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- OPEN ACCESSIn Canada, recent advances towards reconciliation have introduced new collaborations between Indigenous and non-Indigenous governments, including for species-at-risk recovery planning. During these collaborations, Indigenous Knowledge (IK) is often requested, however, clear expectations of what IK is being sought and how diverse knowledge systems will be woven to produce tangible benefits to species recovery are often limited. Here, we provide a case study of a two-stage process to identify and collect IK components that can aid whudzih (caribou) recovery planning. First, we surveyed non-Indigenous government professionals involved in caribou initiatives to specify what IK would benefit recovery planning. Responses were used to guide the development of semi-structured interview questions. Interviews were conducted with knowledge holders from Lhtako Dene, a Southern Dakelh Nation in British Columbia, Canada with historic socioecological ties to caribou. Responses of government professionals highlighted 24 topics for caribou recovery, and interviews with Lhtako Dene knowledge holders revealed strong linkages between ecological and social information types. In some cases, the IK requested was not available from knowledge holders. Collaborations for caribou recovery would benefit from clarity on expectations and outcomes of IK sharing. We suggest that structured processes that respectfully facilitate IK requests and collection become commonplace in species recovery planning.
- Mariam Wallet Aboukakrine,
- Brenda Parlee,
- Zoé Boirin-Fargues,
- Alejandro Argumedo,
- Clint Carroll,
- Maria Eugenia Choque Quispe,
- Hanna Guttorm,
- Carwyn Jones,
- Irja Seurujärvi-Kari,
- Wasiq Silan/I-An GAO (高怡安),
- Prasert Trakansuphakon, and
- Sherry Pictou
Status quo frameworks are highly Eurocentric and narrow in scope protecting; biodiversity conservation in many parts of the world and reflect a kind of dichotomized conservation that has created and perpetuated patterns of poverty, food insecurity, and socio-economic marginalization, particularly among Indigenous Peoples. By dichotomized conservation, we mean an approach to conservation that is not taking into consideration the intrinsic interdependence of environment, people, and all the species. It is the management of conservation of different ecosystems and species separately. This framework is opposed to the Indigenous approach to conservation in which people cannot think about their health and well-being without thinking about the health and well-being of Mother Earth. New conceptualizations of biodiversity are needed that are holistic in nature and confront these historical and systemic patterns of exclusion of Indigenous Peoples. - OPEN ACCESSThe environment is changing under the impact of climate change, but many Ontario land trusts still operate with the goal of maintaining historic patterns of biodiversity. This misalignment of conditions and goals may render the important work of these land trusts less effective. To help improve this situation, we conducted several knowledge translation activities to inform Ontario land trusts about possible climate change adaptation options. Throughout the knowledge translation activities, we collected participants’ comments and examined them with hypothesis and descriptive coding to reveal data about challenges and facilitators, which we grouped into themes with pattern coding. The results helped us identify challenges and facilitators that land trusts experience when participating in climate change knowledge translation and attempting to adapt to climate change. The challenges include a lack of resources, limited technical skills and species knowledge, and competing priorities and perspectives. Facilitators include a general interest in climate change, use of tools for adaptation planning, and resource sharing. To increase climate change adaptability in the Ontario land trust sector, we recommend greater collaboration between land trusts, modest modifications to existing conservation actions, shifting from passive to active conservation, and moving from species-level to community and ecosystem function conservation goals.
- OPEN ACCESSConservation easements (CEs) are a private land conservation (PLC) tool, with landowners voluntarily selling property rights to an outside entity (governmental or nongovernmental). Pioneered in the USA, CEs were operationalized in the late 1980s, and by 2001, legislation had swept across Canada. I asked how did subnational Canadian CE policy develop? I analyzed Hansard records and interviewed government officials, finding coercion from the Federal government and environmental nongovernmental organizations (eNGOs), with transfer being ideologically, geographically, and temporally uneven. CE legislation reveals a fundamental shift in how subnational governments were trying to enhance biodiversity conservation, specifically by legitimizing PLC and non-state partners. Interestingly, this study both confirms, and pushes back against, previous Canadian policy transfer studies. I found a lack of formal subnational policy networks and an increased role of subnational policy innovators unlike previous studies, while the substantial U.S. influence align with older policy cases. ENGOs were the most active proponents to push for CE legislation, not policymakers or foreign states. Ultimately, Canadian federalism creates unique subnational policy arenas that require further study to understand the movement of conservation policy, especially with the crises of biodiversity and climate.
- OPEN ACCESSThe bigmouth buffalo (Ictiobus cyprinellus, Valenciennes 1844) is a long-lived freshwater fish native to North America that is listed as a species of special concern in its Saskatchewan-Nelson range. Little is known about their ecology and behavior, especially in the Saskatchewan Qu'Appelle River system where it faces multiple threats such as habitat fragmentation and competition with invasive species. In this study, we used acoustic telemetry to track the movements of 44 bigmouth buffalo throughout the Qu'Appelle River system in 2017–2019, and 2021, to monitor migration patterns from spring to fall and investigate if any of the five dams were impeding their ability to access either breeding or overwintering grounds. We found that bigmouth buffalo demonstrated minimal use of the river during this 4-year study, instead staying within the confines of a single lake year-round. Our results suggest that bigmouth buffalo in the Qu'Appelle River do not exhibit migratory behavior during nonflooding years. Considering their extended lifespan (>125 years), this could be attributed to their potential bet-hedging strategy for spawning primarily during flood years. The results indicate that bigmouth buffalo voluntarily remained within Buffalo Pound Lake throughout the study period. Whether this behavior was natural or was influenced by modifications to the system’s hydrology requires further investigation.
- Amanda L. Loder,
- Adam Gillespie,
- Omid Haeri Ardakani,
- Cecilia Cordero Oviedo, and
- Sarah A. Finkelstein
Reported rates of soil organic carbon (SOC) accumulation in wetlands are markedly higher over recent versus longer timescales, caused by SOC losses through decomposition, paleoenvironmental changes, and recent increases in sedimentation or biomass production. Explaining changes in SOC sequestration rates and determining the time horizon over which high rates are sustained are both critical for accurately measuring the potential for wetland conservation as a natural climate solution. Here, we present analyses on a 4-m core from a riverine-influenced marsh in Big Creek watershed, southern Ontario, to track changes in SOC accumulation regimes. Since wetland initiation ∼5700 years ago, mean long-term (pre-industrial) rates of SOC accumulation were 24 g C m−2 year−1, and recent rates up to four times higher. We demonstrate that elevated recent rates of SOC accumulation are largely explained by more labile carbon in surficial soils, and are sustained for less than a century before transitioning to slower burial rates of predominantly recalcitrant organic matter. However, there are exceptions to this trend, such as when labile SOC was buried intermittently during Holocene Lake Erie highstands. Our research underscores the importance of organic matter type and hydroclimatic context in predicting long-term potential for marsh soils to stabilize atmospheric carbon. - OPEN ACCESSWalleye/ogaa (Sander vitreus (Mitchill)) (hereafter, walleye; ogaa = Ojibwe translation) populations have historically supported important multi-use, harvest-oriented fisheries. Despite intensive management, walleye populations have declined in the midwestern United States raising concerns about the sustainability of the species. Numerous factors have been implicated in walleye population declines, including climate change, habitat loss, invasive species, species-interactions, production overharvest (i.e., harvest consistently exceeding annual production), and changing angler behaviors. These factors have negatively influenced natural recruitment and contributed to depensatory recruitment dynamics. I provide a review and perspective suggesting that the current trajectory of walleye populations is at or nearing an ecological tipping point. Although fish populations are often considered compensatory (i.e., negatively density-dependent), current walleye populations appear prone to depensation (i.e., positive density dependence). My review and perspective suggest that a compensatory management perspective for walleye is misaligned. A change in management towards a depensatory resource focus using ecosystem-based fisheries management and the recognition of walleye fisheries as social–ecological systems is needed for conservation. If compensatory management ensues, walleye persistence will likely be further threatened because many drivers of change are outside of managerial control, and those commonly used within managerial control have seemingly been ineffective for sustaining or rehabilitating naturally reproducing walleye populations.
- OPEN ACCESSIn this conceptual paper, we argue that the assumptions behind laboratory and field studies are that chemical and compositional analysis may reveal structures unseen by means of human observation. However, replacing human observation to make it obsolete is not the purpose of science; if something can be seen, but is not measurable, that does not make it irrelevant. Although science is frequently primarily regarded as a quantitative field, we argue that qualitative data inclusion is necessary determine the consequences of research on Indigenous communities. We discuss key points, including historical and anthropocentric views of science, suggesting that Indigenous Science requires greater wisdom-based knowledge in association with traditional ecological knowledge. We introduce a new conceptual model called “Pollen Sovereignty”, a sister to Indigenous food sovereignty, to begin critical discussions around the ethics of field research and the impacts of research on the environment, land management, and Indigenous communities. That is, through simple scientific concepts, critical thought, and logic new conceptual frameworks and avenues of research, Indigenous knowledges cannot merely be coopted and reused, but respected and valued.
- Graham Epstein,
- Susanna D. Fuller,
- Sophia C. Johannessen,
- Emily M. Rubidge,
- Melissa Turner, and
- Julia K. Baum
Marine conserved areas (MCAs) can provide a range of ecological and socio-economic benefits, including climate change mitigation from the protection and enhancement of natural carbon storage. Canada's MCA network is expanding to encompass 30% of its Exclusive Economic Zone by 2030. At present, the network aims to integrate climate change mitigation by protecting coastal vegetated blue carbon ecosystems (saltmarsh, seagrass, kelp). Here, we argue that incorporating unvegetated seabed sediments could bring similar benefits. Seabed sediments can store and/or accumulate high densities of organic carbon, and due to their large spatial extent, contain carbon stores orders of magnitude larger than coastal vegetated habitats. We estimate that currently designated MCAs encompass only 10.8% of Canada's seabed sediment organic carbon stocks on the continental margin, and only 13.4% of areas with high carbon densities. Proposed MCAs would cover an additional 8.8% and 6.1% of total stocks and high carbon areas, respectively. We identify an additional set of high-priority seabed areas for future research and potential protection, ranking their importance based on carbon stocks, proxies for lability, and ecological/biological significance. The incorporation of seabed sediments into MCA networks could support climate change mitigation by preventing future releases of stored carbon. - OPEN ACCESS
- Laurenne Schiller,
- Mathilde L. Tissier,
- Alexandra C.D. Davis,
- Clayton T. Lamb,
- Stefanie Odette Mayer,
- Allyson K. Menzies,
- René S. Shahmohamadloo, and
- Karen J. Vanderwolf
Facing the global biodiversity crisis, conservation practitioners and decision-makers seek to catalyze wildlife recoveries in their region. Here we examined social-ecological attributes related to threatened species recovery in Canada. First, we used a retrospective approach to compare the trajectories of the original species assessed by Canada’s species-at-risk committee and found that only eight of 36 species now have decreased extinction risk relative to the past. There were no significant differences in human or financial capacity provided for recovery across species doing better, the same, or worse; the only significant difference was whether the primary cause of decline was alleviated or not. Second, when looking at species assessed at least twice between 2000 and 2019 we found that only eight of 422 (1.9%) experienced both increasing abundance and decreasing extinction risk. The defining characteristic of successful recoveries was first alleviating the original cause of decline, which was most often accomplished through strong regulatory intervention. Once declines were halted, practical interventions were highly species-specific. It is instructive to learn from conservation successes to scale resources appropriately and our results emphasize the importance of threat-specific intervention as a fundamental precursor to the successful restoration of biodiversity in Canada. - OPEN ACCESSRegulatory ratchets arise when governance appears to be effective, but actually masks a steady loss of natural capital. This occurs when biases in environmental impact assessment (EIA) systematically underestimate the true impact of large developments, generated by statistical convention fixing α at 0.05 (Type 1 error or false positive rate; i.e., the probability of concluding that a development will have an impact when there is none) while β, the false negative rate (failing to detect a true impact, or Type 2 error), is often fixed at 0.2. This asymmetry (β > α) generates a higher likelihood of mistakenly permitting development than mistakenly preventing it. Beyond statistical bias in EIA, routine environmental regulations are often ineffective due to low compliance, inadequate thresholds, and broad exemptions, which tend to cryptically institutionalize net loss. Measuring bias and inefficiency of environmental regulation is foundational to correcting regulatory ratchets and identifying pathways towards no net loss. Like net loss from major developments, cumulative net loss from inadequate routine environmental protections also needs to be estimated and offset by active habitat restoration; this should be delivered as a core program of resource management agencies, with the goal of fully integrating the mitigation hierarchy into routine natural resource governance.
- OPEN ACCESSCoastal ecosystems face numerous stressors from anthropogenic activities. Furthermore, local stressors that directly impact ecological processes in one location can scale up to have indirect regional consequences. In the case of dispersing marine invertebrates, human activity may impact dispersal and survival rates, which can then alter connectivity patterns and metapopulation dynamics across the seascape. Here, we developed a framework to model metapopulation persistence of seagrass-associated invertebrates in the Salish Sea, focusing primarily on British Columbia, Canada. We combined a biophysical model of dispersal with metrics of habitat naturalness to model how local human activities that may impact dispersal can alter habitat connectivity patterns and potentially impact regional metapopulation persistence. We found that human activities that potentially impact dispersal can reduce population persistence across a region, although the effect varied based on location, population dynamics, and severity of the impacts modeled. The majority of populations, however, remained persistent, suggesting that there are robust and redundant pathways of dispersal that can maintain population connectivity in the face of local disturbances. This study highlights the importance of understanding human impacts and connectivity together in a regional context which could have implications for future marine spatial planning and the effective management of biodiversity.
- OPEN ACCESSThe North American Waterfowl Management Plan (NAWMP) is an international agreement between the Governments of Canada, the United States, and Mexico to coordinate the conservation and restoration of wetlands, associated uplands, and other key habitats for waterfowl and other bird species. To understand public support of NAWMP goals, we conducted a survey of Canadians (n = 2324) and asked about their willingness to make a one-time donation to NAWMP using the contingent valuation method (CVM). Results demonstrate that almost one-third were willing to donate to NAWMP to protect and conserve bird habitats. Parametric analysis of CVM responses provides a mean one-time donation estimate of roughly $33.00 per person. We found that participation in birdwatching is associated with higher willingness to donate to NAWMP, and that this association is stronger among people who participate in multiple outdoor recreation activities. Financial support is more likely to be captured by a variety of donation mechanisms. Fundraising communications that promote purchase of conservation lands, or conservation on public lands, science, and education/outreach programs are more likely to attract donors than conservation on private lands. These findings provide important insights that can assist conservation groups in Canada and beyond in formulating public engagement strategies to enhance revenues from voluntary donations.
- OPEN ACCESSWhile community-based monitoring (CBM) can support meaningful participation of the public in environmental decision-making, it remains unclear if and how CBM can support western science approaches to biophysical studies within cumulative effects assessment (CEA). We scored 40 Canadian CBM projects on their ability to enhance CEA's western science approaches to environmental monitoring. We used multivariate analyses to determine if the highest-scoring projects shared characteristics that could inform the design of CBMs to support CEA. Cluster analysis and non-metric multi-dimensional scaling ordination revealed that highest-scoring projects were distinct from lower scoring projects, and the Similarity Percentages Routine identified characteristics that differentiated these projects. The highest-scoring projects involved non-profit organizations as bridging organizations that coordinated community participation and received funding and in-kind support from provincial/territorial government agencies. Participants in these projects collected measurements and samples using standardized protocols described in training manuals. Their data were publicly accessible in georeferenced databases and were used for baseline studies and resource management. There are existing CBM projects in Canada that thus appear well positioned to enhance western science approaches to CEA. Further study is required to identify how CBM projects can be designed to braid Indigenous and western science approaches to mutually enhance CEA methods.
- S.J. Cooke,
- J. Vermey,
- J.J. Taylor,
- T. Rytwinski,
- W.M. Twardek,
- G. Auld,
- R. Van Bogaert, and
- A.L. MacDonald
Assisted migration is increasingly being considered as a potential climate change adaptation tactic even though it also comes with potential risk to ecosystems and society. When implementing conservation actions that involve risk, it is prudent to have policies and guidelines to ensure that such actions are conducted in ways that conform to regional standards and consider risks. Here, we report on a policy scan focused on assisted migration in the context of climate change adaptation originally as a protected areas tactic only, but then broadened to ecosystems in Canada beyond those boundaries. Policy scans are a useful strategy for understanding the evolving policy and regulatory landscape for a given topic and can guide the development of such policies in other jurisdictions. Our scan focused on Canada, where multi-scalar governance systems exist relevant to biodiversity and environmental management. Our comprehensive policy scan (involving scans of legislation, policies, and guidelines found online and through direct inquiries with government bodies) revealed major gaps in the assisted migration policy landscape with very few provincial/territorial or federal policies in Canada. A more rudimentary scan in the United States revealed a similar pattern. There was evidence that some jurisdictions anticipated need for such policies and even a few examples of very specific policies (e.g., seeds) that had already been developed, but there were not comprehensive policies or frameworks. Governments and other relevant bodies/organizations may wish to consider working collaboratively toward the development of robust, evidence-based policies for assisted migration given that we anticipate this conservation intervention becoming more popular as climate change impacts on ecosystems become more evident and dire. - OPEN ACCESSAlberta grizzly bears are classified as a threatened species in the province of Alberta as of 2010, with human-caused mortality and habitat loss a primary threat. The people who live, work, and recreate within bear habitat play a crucial role in their conservation. While the public is often enthusiastic about grizzly bears, and opportunistically report their observations to government staff, these reports are not systematic or rigorously collected and lack key information. As such, we developed GrizzTracker as a community science program. Following several years of successful deployment, we analyzed community scientist data and evaluated the efficacy of the program through an online user survey. We found that the GrizzTracker app was useful as a data collection and public engagement tool, yielding information for applied management, and that community scientists were generally satisfied. We provide considerations for future program development, including considerations for human, social, technological, and financial capital investment related to design, development, and implementation of data collection protocols, the importance of clearly communicating outcomes, and opportunities for educational outreach. While there is continued trepidation by traditionally trained scientists to develop or engage in community science programs, and some noted areas of improvement for our program specifically, we think that GrizzTracker offers a success story in community science.
- OPEN ACCESSAssessing cat local abundance provides information on where wandering cat numbers are highest and what habitats or factors are associated with wandering cats. A variety of stakeholders can lead this research and then use the findings to make scientifically informed decisions to guide the physical locations of cat management actions. Here, we document a framework that engages community members, uses minimal equipment (six trail cameras), and provides scientifically derived information for interested parties to inform, direct, or test the effectiveness of cat management practices. Using these methods in Gatineau, Quebec, Canada, we demonstrate how we estimated cat population size and cat local abundances across a variety of co-variates while accounting for non-perfect detection by using 55 trail camera sites and N-mixture models. Urban areas had three-fold higher local wandering cat abundances than parkland areas, and neighbourhoods below the median income had the highest local abundances of wandering cats. We estimated there are between 8905 and 48,419 (mean 21,298) wandering cats in Gatineau, with 18%–73% of those cats being unowned. These findings can be used to identify locations for future cat management. If estimates of cat abundance are repeated, they can assess the effectiveness of management actions.
- Marc Dupuis-Désormeaux,
- Grace Van Alstyne,
- Maureen Mueller,
- Ruth Takayesu,
- Vince D'Elia,
- Tisha Tan, and
- Suzanne E. MacDonald
In late 2020, a private volunteer group operating through a Facebook group approached Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) with an interest in participating in the Citizen Science Nest Protection and Monitoring Volunteer Program. During the 2021 season, TRCA staff virtually trained volunteers in turtle nest detection, protection, and monitoring due to COVID-19 social constraints, and provided necessary supplies and equipment. In 2021 volunteers and staff detected 181 turtle nests and were able to protect 75 nests with simple predator-exclusion devices, while in 2022, 165 nests were detected, and 155 were protected. The volunteers also collected data, including nesting location, date, and species in addition to the number of successful hatchlings (2021 only). In 2021, the 75 protected nests yielded 81 Midland Painted Turtle and 665 Snapping Turtle hatchlings. Five Midland Painted Turtle’s eggs were also recovered from an injured turtle, and 44 Snapping Turtle eggs were recovered from a partially predated nest, transported to the Ontario Turtle Conservation Centre, incubated, hatched, and overwintered, and then released back into the local wetlands. The partnership with a local community group proved effective, and we would recommend this practice to other conservation organizations interested in turtle nest protection. - OPEN ACCESS
- Samantha M. Knight,
- Barbara I. Bleho,
- Melissa A. Grantham,
- Richard Westwood,
- Nicola Koper, and
- Cary D. Hamel
Poweshiek skipperling (Oarisma poweshiek Parker, 1870) populations have declined precipitously in the past few decades, and their global range is now restricted to two isolated regions, one of which is the managed Manitoba tall grass prairie in Canada. In this paper, we used a decade of survey data from 2010 to 2019 to understand how habitat features, management practices, and extreme weather impact Poweshiek skipperling abundance in Manitoba. The strongest predictor of abundance was the density of black-eyed Susans (Rudbeckia hirta L.), a primary nectar plant for adults. Poweshiek skipperling abundance also had a negative relationship with both the number of years since a burn occurred and the number of years since grazing occurred. Cumulative precipitation during their active period (May–June) had a negative relationship with skipperling abundance, whereas warm early springs and cool temperatures during the active period had positive relationships. These results suggest that management actions that maintain tall grass prairie habitat in an early successional stage (burning and grazing) and maintain important nectar sources benefit this population. In contrast, extreme weather events had varying effects on Poweshiek skipperling abundance. Results from this study inform ongoing management practices in the Manitoba tall grass prairie to support this endangered population. - OPEN ACCESSDespite the challenges posed by climate change and the biodiversity crisis, most academic research continues to stay within academia and the gaps between conservation science, policy, and practice remain intact. We need to improve the exchange of evidence between researchers and conservation practitioners and focus on solutions-oriented, interdisciplinary science and co-developed research. As we continue to break climate records and lose record numbers of species every year, now is the time for academics to think and act beyond their institutions.