will require information to inform decisions to best support benefits to water resources, biodiversity, and climate (Mitchell et al. 2021). Canada has also committed to support Indigenous-led conservation, e.g., Indigenous Protected and Conserved Areas, and to the goal of conservation in Canada as a path towards reconciliation (TRCC 2015a, 2015b; Indigenous Circle of Elders 2018; Moola and Roth 2019).
Although Canada has a rich history of peatland research based on Western science (Price et al. 2023), and a much longer memory of peatland conditions as Traditional Knowledge (Cimellaro 2022), this information has been collected for specific purposes and often only at specific locations. As has been widely acknowledged, a lack of standardization in the collection of information and inconsistent reporting of results creates challenges for evidence-based decision-making (Taylor et al. 2019; Bansal et al. 2023). Comparing results among studies using disparate methods can result in high levels of uncertainty that limit the utility of the outcomes for informing policy and practice. For this reason, there are many examples of standardized data collection protocols that have been developed (e.g., Canadian Council of Ministers of Environment 2011; Pastorello et al. 2020; EPA 2023; Magnan et al. 2024). As well, data that can be collected may be limited by many constraints, including cost, expertise, and site access (e.g., Nwaishi et al. 2015). For peatlands in Canada, their vast area, often remote location, and restrictive frozen conditions for a substantial part of the year all complicate field data collection. There is a need not only to standardize data and knowledge collection protocols but also to prioritize types of information and knowledge that can best meet management and policy goals while considering logistical constraints related to the methodology required.
As a tool to identify key metrics of peatland function, a workshop was organized in June 2023 in Quebec City, Quebec, Canada by the Global Peatlands Initiative (, the Peatland Ecosystem Research Group (, and the Can-Peat project ( Discussions were focused on the following themes:
Applications and end uses/users of peatland data and knowledge.
Types of data/knowledge that are most needed for these applications/end users.
Collection methods for priority data.
Coordinating peatland data collection and management.
Through these discussions, the end goal was to forge a path towards mobilizing new multidisciplinary research and collaboration as well as compiling and consolidating existing knowledge, data, and experience of Canada's peatlands.

2. Methods

To identify priority peatland data and information that would be useful for a range of management and policy goals, we compiled information from peatland experts across a range of disciplines and sectors in a workshop setting. A similar approach, sometimes referred to as expert elicitation, has been used in several environmental conservation and management prioritization exercises, including recent examples that focus on peatlands in other regions of the world (Padfield et al. 2015; Reed et al. 2022; Rowland et al. 2023). This work occurred on the second day of the 2-day workshop that consisted of a plenary session on applications and end uses of peatland data and knowledge for decision-making, followed by breakout group discussions on collecting peatland data and knowledge. The day concluded with a group conversation to summarize and synthesize themes arising from the presentations and breakout groups.

2.1. Overview of the participants

Participants in the workshop reflected different interests and expertise in peatlands with the goal to gain insight from a range of potential users of peatland data and information. Most participants were from Canada, but some were from other countries (see Supplementary material Table S1). The participants generally were composed of researchers using Western science approaches, with interest predominantly in carbon accounting, policy or sustainable land use, reclamation/restoration, or conservation (Fig. 1A). The expertise of the participants was primarily in the areas of peat coring and depth, vegetation, wood debris and litter, and GHG monitoring (Fig. 1B).
Fig. 1.
Fig. 1. (A) Responses from participants on their interest or applications for which workshop participants used peatland data (n = 120) and (B) type of peatland data collection participants had the most working experience (n = 106).

2.2. Plenary session on applications and end uses/users of peatland data and knowledge for decision-making

The first part of the workshop had a panel of five speakers representing four different peatland themes related to academic science research, conservation, reclamation/restoration, and national synthesis and reporting. Each presenter discussed data needs, challenges, and opportunities specific to those themes. Michelle Garneau (UQAM) presented on the need and value of a comprehensive peatland database. Two speakers presented peatland conservation perspectives. Lorna Harris (Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) Canada) presented on peatland policy initiatives and Matt Munson (Dene Tha First Nation) discussed community-led monitoring initiatives. Bin Xu (Northern Alberta Institute of Technology (NAIT) Centre for Boreal Research) presented a reclamation/restoration perspective describing his work in the Alberta Oil Sands region on site-scale peatland restoration. A national synthesis and GHG reporting perspective presentation was given by Kelly Bona (Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC)).
Across all presentations, the importance of peatlands in Canada was highlighted alongside calls for collaborative collection and sharing of data and knowledge. Speakers stressed the need for data to support a range of actions related to peatland management, including land use planning and peatland protection strategies, national reporting to multilateral environmental agreements (e.g., anthropogenic GHG emission reporting to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change), restoration planning and implementation, and policy guidance. In addition to access to peatland information, there is an urgent need to harmonize data, so that it can be used beyond specific project goals. Many tools are emerging to facilitate this harmonization, including community-led monitoring using apps for field data collection, national models such as the Canadian Model for Peatlands (CaMP; Bona et al. 2020, 2024), provincial databases on peat physical and chemical properties, and technical guides for peat sample collection (Magnan et al. 2023, 2024) and restoration (e.g., NAIT technical resources (; Quinty et al. 2020).

2.3. Breakout group discussion on collecting peatland data and knowledge

The second part of the workshop was a group discussion on different types of peatland data collection, organized around different categories of peatland information. The categories included: (1) hydrometeorological and environmental sensing; (2) peat coring and depth; (3) GHG monitoring; (4) biodiversity; (5) vegetation, woody debris, and litter; (6) Traditional Knowledge; and (7) water quality.
The goals of the breakout session were to:
Identify the types of peatland data/information that are collected within these different categories.
For each type of data/information, discuss the best ways to measure them.
Prioritize the types of data/information to be collected.
To do this, participants were asked to choose the category of peatland data collection that they felt they had the most expertise in. Each category was assigned a different table with a printout, pre-populated with data/information specific to that category. Each table had two facilitators to record the discussion. The participants were asked to add any data/information missing from the list for the category and then, for each of those types of data/information, discuss the best ways to measure/collect them. The focus was primarily on methods of measurement and data collection in the field. Specifically, participants were asked to consider questions, such as:
Where should measurements/samples be taken?
How should measurements/samples be taken and how many?
If samples are taken, how should samples be stored?
How should samples be processed (if needed before analysis)?
Recommendations, tips and tricks, advice about equipment, references, or existing written protocol.
Following information gathering, the participants took part in a prioritization exercise. For the application that they were most familiar with (i.e., carbon accounting and mapping, wildlife, water resources, reclamation/restoration, conservation, and policy or sustainable land use), they were asked what they felt the most important measurements were to make. Participants had the opportunity to visit all the tables/categories and place a vote (i.e., sticker dot with colour corresponding to their application) on what they felt were the most important data types. Each participant had 10 votes (i.e., stickers) and could decide on which data type to place them to reflect their values for prioritization (i.e., one sticker each on 10 different types of data (e.g., water table, peat depth, methane emissions, etc.), all 10 stickers on one key data type, or an intermediate approach).
Given there was an imbalance in the areas of expertise among participants (see overview of participants above), we summarized the types of data within each category based on ranking (most votes to least) and recorded which applications used the data, not the total number of votes per application. Although this analysis is imperfect and incomplete, we feel that many insights were gained from the exercise.

3. Results

3.1. Breakout group discussion

The following sections synthesize some of the key discussions from each of the groups for the different peatland data categories and the results of the prioritization exercise. The complete set of notes for each of the sections can be found in the supplemental material (Annex S2). The categories are considered in order of the number of votes (i.e., stickers) received in each category's top three data types (Fig. 2). This helps to account for the different number of data types reflected in each category. However, the order does not change significantly if the total number of votes across all data types is used as the metric, except the ranking of vegetation, wood debris, and litter switched with biodiversity (Fig. 2). In the two categories that received the least votes (Traditional Knowledge and water quality), we acknowledge that this likely reflects a lack of expertise in these areas among participants. We recognize that for these two categories, results represent incomplete information on the types of peatland information and how to collect that information.
Fig. 2.
Fig. 2. The number of votes (i.e., stickers) received in the highest three ranking data types (dark blue bars) and across all listed data types (light blue bars) in each category of peatland information. Note: GHG is greenhouse gas.

3.1.1. Hydrometeorological and environmental sensing

Environmental variables, such as temperature and moisture, drive many key ecological and biogeochemical processes in peatlands (Yavitt et al. 1997; Turetsky et al. 2012; Page and Baird 2016). Notably, these factors drive water table fluctuations that influence microbial processes that control organic matter decomposition and nutrient cycling (Clymo 1984; Ise et al. 2008). In addition, soil temperature and moisture conditions determine oxidation-reduction potentials (amount of oxygen or other electron acceptors), which are important drivers of the amount and type of GHG emissions and rates of organic matter turnover (Marschner 2021). Meteorological conditions regulate these environmental controls and also affect vegetation–atmosphere processes such as evapotranspiration and gross primary productivity (Hesslerová et al. 2019). Understanding trends in these variables over time requires monitoring environmental conditions over event, seasonal, annual, and long-term time scales (Lindenmayer et al. 2012).
Discussion and recommendations
Water table depth, soil environmental conditions, and meteorological conditions were highlighted as priority measurements (Fig. 3).
Fig. 3.
Fig. 3. Priority of measurements within the category of meteorology and environmental sensing as identified by workshop participants (top panel) and relevance of measurement to different applications (bottom panel). Note: PAR is photosynthetically active radiation and PW is porewater.
Water table depth
Water table depth can be measured in a variety of ways within a dipwell, usually installed by hand, or hole dug in the peat, with water level measured via a blow tube, or dipwell with calibrated pressure transducers (Li and Gao 2020; Evans et al. 2021a, 2021b; Baird and Low 2022). At a minimum, data collection within peatlands should strive to include water table depth even if it is only a single measurement, although several measurements averaged across the peatland and at regular intervals in time is better. The simplest method is to make a small hole through the peat with a narrow diameter piece of tubing or solid probe. After the hole is created, time should be allowed for equilibration with the surrounding environment (Baird and Low 2022). Then, a hollow tube (or tubing attached to a rod) is lowered into the hole while blowing constantly until “bubbling” is heard. At this point, record the length of the tube to the peat surface (i.e., the total length of the tube minus the height above ground) to calculate the depth of the water table. If repeated measurements will be taken, installing a well (such as a PVC pipe with holes drilled along the entire length) is preferable.
Soil environmental conditions
Soil moisture was also identified as a priority measurement. There are a variety of probes that use capacitance or time domain reflectometry measurements (e.g., deltaT, WCR, etc.) that can be used synoptically or continuously to measure soil moisture (Cahn and Johnson 2017; Taufik et al. 2023) or an alternative low-tech option is to determine soil moisture gravimetrically by collecting peat samples (e.g., by taking a box core), weighing, drying, and then reweighing them to determine the mass of water (Baird and Low 2022). In practice, gravimetric measurements should be completed to calibrate probes as most manufacturer calibrations do not work well for peat soils (e.g., Dettmann and Bechtold 2018). Similarly, there are a variety of ways to measure soil temperature, from handheld thermometers to thermocouples and thermistors that can be connected to dataloggers or downloaded using Bluetooth or collected, downloaded, and redeployed (e.g., iButtons). For environmental conditions, consideration needs to be given as to the depth(s) at which data are collected as conditions fluctuate over various time scales.
Meteorological conditions
Precipitation (rain and snow) can be measured using a precipitation gauge, which could be made by simply using any clear plastic cylindrical bottle with a funnel and marking 1 cm increments, which must be read after a rainfall event and reset (Gires 2018). More complex systems that automatically measure the collected precipitation can be used to continuously measure precipitation in these systems if that is more aligned with the research goals (Richardson and Siccama 2000). Snow measurements can be more challenging to collect and could include heated precipitation collectors, or other methods such as using a camera with a graduated stick for scale, or snow depth surveys that account for snow water equivalents (Archer 1998).

3.1.2. Peat depth and coring

Peat depth and cores are used in peatland carbon accounting and mapping (pre-disturbance and post-reclamation/restoration) and in determining conservation, development, and land use policies (Loisel et al. 2014; Taillardat et al. 2020). Peat depths, along with bulk density, carbon and nutrient content, and degree of decomposition along the peat profile are used to calculate carbon stocks, and peat and carbon accumulation rates (Gorham et al. 2012). Peat cores can be used to determine the history and development of a site and its surroundings through radiometric dating, subfossil and microbial analysis, and chemical testing (e.g., Bilali et al. 2013; Packalen and Finkelstein 2014; Piilo et al. 2019). Furthermore, this peat profile information is essential to inform (parameterize, calibrate, and assess) peatland carbon models to understand past and present carbon dynamics and predict future responses because of direct anthropogenic changes and climate change (Gallego-Sala et al. 2018; Bauer et al. 2024).
Discussion and recommendations
Peat depth, bulk density, and chemical characterization were highlighted as priority measurements (Fig. 4). Both bulk density determination and chemical characterization (as well as other peat properties) require the collection of peat cores.
Fig. 4.
Fig. 4. Priority of measurements within the category of peat cores and depth as identified by workshop participants (top panel) and relevance of measurement to different applications (bottom panel). Note: C N P S is carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, and sulfur, XRF is X-ray fluorescence.
Peat depth
There are multiple ways to sample peat depths in situ, with the simplest being a solid, narrow probe pushed down until resistance is met, signaling the mineral layer. Measuring from the point where the probe was at surface level (base of live moss layer, or if from the top of live layer indicate the depth of moss layer) to the bottom of the probe gives the peat depth. This method can be useful for quickly mapping peat depths using transects or a grid across a peatland, although there are some inherent uncertainties, including interference from large debris (e.g., rocks or buried wood), seasonal ground ice, permafrost, or ice lenses stopping the probe before the mineral layer is reached and thus recorded as too shallow. Taking multiple measurements at a single point using a narrow diameter corer is useful to remove the possibility that local debris is affecting the measurement and to ensure the peat–mineral interface has been reached (Parry et al. 2014).
Peat cores
The most common method for extracting peat samples is the collection of a peat core, in which a column of peat of known volume is extracted intact or in sections of known length. Although the outcome is the same, there are many variations in procedures and equipment used in the field for collecting peat, from many standardized instruments to any variety of homemade pipes, cylinders, and boxes. As many analyses across disciplines depend on sample volume, size, and continuous and (or) contiguous cores, standardizing collection procedures for low- and high-cost equipment options may be a priority (de Vleeschouwer et al. 2010; Shotyk and Noernberg 2020). Key considerations include whether the entire peat core should be collected or only a portion of the peat profile. Entire peat cores are extremely valuable but difficult and time-consuming to collect. Care should be taken when collecting cores to minimize the compression of the peat. Recording the depth of the core and the hole it was taken from may help estimate compression. Consideration should also be given to how many samples should be taken to be representative of the peatland. A general rule of thumb would be a minimum of three coring locations, with one core at the interior or deepest part of the peatland. Depending on the analyses to be done on the extracted peat cores, peat cores may need to be stored at specific temperatures (e.g., cool or frozen) or undergo special pre-analysis processing (e.g., cut into increments, dried, ground, preserved). Standard methods for characterizing wetland soil carbon stocks are being developed (e.g., Magnan et al. 2024).
Dry bulk density is needed to calculate peat C and nutrient pools (Renou-Wilson et al. 2022). Bulk density is calculated by taking a known volume of peat (cross-sectional area of corer multiplied by depth) and determining its dry weight. The optimal depth interval for measuring bulk density may vary, but frequently longer increments are used near the surface where density is lower, while shorter increments can be used at depth where density is higher. An optimal approach would be to take two cores, with one core for peat characterization and one core for bulk density estimation close to each other. A separate core for bulk density is often necessary since the heating required to dry the sample to determine mass and density may alter the chemical and biological characterization of the peat. Alternatively, subsamples can be taken if only one core is available, alternating subsections for characterizations and bulk density.

3.1.3. Greenhouse gas monitoring

Peatlands are important long-term carbon sinks but can also be sources of GHGs. Peatland plants draw down CO2 from the atmosphere via gross primary production (GPP) through photosynthesis but release CO2 via autotrophic respiration (AR). The balance between these two fluxes of CO2 is the net primary productivity (NPP) (Chapin et al. 2006). Heterotrophic respiration (HR) by microbes mineralizing dead organic matter produces CO2 and CH4 gases (Limpens et al. 2008). N2O production can also occur under certain conditions in peatlands, although exchanges of CO2 and CH4 dominate the peatland net ecosystem carbon balance. Monitoring of these important GHGs is required for carbon and GHG accounting and the policies that those applications support (Strack 2023). These measurements can be used to understand how peatlands respond to natural and anthropogenic disturbances, including forest fires, increasing air temperature, shifting precipitation patterns, and disturbance for industrial activities (e.g., Harris et al. 2020; Wilkinson et al. 2023), as well as the effectiveness of restoration efforts (e.g., Nugent et al. 2018; Satriawan et al. 2023).
Discussion and recommendations
GHG (CO2 and CH4) emissions and removals and primary productivity were highlighted as priority measurements (Fig. 5).
Fig. 5.
Fig. 5. Priority of measurements within the category of greenhouse gas monitoring as identified by workshop participants (top panel) and relevance of measurement to different applications (bottom panel). Note: GHG is greenhouse gas.
GHG emissions and removals
Measurements of net ecosystem exchange (NEE) of CO2 (NEE = GPP − AR − HR) and CH4 gases were the highest priority for session attendees. These variables can be directly measured and provide information about both the net quantity of gaseous CO2 or CH4 exchanged between the surface and the atmosphere, and the direction of the exchange. Measurement methods of CO2 and CH4 emissions can be divided into plot (<1 m2) versus ecosystem scale, and continuous versus non-continuous measurements. Employing methods at multiple spatial and temporal scales allows a variety of issues to be addressed, for example, how vegetation composition and moisture impact carbon emissions, how emissions vary diurnally and seasonally, and calculating emissions over a heterogenous landscape. At disturbed sites, researchers should consider not only the local emissions, but where applicable, also the downstream or down production chain emissions (where extracted material is processed) to capture the full impact of the disturbance. Bansal et al. (2023) provide an overview of measurement methods relevant to wetland carbon exchange.
The most common method is the use of static chambers to record plot-scale non-continuous CO2 and CH4 emissions. Plastic or aluminum chambers are manually placed onto collars inserted in the peat surface. The changes in gas concentration in the chamber headspace are measured for minutes to hours using trace gas analyzers (e.g., Bansal et al. 2023). A similar approach is the use of auto-chambers, which are connected to a power source and automatically open and close onto the collar, allowing for near continuous measurements without direct human involvement (e.g., Lai et al. 2012). Opaque and transparent chambers are used to partition this flux into its parts (see below). For example, the NEE of CO2 in the understory layer can be measured using clear chambers during the day, although this method does not account for aboveground AR or GPP in larger shrubs and trees.
The eddy covariance method is an alternative approach to plot-based chamber measurements and provides near-continuous ecosystem-scale measurements. The technique calculates the covariance in vertical fluctuations of trace gases (often CO2, CH4, and H2O) and wind velocity to estimate vertical fluxes of these gases between the surface and the atmosphere (e.g., Baldocchi 2014; Mauder et al. 2021). Since these measurements are taken above the tree canopy (if one is present), daytime eddy covariance measurements can capture both the canopy and understory NEE.
Ecosystem respiration (ER = AR + HR) can be measured using the chamber method with an opaque chamber, or under nighttime conditions with the eddy covariance method. However, separating ER into its two component fluxes is difficult. Soil HR can be measured by removing surface vegetation in a collar, and then using the chamber method with an opaque chamber; however, unless this vegetation removal is maintained or roots fully pulled out, the measurement will likely include some autotrophic root respiration and is thus not a true measure of HR (e.g., Rankin et al. 2023). Creating trenches around the base of the collar to limit the influence of adjacent vegetation roots on the collar fluxes can provide a more accurate HR value (Jovani-Sancho et al. 2018). Once HR is estimated, it can be subtracted from the measured ER to determine autotrophic root respiration (e.g., Munir et al. 2017).
Primary productivity
GPP and NPP were also identified as important variables. GPP is a derived value calculated by subtracting a measured ER from a measured NEE value collected using either chamber or eddy covariance methods. NPP can be calculated as GPP − AR, although in practice, it is very difficult to partition ER into AR and HR as discussed above. It can be also measured by tracking increases in plant biomass over time and then converting this biomass into carbon content (Strack et al. 2018).

3.1.4. Biodiversity inventory

Peatlands provide habitat for many plants, animals, invertebrates, and microorganisms. Biological diversity, or biodiversity, is defined as the variability among living organisms from all sources, including diversity within species, between species and of ecosystems (Convention on Biological Diversity 2011). Understanding species richness and diversity within peatlands is important for protecting these species and the ecological functions and services they provide. Peatlands are home to many plant species uniquely adapted to the wet, anoxic, and often acidic soil conditions. While this vegetation plays a key role in peatland carbon storage (see 3.3.5 Vegetation, woody debris, and litter section), it also provides habitat and forage for animals and humans, as well as traditional medicines (Mallon et al. 2016; Speller and Forbes 2022). Invertebrate and microbial communities also play critical roles in carbon and nutrient cycling in peatlands and are important lower trophic levels in local to regional food webs (Thormann 2006; Wyatt et al. 2021; Kamath et al. 2022; Allingham et al. 2023; Barreto et al. 2024). Additionally, peatlands provide habitat for many species at risk, and thus, understanding how these species use and interact with peatlands is important in developing species recovery plans. For example, habitat fragmentation across the boreal forest, particularly in peatlands, has been identified as a key contributor to declining woodland caribou populations (Courtois et al. 2007; Arsenault and Manseau 2011); and in Ontario, peatlands have been identified as key nesting and overwintering habitats for threatened reptile species (Markle et al. 2020).
Discussion and recommendations
Most participants at the workshop were not experts in invertebrate and (or) animal ecology, and thus the importance of biodiversity monitoring was likely under-represented in the prioritization exercise given the biases of the group. Vegetation inventory and linking that inventory to habitat for different organisms were rated as the highest priority measurements, followed by an inventory of other groups or organisms (Fig. 6). Vegetation inventory within this biodiversity category reflects some overlap with the “Vegetation, woody debris, and litter” category; although, when the focus is on assessing biodiversity, different measures are often used for plant species and plant species assemblages.
Fig. 6.
Fig. 6. Priority of measurements within the category of biodiversity inventory as identified by workshop participants (top panel) and relevance of measurement to different applications (bottom panel).
Different approaches to biodiversity inventories could be used depending on the purpose of the information. Some considerations include: (1) identification to species, genus, or family levels, use of functional group or trait-based approaches, or environmental DNA/RNA methods; (2) listing presence or absence or determining population size or percent cover; and (3) targeted surveys in specific areas or using opportunistic observations through crowdsourcing applications (e.g., iNaturalist) for regional inventory (e.g., Edaphobase).
Monitoring for many groups of organisms has advanced in recent years with the availability of camera traps and automatic recording units, yet data interpretation and on-the-ground field surveys continue to require highly trained experts (Stephenson 2020). However, these approaches reflect a Western science perspective and ignore traditional approaches and naming for biodiversity. Developing approaches that support the braiding of these knowledge systems will be valuable for advancing biodiversity monitoring in Canadian peatlands (Henri et al. 2021; Wilcox et al. 2023).

3.1.5. Vegetation, woody debris, and litter

Information on vegetation, woody debris, and litter is critical for accurate quantification of aboveground live carbon pools, estimating NPP, and quantifying dead organic matter pools on the peat surface (e.g., IPCC 2014; Bona et al. 2020). These data are also essential when classifying peatland type; characterizing species habitats, distributions, and abundance; and monitoring vegetation growth and successional trajectories over time (NWWG 1997; Warner and Asada 2006; Poulin et al. 2013; Baxendale et al. 2016; Pospíšilová et al. 2023).
Discussion and recommendations
Peatland type and vegetation cover, and biomass data were highlighted as priority measurements (Fig. 7).
Fig. 7.
Fig. 7. Priority of measurements within the category of vegetation, woody debris, and litter as identified by workshop participants (top panel) and relevance of measurement to different applications (bottom panel). Note: NPP is net primary productivity.
Vegetation cover and biomass
When collecting vegetation cover and biomass data, it is important to select appropriate plot sizes for each vegetation group. Ideally, understory vegetation plots should be nested; for example, 25 × 25 cm plots to identify mosses within a 1 × 1 m plot to identify vascular species (e.g., Gonzalez and Rochefort 2014). Plot sizes should, however, be adjusted to ensure that representative coverage of the various species within the site's community is obtained (Steenvoorden et al. 2022; Magnan et al. 2024). Further, allometric (diameter-height) equations that are peatland-specific would improve estimates of tree biomass (e.g., Bansal et al. 2023). For tracking vegetation change through time, permanent plots should be established, such as the plots used to monitor restoration outcomes on peat extraction sites (e.g., Poulin et al. 2013).
To understand the large spatial and temporal scale changes in vegetation cover, it is important that plot-scale measurements are both collected in a manner that can be linked to remote sensing products and that non-destructive techniques are used when possible. For example, plot- or field-scale measurements of tree structure and biomass can be linked to remote sensing products such as unpiloted aerial vehicle laser scanning (e.g., Brede et al. 2022). Furthermore, green leaf phenology (i.e., tracking the trajectory of plant greenness over the growing season; Davidson et al. 2021) and plant leaf traits, such as leaf area index, were also identified as potential ways to estimate NPP and biomass (Goud et al. 2017), while avoiding destructive sampling methods, which can be particularly challenging in remote locations, and can successfully be up-scaled using multi- and hyper-spectral remote sensing products (Davidson et al. 2016).
Peatland type
Peatland type is an integrative measure that is based on vegetation information (e.g., species present), direct measures of nutrient status (e.g., pH, conductivity, cation concentrations), and other information such as percent tree cover (e.g., NWWG 1997). Peatland type can be assigned using this information with relevant regional classification systems and guides (e.g., Alberta Environment and Sustainable Resource Development 2015; Government of Ontario 2022). Peatland-type identification is critical for scaling site-level information in national inventory models (e.g., Bona et al. 2020) and for verifying mapping products (e.g., Webster et al. 2018; Amani et al. 2019). However, peatland classification is challenging, particularly for the swamp category, and much work is still required to improve consistency across Canada (Webster et al. 2018).

3.1.6. Traditional Knowledge

There is increased recognition of the importance of Traditional Knowledge and other ways of looking at the natural world and the importance of considering this different way of seeing as part of our path to reconciliation (TRCC 2015a, 2015b; Moola and Roth 2019; Wong et al. 2020). Only a few participants at the workshop had expertise in Traditional Knowledge, and we recognize that this is an important gap and does not cover the breadth of knowledge in this area.
Discussion and recommendations
Given that Traditional Knowledge was not represented well among the workshop participants and many, if not most participants, lack understanding of Traditional Knowledge, we have included the types of information discussed in the group, but not assigned a priority ranking (Fig. 8). Much more work is needed to advance efforts to weave this type of peatland information and knowledge with data types typically linked to Western science.
Fig. 8.
Fig. 8. Potential measurements within the category of Traditional Knowledge and relevance of measurement to different applications as identified by workshop participants. Note: OCAP (ownership, control, access, possession) is an expression of First Nations jurisdiction over information about their communities and its community members.

3.1.7. Water quality

The assessment of peatland water quality is an important tool in defining peatland types and their function. The biogeochemical characterization of these ecosystems can provide insights to processes in both upgradient (Rossi et al. 2012; Elmes et al. 2021) and downgradient (Ramchunder et al. 2011; Orlova and Branfireun 2014; Ferlatte et al. 2015) ecosystems. In the near surface, water quality can be both influenced by and in turn influence vegetation community productivity and composition (Lavallee and Campbell 2019; Serafin et al. 2023), while at depth, water quality can influence rates and types of decomposition (Beer et al. 2008; Leifeld et al. 2012), as well as the mixing of shallow and deep water sources (Balliston et al. 2023). Water-bound carbon can also be incorporated into carbon balances as a net carbon export from the peatland system (Waddington and Roulet 2000; Roulet et al. 2007; Gažovič et al. 2013; Taillardat et al. 2022; Prijac et al. 2023).
Discussion and recommendations
The water quality variables of porewater dissolved organic carbon (DOC), dissolved nutrients (e.g., nitrogen, phosphorus, sulfur), and measures that indirectly infer ionic concentrations, including alkalinity and conductivity, pH, and redox state were identified as priority measurements (Fig. 9).
Fig. 9.
Fig. 9. Priority of measurements within the category of water quality as identified by workshop participants (top panel) and relevance of measurement to different applications (bottom panel). PW refers to soil porewater. Note: DOC is dissolved organic carbon, C N P S is carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, sulfur, DIC is dissolved inorganic carbon.
Water quality variables
Though specific techniques may vary by solute, water quality data are generally obtained by either deploying in situ sensors that continuously measure and record a given parameter or through the collection of ground or surface water samples, which are then analyzed either in-field or in a laboratory setting. Deployed in situ sensors are often used to capture a small number of variables at high temporal resolution and low spatial resolution, while water samples are often taken at discrete sampling events and better capture the spatial heterogeneity present across these landscapes. Common deployable sensors are cylindrical sondes that are generally housed in wells (e.g., perforated PVC pipes) and can be installed into both surface water features and soil profiles (Hensley et al. 2021).
Discrete water sampling is generally conducted from a well, piezometer (similar to wells, but perforations occur only at a specified depth), or grab sample from surface water (see Bansal et al. 2023 for more detailed descriptions of approaches). Water can be extracted manually using a purge tube equipped with a foot valve, or in an automated fashion using low-flow peristaltic pumps. Measurements may be taken in the field by extracting water into a sample cup and analyzing using a handheld water quality meter. If sample analysis is to occur in a laboratory, samples are collected into cleaned and rinsed sample bottles according to specifications for the solute. Many water quality variables require the samples to be stored at specific temperatures (e.g., freezing) to prevent the degradation of the sample before analysis. Some samples, such as those collected for the analysis of DOC (Moore 1987; Urban et al. 1989; Prijac et al. 2022), may need further processing before storage and analysis, such as filtering, dilution, and (or) acidification. Given that some water quality variables can change form or degrade over time, analyses may be time-sensitive and must be completed within a certain window of time.

4. Discussion

Three themes emerged from the summary and syntheses part of the workshop: (1) priority data/information common among peatland applications, (2) capturing temporal variability and spatial heterogeneity in data/information, and (3) peatland data acquisition and data mobilization and management.

4.1. Priority data/information common among peatland applications

Scanning across all the types of peatland information that were considered during the workshop, the following were highlighted as priority measurements (Table 1). We recognize there are some limitations to our approach and the choice of priority measurements likely reflect biases in expertise and applications of the participants, including the representation of Indigenous views and perspectives. Furthermore, aside from a few exceptions, each data subcategory had at least one vote, so many different data are recognized as important. Despite this limitation, this is an important first step in moving forward with standardized data collection protocols for peatland measurements and data.
Table 1.
Table 1. Priority measurements/data in each of the peatland information categories as identified by workshop participants in order of ranking of category based on number of votes received in the highest three ranking data types (see Fig. 2).
Peat coring and depthPeat depth
Bulk density
Nutrient concentration
Hydrometeorological and environmental sensingWater table
Soil moisture and temperature
GHG monitoringCO2 emissions and removals (NEE)
Vegetation, woody debris, and litterPeatland type
Tree biomass
Moss, herb, sedge % cover
BiodiversityVegetation inventory
Animal inventory
Water qualityDOC
Porewater nutrients

Note: Note: NEE is net ecosystem exchange, GPP is gross primary productivity, NPP is net primary productivity.

In each of these categories some low-technology/readily available options to measure these key pieces of information were identified. These techniques may be appropriate for deployment by non-specialists (e.g., in a community science approach), but future work should focus on the accuracy and precision of the data produced (e.g., North et al. 2023). Further, while these approaches are inexpensive and simple to deploy, if an understanding of temporal variation is required, this would require frequent site visits. Frequent site visits may pose significant logistical challenges if the site is remote or only seasonally accessible; however, this could be addressed in part through more Indigenous partnerships and training to enhance the capacity to collect data in Traditional Territories, especially in areas around traditional camps. There were also high-tech options for taking these measurements; however, these options were not only more expensive but required more expertise to deploy and maintain, and frequently required a power source (e.g., solar panels and deep cycle batteries). Although more expensive and technically intense to maintain, these systems could allow higher temporal resolution in monitoring and could be left unattended for longer periods. However, there are risks associated with loss of data if systems fail (e.g., power outages) or are damaged (e.g., by wind or animals).

4.2. Capturing temporal variability and spatial heterogeneity in data/information

For either low-tech or high-tech options, year-round monitoring of peatlands is often problematic, particularly in cold climates. Capturing conditions and responses during the non-growing season is a critical gap in collecting peatland information. There is no easy solution to this, although establishing more peatland sites that are easily accessible year-round (e.g., Mer Bleue, Burns Bog) would be of tremendous value and more partnerships with Indigenous communities on Traditional Territories could enhance this effort. There is also enormous value in ensuring that these sites are maintained long-term to capture trends and tipping points over time (Havstad and Herrick 2003; Lindenmayer and Likens 2010; Lindenmayer et al. 2012).
Peatland data and information are often only collected at the plot or site/peatland scale. Understanding how those peatland properties scale from the plot to site, to other peatlands of the same type—both within and among ecozones—is a critical gap (Webster et al. 2018). Currently, there is a low density of peatland information across Canada, with bias to information in southern regions that can be more easily accessed. Again, although there is no easy solution to this gap, designing a network to monitor replicated peatland sites within and among ecozones would be valuable to understanding variability in peatland patterns and processes across scales (Minasny et al. 2023). To facilitate data compilation, it is also important that standard contextual information (e.g., geographic coordinates, peatland type) is recorded and consistently reported alongside the priority data types identified in Table 1. Continued efforts to better map the distribution of different peatland types (e.g., Government of Canada 2024) will aid in identifying where gaps exist in peatland data. Advancements in, and application of, remote sensing technologies (e.g., O'Leary et al. 2022) will be critical to mapping and filling these gaps.

4.3. Peatland data acquisition and data mobilization and management

Based on the experts’ discussions, it was clear that there is a need for the acquisition of more peatland data, particularly of the high-priority measurements identified. Participants identified various methods to measure different peatland parameters. Different methods have “pros” and “cons” for their use, depending on the purpose for which the information will be used and the expertise of those collecting the information. Therefore, there is a need to create standardized, yet flexible, protocols and best practices for measuring different peatland variables to promote consistent methodology (Beard et al. 1999). The Can-Peat project ( is working towards creating a repository of protocols for measuring different peatland parameters to which people can contribute. A recent review paper by Bansal et al. (2023) on “Practical guide to measuring wetland carbon pools and fluxes” can serve as a good resource for those interested in carbon accounting. Standardized and easy approaches for making peatland measurements also means that crowdsourcing or citizen science can aid in the collection of peatland data (e.g., Tracking the Colour of Peatlands: community science project; Davidson 2024). Lastly, systematically weaving Traditional Knowledge on peatlands and engaging Indigenous land stewards to collaborate on knowledge generation and sharing could also improve this knowledge gap. This work needs to be guided by the 2015 Truth and Reconciliation Commission's (TRC) final report (TRCC 2015a) and 94 Calls to Action (TRC 2015b), as well as adoption of Bill C-15: An Act respecting the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples in 2021. As proposed in the 2023 Blueprint for Forest Carbon Science in Canada (Smyth et al. 2024), this could be facilitated through Indigenous-led research that is centred on Indigenous voices and experiences and application of Traditional Knowledge systems. This will require changes to research practices and collaborations to be respectful to Indigenous Peoples and Indigenous methodologies, which can only be achieved through authentic and respectful Indigenous engagement (Smyth et al. 2024).
The workshop results demonstrated that many types of peatland data and information are used for different applications. Two ECCC initiatives related to data collection and fieldwork planning were highlighted at the workshop. The ECCC Wetland Survey tool on ESRI Survey123 has been developed for collecting a variety of peatland information; Survey 123 is an app available from wherever you download your applications and can be installed onto a cell phone or a handheld GPS. After installing Survey 123, entering the address will connect to the survey. The survey is set to public and selecting “continue without signing in” will allow access to the survey. All observations, photos, and measurements are kept together and linked via location and GPS point ID. Data collected can be sent to partners and will be available via web map for observation and downloading. Not all fields of the forms need to be filled, and thus, it is flexible enough to capture whatever information is possible based on one's expertise and time availability. The only mandatory questions are name, email, and key contextual information such as GPS point, date, and site photos.
The second initiative, co-developed by the Mushkegowuk Council of the Omushkego Cree, ECCC, and Parks Canada, is a tool to assist with planning and coordinating fieldwork in the Hudson Bay Lowlands (Yehewin Aski: The Breathing Lands–Hudson Bay Lowlands Field Planning application). This application allows researchers and their staff to input information related to location and type of information that will be collected on their field trip. Additional project information (i.e., title, team lead, contact information, activity objectives, description of activities, dates, equipment, team skill sets, and safety protocols) can also be included. Better knowledge of new planned acquisitions can benefit from value-added research being done on a core set of samples (e.g., molecular eDNA information on samples collected for nutrient analyses). Coordinating field collections ensures that financial resources are used more effectively and efficiently.
The intellectual value of collected peatland data is high, and having mechanisms to share data would be useful. There is a long history of wetland research in Canada (e.g., Price et al. 2023), but existing data are not always easily accessible or interoperable. In addition to coordinating new data collections, efforts to create atlases of historical and contemporary data collections, and creating a data hub of peatland information and databases will greatly improve opportunities to coordinate and collaborate on peatland-related topics. This effort is also being supported by the Can-Peat project, but funding beyond short-term project commitments is needed to ensure the longevity of developed products. These types of products and tools, alongside national legislation and policies that support them, will take time to develop and will need to carefully consider issues such as data use, sharing, acknowledgment, location sensitivity, and restrictions, including Indigenous data sovereignty.
Discussion among the participants of the workshop showed a willingness and eagerness to collaborate on all aspects of peatland conservation and management. Engagement and coordination of people through the Can-Peat network will be an important opportunity to leverage future investment in peatland monitoring and data collection. This network of peatland researchers and practitioners could build the foundation towards new initiatives such as coordinating a “blitzing” of core peatland measurements across Canada or leading the creation of a network of peatland “super sites” that measure core data/information at a higher temporal frequency and over the longer term. The passion and enthusiasm for increasing peatland knowledge and applying it to many scientific, management, conservation, and policy issues was clear among the participants. We must continue to expand our knowledge and understanding of these important ecosystems in a changing world. This is particularly relevant for Canadians as we are the stewards of one-quarter of the world's peatlands, much of which exists in a relatively pristine state.


It is clear that the need for peatland data is pressing for many different applications; however, collecting these data is challenging given the vast extent of Canada's peatlands, and that human and financial resources are few. Different types of peatland data and information are required for different applications and questions, but core needs among applications were highlighted. Furthermore, critical steps towards collecting peatland data accessible to a variety of end-users to address the many peatland-related challenges being faced were identified. This emerging scientific consensus included:
Create standardized, yet flexible protocols for data collection. Make these protocols available, and create a forum for sharing protocols and best practices for collecting data.
Coordinate field data collection where possible, ensure that appropriate contextual information (e.g., geographic coordinates, elevation, date) is recorded and included in data records, and consider collecting other important types of data that could benefit others.
Collect data while keeping in mind that it might be able to be used for other applications (e.g., modelling and remote sensing).
Weave more Traditional Knowledge into knowledge on peatlands.
Engage new partners, including Indigenous communities, to gather data, information, and knowledge on peatlands.
Create an atlas of past and current peatland data collections. Include metadata and links to data, and (or) create a data hub to link to data or databases. Support the maintenance of this tool.
Scope opportunities to create a network of peatland “super sites” (or Long-Term Ecological Research sites) that measure many different peatland variables frequently and over the long term reflecting peatland type and ecoregion diversity across Canada.


The authors would like to thank all of the participants of the GPI-RE3 peatland data and knowledge workshop, including Frederic Caron, Raphaël Deragon, Fannie Desrosiers, Paula Figueroa Delgado, Louis Gilet, Chloé Griaud, Markus Merkens, Trevor Paul, Emily Prystupa, Jade Skye, Alexandra Tekatch, and all other anonymous participants. We would like to acknowledge GPI, Can-Peat, and PERG for organizing and funding the workshop. This research was part of Can-Peat: Canadian peatlands as nature-based climate solutions. The Government of Canada's Environmental Damages Fund provided funding for this project under its Climate Action and Awareness Fund. Funding was granted for Project# EDF-CA-2021i005.


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Supplementary material

Supplementary Material 1 (XLSX / 24 KB).
Supplementary Material 2 (DOCX / 319 KB).

Information & Authors


Published In

cover image FACETS
Volume 102025
Pages: 1 - 19
Editor: Colin J Whitfield


Received: 16 July 2024
Accepted: 25 October 2024
Version of record online: 20 February 2025


This paper is one of a collection entitled Canadian biogeoscience research in the food–water–energy nexus: advances from processes to modelling.

Data Availability Statement

Data generated or analyzed during this study are provided in full within the published article and its Supplementary material. The TK (Traditional Knowledge) Notice is a visible notification that there are accompanying cultural rights and responsibilities that need further attention for any future sharing and use of this material. The TK Notice may indicate that TK Labels are in development and their implementation is being negotiated. Local Contexts Project ID: ee80fe4d-201f-46cf-a9e3-825a7954ce2a.

Key Words

  1. peatlands
  2. data
  3. knowledge
  4. standardized collection protocols
  5. best practices
  6. ecosystem services



Plain Language Summary

Data and knowledge needs for improving science and policy for peatlands in Canada in a changing world



Natural Resources Canada, Canadian Forest Service, 1219 Queen St. E., Sault Ste. Marie, ON, Canada
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, Formal analysis, Methodology, Writing – original draft, and Writing – review & editing.
Maria Strack
Department of Geography and Environmental Management, University of Waterloo, 200 University Ave. W., Waterloo, ON, Canada
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, Funding acquisition, Project administration, Resources, Writing – original draft, and Writing – review & editing.
Nicole Balliston
Department of Geography and Environmental Management, University of Waterloo, 200 University Ave. W., Waterloo, ON, Canada
Author Contributions: Writing – original draft and Writing – review & editing.
Department of Geography and Environmental Management, University of Waterloo, 200 University Ave. W., Waterloo, ON, Canada
Author Contributions: Writing – original draft and Writing – review & editing.
E. Kathryn Hettinga
Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Waterloo, 200 University Ave. W., Waterloo, ON, Canada
Author Contributions: Writing – original draft and Writing – review & editing.
Miranda Hunter
Department of Geography and Environmental Management, University of Waterloo, 200 University Ave. W., Waterloo, ON, Canada
Author Contributions: Writing – original draft and Writing – review & editing.
Kimberly Kleinke
Department of Geography and Environmental Management, University of Waterloo, 200 University Ave. W., Waterloo, ON, Canada
Author Contributions: Formal analysis, Project administration, Writing – original draft, and Writing – review & editing.
Megan Schmidt
Department of Geography and Environmental Management, University of Waterloo, 200 University Ave. W., Waterloo, ON, Canada
Author Contributions: Writing – original draft and Writing – review & editing.
Carlos Barreto
Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, 1235 Queen St. E., Sault Ste. Marie, ON, Canada
Author Contribution: Writing – review & editing.
Melanie Bird
Northern Alberta Institute of Technology, Centre for Boreal Research, 8102 99 Ave., Peace River, AB, Canada
Author Contribution: Writing – review & editing.
Kristen Blann
The Nature Conservancy, 7163 Bear Rd., Cushing, MN, USA
Author Contribution: Writing – review & editing.
Kelly Bona
Environment and Climate Change Canada, 351 St. Joseph Blvd., Gatineau QC, Canada
Author Contributions: Writing – original draft and Writing – review & editing.
Allison Cassidy
Parks Canada Agency, 30 Victoria Street, Gatineau, QC, Canada
Author Contribution: Writing – review & editing.
John Connolly
Trinity College Dublin, The University of Dublin, College Green, Dublin 2, Ireland
Author Contribution: Writing – review & editing.
Scott J. Davidson
School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Plymouth, Drake Circus, Plymouth, UK
Author Contributions: Visualization and Writing – review & editing.
Lee Fedorchuk
Manitoba Government, Box 70-14 Fultz Blvd, Winnipeg, MB, Canada
Author Contribution: Writing – review & editing.
Michelle Garneau
Département de géographie, Université du Québec à Montréal, C.P. 8888, succ. Centre-ville, Montréal, QC, Canada
Author Contributions: Writing – original draft and Writing – review & editing.
Lorna Harris
Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) Canada, 344 Bloor St. W. Suite 204, Toronto, ON, Canada
Author Contributions: Writing – original draft and Writing – review & editing.
Hongxing He
Natural Resources Canada, Canadian Forest Service, 1219 Queen St. E., Sault Ste. Marie, ON, Canada
Author Contributions: Writing – original draft and Writing – review & editing.
Sarah Howie
Climate Action and Environment, City of Delta, 4500 Clarence Taylor Cres., Delta, BC, Canada
Author Contribution: Writing – review & editing.
Adam Kirkwood
Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) Canada, 344 Bloor St. W. Suite 204, Toronto, ON, Canada
Author Contribution: Writing – review & editing.
Nicholas Pontone
Department of Geography and Environmental Studies, Carleton University, 1125 Colonel By Dr., Ottawa, ON, Canada
Author Contribution: Writing – review & editing.
Karen Richardson
Parks Canada Agency, 105 McGill Street, Montreal, QC, Canada
Author Contribution: Writing – review & editing.
Nicole Sanderson
Département de géographie, Université du Québec à Montréal, C.P. 8888, succ. Centre-ville, Montréal, QC, Canada
Author Contributions: Writing – original draft and Writing – review & editing.
Gilles Seutin
Parks Canada Agency, 30 Victoria Street, Gatineau, QC, Canada
Author Contribution: Writing – review & editing.
Bin Xu
Northern Alberta Institute of Technology, Centre for Boreal Research, 8102 99 Ave., Peace River, AB, Canada
Author Contributions: Writing – original draft and Writing – review & editing.
Xiangbo Yin
Eau Terre Environnement, Institut national de la recherche scientifique, 490 de la Couronne St., Quebec City, QC, Canada
Author Contribution: Writing – review & editing.

Author Contributions

Conceptualization: KLW, MS
Formal analysis: KLW, KK
Funding acquisition: MS
Methodology: KLW
Project administration: MS, KK
Resources: MS
Visualization: SJD
Writing – original draft: KLW, MS, NB, MAD, EKH, MH, KK, MS, KB, MG, LH, HH, NS, BX
Writing – review & editing: KLW, MS, NB, MAD, EKH, MH, KK, MS, CB, MB, KB, KB, AC, JC, SJD, LF, MG, LH, HH, SH, AK, NP, KR, NS, GS, BX, XY

Competing Interests

The authors declare there are no competing interests.

Funding Information

Can-Peat: Canadian peatlands as nature-based climate solutions: Climate, Action, and, Awareness, Fund, Environmental, Damages, Fund, EDF-CA-2021i005

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