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- Biological and Life Sciences
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- Ecology and Evolution146
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- Marine and Aquatic Sciences35
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- Hall, Britt D6
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- Davy, Christina M3
- Esenkulova, Svetlana3
- Fenton, M Brock3
- Heustis, Allyson3
- Johns, Rob C3
- Morris, Douglas W3
- Orihel, Diane M3
- Owens, Emily3
- Provencher, Jennifer F3
- Pureswaran, Deepa S3
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Subject Areas: Biological and Life Sciences (203) | 28 Mar 2025 |
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- OPEN ACCESSOrnithomimid material from the Belly River Group (Campanian) of Alberta, Canada is described as sharing characters with Qiupalong henanensis from the Qiupa Formation of Henan Province, China. Derived characters and character combinations of the pubis and astragalocalcaneum were previously used to diagnose Q. henanensis and support the referral of this material to Qiupalong sp., representing the first known occurrences of Qiupalong outside of China. Qiupalong is the sixth ornithomimid taxon to be reported from the Dinosaur Park Formation and the first ornithomimid genus with a transcontinental distribution. The Alberta material represents the oldest known occurrences of Qiupalong, and a reconsideration of character evidence suggests that this genus is phylogenetically nested within other North American ornithomimids. A North American origin for Qiupalong and subsequent dispersal to Asia is proposed.
- OPEN ACCESSFear of predation can disappear rapidly in the absence of predators, as bolder individuals outcompete vigilant individuals for food and mates. To examine the evolution of fear in a seasonal environment, we exposed Drosophila melanogaster to mantid predators during the breeding season and the non-breeding season, and compared these with a control. We compared three Drosophila lineages that were maintained in captivity for (1) ∼45 years without mantid predators, (2) ∼5 years without mantid predators, and (3) ∼5 years with mantid predators (predator-evolved). The presence of a predator during the non-breeding season caused reduced fecundity in the following breeding season, independent of the evolutionary lineage. However, the presence of a predator during reproduction caused offspring to emerge earlier, and this effect was more pronounced in the predator-evolved lineage. Thus, the fear response was related to evolutionary lineage only during the larval life stage, which is when foraging competition, and hence the cost of fear, may be highest. We present one of the first experimental demonstrations that emotion (fear) can evolve in response to environmental context.
- OPEN ACCESSLife history theory predicts selection for higher reproductive investment in response to increased mortality among mature individuals. We tested this prediction over the period from 1978 to 2013 for three populations of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) off Newfoundland. These populations were heavily fished for a long period. We considered changes in standardized gonad weight as a proxy for changes in gonadal investment. We accounted for the allometry between gonad and body weight, individual body condition, water temperature, and potential spatial and density-dependent effects. Males display significant temporal trends in gonadal investment in all populations; in agreement with theoretical predictions, these trends show increased gonadal investments during the earlier part of the time series when mortality was high, with the trends leveling off or reversing after the later imposition of fishing moratoria. In contrast, females display patterns that are less consistent and expected; significant trends are detected only when accounting for density-dependent effects, with females in two populations unexpectedly showing a long-term decline in gonadal investment. Our results support the hypothesis that fisheries-induced evolution has occurred in gonadal investment in males, but not in females, and suggest that gonadal investment is more important for male reproductive success than expected in this lekking species.
- OPEN ACCESSA Bt soybean has been recently developed, thus, efficiently regulating the populations of major lepidopteran pests. However, in other cases, these benefits have been reduced or lost because of the rapid evolution of pest resistance to the Bt toxins in transgenic crops. When pest populations are exposed to Bt crops and to refuges (non-Bt plants), the evolution of resistance is governed by the fitness of resistant individuals relative to susceptible individuals for both the presence and absence of Bt toxins. One major ecological concern regarding the biosafety of Bt crops on the environment is their potential effects on non-target organisms, especially predators and parasitoids that play an important role in pest control. This information is important for supporting insect resistance management (IRM) programs and for improving agricultural practices in a crop production system with Bt plants. Before the use of Bt plants for insect pest control in Brazil is adopted, IRM programs should be established to ensure the sustainability of this technology for integrated pest management (IPM). This review presents data on Bt soybean and lepidopteran pests as well as on the importance of natural enemies as a form of biological control, and applications for IPM and IRM.
- OPEN ACCESSMicroplastics are defined as any plastic with a diameter ≤5 mm. Problems associated with these plastics such as contamination of both marine and freshwater environments and ingestion by aquatic organisms are of increasing concern. Our study quantifies the number of microplastics in a prairie creek immediately downstream of Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada. Water samples and five species of fish were collected from sample sites upstream and downstream of a wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) in the summers of 2015 and 2016. Samples were digested in either a Fe(II)/H2O2 or NaClO solution and observed under a microscope where plastics present were enumerated by colour and type. At least one microplastic was detected in 73.5% of fish and 95.6% of water samples, showing that the creek does, in fact, contain microplastics. Concentrations were higher in water from upstream sites, likely due to dilution of creek water by the release of treated effluent. The results of this study provide baseline conditions for the presence of plastics in the creek prior to a major upgrade of the WWTP scheduled for completion in 2016.
- OPEN ACCESSElectronic cigarettes (ECs) are devices that are used recreationally or as smoking cessation tools, and have become increasingly popular in recent years. We conducted a review of the available literature to determine the health effects caused by the use of these devices. A heating element in the EC aerosolizes a solution of propylene glycol, glycerol, nicotine (optional), and flavouring (optional). These compounds are generally harmless on their own. However, upon heating, they produce various carcinogens and irritants. We found that concentrations of these toxicants vary significantly depending on the type of EC device, the type of EC liquid, and the smoking behaviour of the user. Exposure to these vapours can cause inflammation and oxidative damage to in vitro and in vivo cells. EC aerosol can also potentially affect organ systems and especially cardiovascular and lung function. We concluded that EC use causes acute effects on health but not as severe as those of conventional cigarettes (CCs). These devices could, therefore, be of use for smokers of CCs wishing to quit. However, as EC aerosol introduces new toxicants not found in CCs, long-term studies are needed to investigate possible chronic effects associated with EC use.
- OPEN ACCESSThe need to better understand how plasticity and evolution affect organismal responses to environmental variability is paramount in the face of global climate change. The potential for using RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) to study complex responses by non-model organisms to the environment is evident in a rapidly growing body of literature. This is particularly true of fishes for which research has been motivated by their ecological importance, socioeconomic value, and increased use as model species for medical and genetic research. Here, we review studies that have used RNA-seq to study transcriptomic responses to continuous abiotic variables to which fishes have likely evolved a response and that are predicted to be affected by climate change (e.g., salinity, temperature, dissolved oxygen concentration, and pH). Field and laboratory experiments demonstrate the potential for individuals to respond plastically to short- and long-term environmental stress and reveal molecular mechanisms underlying developmental and transgenerational plasticity, as well as adaptation to different environmental regimes. We discuss experimental, analytical, and conceptual issues that have arisen from this work and suggest avenues for future study.
- OPEN ACCESSContemporary approaches to market-oriented agricultural development focus on increasing production and economic efficiency to improve livelihoods and well-being. For seed system development, this has meant a focus on seed value chains predicated on standardized economic transactions and improved variety seeds. Building formal seed systems requires establishing and strengthening social institutions that reflect the market-oriented values of efficiency and standardization, institutions that often do not currently exist in many local and informal seed systems. This paper describes and analyzes efforts to develop formal seed systems in Sahelian West Africa over the past 10 years, and identifies the impacts for farmers of the social institutions that constitute formal seed systems. Using qualitative and spatial data and analysis, the paper characterizes farmers’ and communities’ experiences with seed access through the newly established formal seed system. The results demonstrate that the social and spatial extents of the formal and informal seed systems are extended and integrated through social institutions that reflect values inherent in both systems. The impacts of current market-oriented agricultural development projects are, therefore, more than in the past, in part because the social institutions associated with them are less singular in their vision for productive and economic efficiency.
- Ben J.G. Sutherland,
- Jennifer M. Covello,
- Sarah E. Friend,
- Jordan D. Poley,
- Kim W. Koczka,
- Sara L. Purcell,
- Tara L. MacLeod,
- Bridget R. Donovan,
- Jorge Pino,
- Jose Luis González-Vecino,
- Javier Gonzalez,
- Jose Troncoso,
- Ben F. Koop,
- Simon L. Wadsworth, and
- Mark D. Fast
Salmon lice (Lepeophtheirus salmonis) are important ectoparasites of wild and farmed salmonids and cause major losses to the salmon farming industry throughout the Northern Hemisphere. With the emergence of resistance to several commonly used parasiticides, novel control strategies and integration of multiple treatment options are needed, including host immunostimulation. Here, we investigate the effects of a functional feed containing a peptidoglycan and nucleotide formulation on L. salmonis infection of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) by characterizing lice infection levels, the expression of several host immune genes, and the parasite transcriptomic response to the immunostimulated host. Although initial infection intensities were low, the low dose (LD) immunostimulant diet reduced the total lice burden by 50% relative to controls. Immunostimulant fed hosts up-regulated interleukin-1β in the skin and spleen. This gene has been implicated in successful responses of several salmonid species to salmon lice but is typically not observed in Atlantic salmon, suggesting a favorable influence on the immune response. Lice infecting LD immunostimulated salmon overexpressed genes putatively involved in parasite immunity, including carboxylesterases, and underexpressed genes putatively involved in feeding (e.g., proteases). These lice response genes further improve the characterization of the transcriptome of the non-model parasite by identifying genes potentially involved in evading host immunity. - OPEN ACCESS
- Christina M. Davy,
- Michael E. Donaldson,
- Yessica Rico,
- Cori L. Lausen,
- Kathleen Dogantzis,
- Kyle Ritchie,
- Craig K.R. Willis,
- Douglas W. Burles,
- Thomas S. Jung,
- Scott McBurney,
- Allysia Park,
- Donald F. McAlpine,
- Karen J. Vanderwolf, and
- Christopher J. Kyle
The fungus that causes bat white-nose syndrome (WNS) recently leaped from eastern North America to the Pacific Coast. The pathogen’s spread is associated with the genetic population structure of a host (Myotis lucifugus). To understand the fine-scale neutral and immunogenetic variation among northern populations of M. lucifugus, we sampled 1142 individuals across the species’ northern range. We used genotypes at 11 microsatellite loci to reveal the genetic structure of, and directional gene flow among, populations to predict the likely future spread of the pathogen in the northwest and to estimate effective population size (Ne). We also pyrosequenced the DRB1-like exon 2 of the class II major histocompatibility complex (MHC) in 160 individuals to explore immunogenetic selection by WNS. We identified three major neutral genetic clusters: Eastern, Montane Cordillera (and adjacent sampling areas), and Haida Gwaii, with admixture at intermediate areas and significant substructure west of the prairies. Estimates of Ne were unexpectedly low (289–16 000). Haida Gwaii may provide temporary refuge from WNS, but the western mountain ranges are not barriers to its dispersal in M. lucifugus and are unlikely to slow its spread. Our major histocompatibility complex (MHC) data suggest potential selection by WNS on the MHC, but gene duplication limited the immunogenetic analyses. - OPEN ACCESSCertain compounds of low toxicity can increase the susceptibility of an organism to toxic substances; this is known as potentiation. Demethylation inhibiting (DMI) fungicides can potentiate insecticides by impairing the production of detoxification enzymes. As both DMI fungicides and insecticides can be used near or during crop bloom, the combination may be hazardous if exposed to pollinators. Using pesticides used in blueberry or apple production, we conducted laboratory bioassays to test how combinations of field-relevant concentrations of DMI fungicides and insecticides affected honey bee (Apis mellifera) survival. We found propiconazole, a DMI fungicide, potentiated the toxicity of the neonicotinoid insecticide acetamiprid. We found no evidence of propiconazole potentiating field-relevant concentrations of the spinosyn insecticide spinetoram. We also found that the DMI fungicide flusilazole potentiated spinetoram but not acetamiprid. A fungicidal formulation combining pyraclostrobin and boscalid did not potentiate either insecticide. Given that bees can be simultaneously exposed to multiple pesticides, understanding the potential of pesticide potentiation and synergism may help mitigate risks associated with pollinator exposure to pesticides.
- OPEN ACCESSThis paper addresses how available resources, food security, technology, and culture are shaping the choices rural Malian women are making to ensure the health, energy, and well-being of their families. This research contributed to evaluating an eight-year research project (An Be Jigi) targeting improved nutrition. The study, performed over four months, used semi-structured interviews of 120 women in six villages in Mali to assess the identified issues with qualitative and quantitative approaches. This paper describes the history of the An Be Jigi project, whole-grain processing techniques, and group cooking for knowledge sharing with rural women for improved nutrition. Interviews revealed substantial adoption of whole-grain processing techniques and women’s appreciation of the nutritional benefits of those techniques. The women engaged in group cooking (cuisines collectives) appreciated the activities and mentioned multiple benefits from using them. Women identified access to mills, and to some extent the social stigma of laziness and poverty associated with whole-grain food, as limiting factors of adoption. This study of women’s practices and perceptions regarding use of whole grain tells a story of changing consumption habits being shaped by culture, technology, knowledge, and available resources. Malian women are agents of change and care in their adoption of new techniques and recipes for the improved nutrition of young children and households.
- Julia J. Mlynarek,
- Chandra E. Moffat,
- Sara Edwards,
- Anthony L. Einfeldt,
- Allyson Heustis,
- Rob Johns,
- Mallory MacDonnell,
- Deepa S. Pureswaran,
- Dan T. Quiring,
- Zoryana Shibel, and
- Stephen B. Heard
Many populations are thought to be regulated, in part, by their natural enemies. If so, disruption of this regulation should allow rapid population growth. Such “enemy escape” may occur in a variety of circumstances, including invasion, natural range expansion, range edges, suppression of enemy populations, host shifting, phenological changes, and defensive innovation. Periods of relaxed enemy pressure also occur in, and may drive, population oscillations and outbreaks. We draw attention to similarities among circumstances of enemy escape and build a general conceptual framework for the phenomenon. Although these circumstances share common mechanisms and depend on common assumptions, enemy escape can involve dynamics operating on very different temporal and spatial scales. In particular, the duration of enemy escape is rarely considered but will likely vary among circumstances. Enemy escape can have important evolutionary consequences including increasing competitive ability, spurring diversification, or triggering enemy counteradaptation. These evolutionary consequences have been considered for plant–herbivore interactions and invasions but largely neglected for other circumstances of enemy escape. We aim to unite the fragmented literature, which we argue has impeded progress in building a broader understanding of the eco-evolutionary dynamics of enemy escape. - OPEN ACCESS
- Michael R.S. Coffin,
- Simon C. Courtenay,
- Kyle M. Knysh,
- Christina C. Pater, and
- Michael R. van den Heuvel
In this study, we examined the effects of dissolved oxygen, via metrics based on hourly measurements, and other environmental variables on invertebrate assemblages in estuaries spanning a gradient of nutrient loading and geography in the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence, Canada. Upper areas (15–25 practical salinity units (PSU)) of 13 estuaries that were dominated by either seagrass (Zostera marina Linnaeus, 1753) or macroalgae (Ulva spp. Linnaeus, 1753) were sampled from June to September 2013. Macroinvertebrate assemblages from Z. marina were found to be distinct from Ulva assemblages for both epifauna and infauna. Small snails dominated each vegetation type, specifically cerithids in Z. marina and hydrobids in Ulva. Although Z. marina had higher species richness, approximately 70% of species were common to both habitats. Faunal communities differed among estuaries with large, within-estuary, temporal variance only observed at Ulva sites impacted by hypoxia and particularly at sites with long water residence time. Indeed, abundances varied by several orders of magnitude in Ulva ranging from zero to thousands of macroinvertebrates. There was a strong negative correlation between hypoxic or anoxic water, 48 h prior to sampling, with relative abundances of amphipods, and a positive correlation with the relative abundances of snails. As one of the first studies to use high-frequency oxygen monitoring, this study revealed probable impacts and the transient nature of hypoxia in eutrophication. - OPEN ACCESSAspects of Canada’s health regulatory system are currently being reviewed. This is timely, as the regulation and definition of drugs, foods, and natural health products (NHPs) is in need of revision to facilitate greater transparency and less ambiguity. A number of studies have illustrated the importance of a nutritious diet to prevent and manage chronic disease. Therefore, legislation surrounding food health claims needs to be adjusted so that it is more informative for disease prevention and, in some cases, treatment. Canada is modernizing the regulation of self-care products, under which NHPs, including probiotic products, are listed. With the growing appreciation for the role that microbes play in human health and the recognition that many foods, including those containing probiotic organisms, can prevent or mitigate disease, this provides an opportunity to reassess regulatory categories.
- OPEN ACCESSType 1 diabetes (T1DM) is known to cause an increase in reactive oxygen species (ROS) and elevated intracellular glucose levels. We investigated the metallothionein I and II (MT I+II) antioxidants expression in soleus (mainly slow-twitch) and plantaris (predominantly fast-twitch) skeletal muscle using a rodent model of streptozotocin-induced diabetes. The presence of oxidative stress was confirmed by the detection of increased levels of protein carbonyl formation in the diabetic tissues. DAB (3,3′-diaminobenzidine) immunostaining and Western blotting analyses demonstrated that MT I+II expression was significantly upregulated in the diabetic soleus and plantaris muscle tissues compared with their respective controls. Moreover, no significant difference was detected between the plantaris and soleus controls or between the plantaris and soleus diabetic tissues. These findings suggest that there is an increase in MT protein expression in the soleus and plantaris muscles associated with the induction of T1DM. A better understanding of the molecular mechanisms that allow MT to prevent the oxidative stress associated with diabetes could lead to a novel therapeutic strategy for this chronic disease and its associated complications.
- Emily M. Merlo,
- Kathryn A. Milligan,
- Nola B. Sheets,
- Christopher J. Neufeld,
- Tao M. Eastham,
- A.L. Ka’ala Estores-Pacheco,
- Dirk Steinke,
- Paul D.N. Hebert,
- Ángel Valdés, and
- Russell C. Wyeth
The mollusc nudibranch genus Hermissenda Bergh, 1879 was recently discovered to include three pseudocryptic species, dividing a single species H. crassicornis (sensu lato) into H. crassicornis Escholtz, 1831, H. opalescens J.G. Cooper, 1863, and H. emurai Baba, 1937. The species were distinguished by both genetic and morphological evidence, and the distribution of sampled animals suggested the three species had mostly distinct geographical ranges. Here, we report the presence of both H. crassicornis and H. opalescens in Barkley and Clayoquot Sounds, British Columbia, Canada, based on diagnostic characters and molecular data congruent with the differences described for these two species. This result extends the region of sympatry for the two species from northern California, USA, to, at least, Vancouver Island, British Columbia in 2016. Depending on how long this overlap has occurred, the possible northward expansion of H. opalescens would have implications for understanding the effects of short- or long-term environmental changes in ocean temperatures as well as complicating the interpretation of past neurobiological studies of H. crassicornis (sensu lato). - OPEN ACCESSAnkylosaurus magniventris is an iconic dinosaur species often depicted in popular media. It is known from relatively fragmentary remains compared with its earlier and smaller relatives such as Euoplocephalus and Anodontosaurus. Nevertheless, the known fossils of Ankylosaurus indicate that it had diverged significantly in cranial and postcranial anatomy compared with other Laramidian ankylosaurines. In particular, the dentition, narial region, tail club, and overall body size differ substantially from other Campanian–Maastrichtian ankylosaurines. We review the anatomy of this unusual ankylosaur using data from historic and newly identified material and discuss its palaeoecological implications.
- OPEN ACCESSBiochar is gaining attention as an organic soil amendment that can increase plant yields and improve soil fertility. We studied the effect of biochar on the growth of fowl mannagrass (Glyceria striata (Lam.) Hitchc.) (Poaceae), propagated in a greenhouse for future re-introduction into restored wetlands. Three different application rates (10%, 50%, and 75% biochar volume/substrate volume (v/v)) of nutrient-charged (i.e., nutrients added) and uncharged biochar were tested with and without a commercial arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal (AMF) inoculant. Aboveground biomass (shoot mass), belowground biomass (root mass), and shoot height of 166 G. striata samples were recorded after 92 d of growth. Using generalized linear models our data indicated a 50% (v/v) application rate of nutrient-charged biochar without AMF produces a significantly greater growth response (4.4× greater shoot height and 85× greater shoot mass compared with 0% biochar (AMF negative) control). We propose that the increased G. striata growth may be due to changes in pH, and (or) increased nutrient availability due to the addition of biochar. We recommend an application rate of 50% biochar (v/v) charged with nutrients as an advantageous amendment for propagating G. striata.
- OPEN ACCESSRecently, the use of small-bodied fish in environmental monitoring has increased, particularly within the Canadian environmental effects monitoring (EEM) and other adaptive programs. Although it is possible to measure changes with many small-bodied species, interpretation is often complicated by the absence of information on the biology and ecology of fish not of commercial, recreational, or traditional interest. Knowing and understanding the basic biology of these fishes aids in the sensitivity of study designs (i.e., ability to detect change) and the interpretation of all biological levels of responses (e.g., cellular to community). The increased use of slimy sculpin (Cottus cognatus Richardson, 1836) in impact assessment studies in North America provides a considerable amount of information on life history aspects. The slimy sculpin has the most ubiquitous North American distribution among cottids but yet has a very small home range, thus integrating environmental conditions of localized areas. This paper describes aspects of slimy sculpin life cycle that affect collection efficiency and timing, and describes and provides data collected over more than 10 years of studies at more than 20 reference study sites. This overview provides a functional and informative compilation to support adaptive environmental monitoring and provide a baseline for comparative ecological study.