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- Cutler, G Christopher2
- Mallory, Mark L2
- Manning, Paul2
- Morris, Douglas W2
- Ramanaidu, Krilen2
- Arciszewski, Tim J1
- Basu, Niladri1
- Bates, Amanda E1
- Betini, Gustavo S1
- Bienentreu, Joe-Felix1
- Blackmore, Robert J1
- Boogert, Neeltje J1
- Bowman, Jeff1
- Brasfield, Sandra M1
- Brownscombe, Jacob W1
- Brunetti, Craig R1
- Bursey, C1
- Calvert, Anna M1
- Cameron, Victor1
- Campbell, Lewis J1
- Cauchard, Laure1
- Collins, Sydney M1
- Cooke, Steven J1
- Cormier, J1
- Craik, Shawn R1
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- OPEN ACCESSThe behavioural response of animals to predation risk commonly depends on the behaviour of potential predators. Here, we report an experiment investigating effects of predator model (a life-like wooden trout model) distance and movement on the behaviour of three-spined sticklebacks Gasterosteus aculeatus L. in a standardized experimental setting. When the predator model was immobile, the behaviour of the sticklebacks could, in general, not be clearly distinguished from a no-predator control treatment. When moving the predator 41 cm towards the stickleback, clear anti-predator behaviours were observed. However, behavioural expression depended on the distance to the predator. At the two farthest distances (approaching from 129 to 88 cm and from 170 to 129 cm), the sticklebacks approached the predator and spent little time freezing. At the two closest distances (approaching from 88 to 47 cm and from 47 to 6 cm), the sticklebacks increased the distance to the predator model and froze their movements. These results suggest that the closest-distance groups showed avoidance behaviour, whereas the farthest-distance groups instead appeared to start inspecting the potential predator. This provides evidence for conditional anti-predator behaviour and highlights the importance of considering distance to, and movement of predator models when interpreting data from standardized behavioural trials.
- OPEN ACCESSThe diversity of insect parasitoids (Hymenoptera) has long been thought to be anomalous because it doesn’t appear to increase rapidly with decreasing latitude. However, due to the presence of undiscovered cryptic species and the under-sampling of hyper-diverse tropical areas, such apparently anomalous gradients may, in fact, be artifacts of limited geographic and taxonomic sampling. We attempted to circumvent such taxonomic impediments by elucidating a diversity/latitude relationship for parasitoid wasps, using publicly available DNA sequences to quantify diversity (via a species proxy molecular operational taxonomic unit (the DNA Barcode Index Number) and phylogenetic diversity) across a latitudinal gradient of ∼5000 km. We compared these diversity values to the abiotic factors (temperature and precipitation) that may drive the diversity/latitude relationship. We found no significant relationship between either diversity measure with latitude or with the environmental variables. Although ours is the first work to enumerate different DNA-based measures of parasitoid diversity across this geographic scale in a standardized fashion using publicly available sequences, further standardized collections over long time periods and a rapid movement of sequences into the public arena are needed to facilitate the further testing of macroecological trends elucidated with public DNA sequence libraries.
- OPEN ACCESSPrey individuals possess four basic strategies to manage predation risk while foraging: time allocation, space use, apprehension, and foraging tenacity. But there are no direct tests of theory detailing how spatial strategies change and covary from fine to coarse scales of environmental variability. We address this shortcoming with experiments that estimated space use and vigilance of snowshoe hares while we measured foraging tenacity in artificial resource patches placed in risky open versus safe alder habitat. Hares employed only two of eight a priori options to manage risk. Hares increased vigilance and reduced foraging in open areas as the distance from cover increased. Hares did not differentiate between open and alder habitats, increase vigilance at the coarse-grained scale, or reduce vigilance and foraging tenacity under supplemental cover. Hares were more vigilant in the putatively safe alder than in the purportedly risky open habitat. These apparently paradoxical results appear to reflect a trade-off between the benefit of alder as escape habitat and the cost of obscured sight lines that reduce predator detection. The trade-off also appears to equalize safety between habitats at small scales and suggests that common-sense predictions detailing how prey reduce risk may make no sense at all.
- OPEN ACCESSFear of predation can disappear rapidly in the absence of predators, as bolder individuals outcompete vigilant individuals for food and mates. To examine the evolution of fear in a seasonal environment, we exposed Drosophila melanogaster to mantid predators during the breeding season and the non-breeding season, and compared these with a control. We compared three Drosophila lineages that were maintained in captivity for (1) ∼45 years without mantid predators, (2) ∼5 years without mantid predators, and (3) ∼5 years with mantid predators (predator-evolved). The presence of a predator during the non-breeding season caused reduced fecundity in the following breeding season, independent of the evolutionary lineage. However, the presence of a predator during reproduction caused offspring to emerge earlier, and this effect was more pronounced in the predator-evolved lineage. Thus, the fear response was related to evolutionary lineage only during the larval life stage, which is when foraging competition, and hence the cost of fear, may be highest. We present one of the first experimental demonstrations that emotion (fear) can evolve in response to environmental context.
- OPEN ACCESSCertain compounds of low toxicity can increase the susceptibility of an organism to toxic substances; this is known as potentiation. Demethylation inhibiting (DMI) fungicides can potentiate insecticides by impairing the production of detoxification enzymes. As both DMI fungicides and insecticides can be used near or during crop bloom, the combination may be hazardous if exposed to pollinators. Using pesticides used in blueberry or apple production, we conducted laboratory bioassays to test how combinations of field-relevant concentrations of DMI fungicides and insecticides affected honey bee (Apis mellifera) survival. We found propiconazole, a DMI fungicide, potentiated the toxicity of the neonicotinoid insecticide acetamiprid. We found no evidence of propiconazole potentiating field-relevant concentrations of the spinosyn insecticide spinetoram. We also found that the DMI fungicide flusilazole potentiated spinetoram but not acetamiprid. A fungicidal formulation combining pyraclostrobin and boscalid did not potentiate either insecticide. Given that bees can be simultaneously exposed to multiple pesticides, understanding the potential of pesticide potentiation and synergism may help mitigate risks associated with pollinator exposure to pesticides.
- Emily M. Merlo,
- Kathryn A. Milligan,
- Nola B. Sheets,
- Christopher J. Neufeld,
- Tao M. Eastham,
- A.L. Ka’ala Estores-Pacheco,
- Dirk Steinke,
- Paul D.N. Hebert,
- Ángel Valdés, and
- Russell C. Wyeth
The mollusc nudibranch genus Hermissenda Bergh, 1879 was recently discovered to include three pseudocryptic species, dividing a single species H. crassicornis (sensu lato) into H. crassicornis Escholtz, 1831, H. opalescens J.G. Cooper, 1863, and H. emurai Baba, 1937. The species were distinguished by both genetic and morphological evidence, and the distribution of sampled animals suggested the three species had mostly distinct geographical ranges. Here, we report the presence of both H. crassicornis and H. opalescens in Barkley and Clayoquot Sounds, British Columbia, Canada, based on diagnostic characters and molecular data congruent with the differences described for these two species. This result extends the region of sympatry for the two species from northern California, USA, to, at least, Vancouver Island, British Columbia in 2016. Depending on how long this overlap has occurred, the possible northward expansion of H. opalescens would have implications for understanding the effects of short- or long-term environmental changes in ocean temperatures as well as complicating the interpretation of past neurobiological studies of H. crassicornis (sensu lato). - OPEN ACCESSRecently, the use of small-bodied fish in environmental monitoring has increased, particularly within the Canadian environmental effects monitoring (EEM) and other adaptive programs. Although it is possible to measure changes with many small-bodied species, interpretation is often complicated by the absence of information on the biology and ecology of fish not of commercial, recreational, or traditional interest. Knowing and understanding the basic biology of these fishes aids in the sensitivity of study designs (i.e., ability to detect change) and the interpretation of all biological levels of responses (e.g., cellular to community). The increased use of slimy sculpin (Cottus cognatus Richardson, 1836) in impact assessment studies in North America provides a considerable amount of information on life history aspects. The slimy sculpin has the most ubiquitous North American distribution among cottids but yet has a very small home range, thus integrating environmental conditions of localized areas. This paper describes aspects of slimy sculpin life cycle that affect collection efficiency and timing, and describes and provides data collected over more than 10 years of studies at more than 20 reference study sites. This overview provides a functional and informative compilation to support adaptive environmental monitoring and provide a baseline for comparative ecological study.
- OPEN ACCESSMercury (Hg) in wildlife remains of great concern, especially for apex piscivores. Despite this, exposure information from many species in many areas is lacking, so that management decisions are hampered. Here we examine Hg concentrations in fur, liver, and kidney tissues from river otters (Lontra canadensis (Schreber, 1777)) (n = 203) to quantify existing Hg concentrations over a broad geographic area in Saskatchewan. Mean fur total Hg (THg) (9.68 ± 7.52 mg/kg fresh weight (f.w.)) was significantly correlated with THg and organic Hg (OHg) in liver and kidney tissue, showcasing the potential for using fur as a noninvasive method of monitoring Hg in top-level mammals. Livers of males had higher mean OHg concentrations than livers of females (males: 2.71 mg/kg d.w., females: 1.87 mg/kg d.w.), but not significantly so. No sex-related differences were observed in kidney OHg concentrations. THg concentrations in otter fur collected in the Boreal Shield ecozone (Churchill River Upland) were significantly higher (mean = 16.1 mg/kg f.w.) than in otter fur collected from the Boreal Plain ecozone (mean = 8.59 mg/kg f.w.). Fur from otters (n = 20; trapping block N66) trapped near a decommissioned smelter contained the highest concentrations of THg in the study (mean = 18.4 mg/kg f.w.).
- OPEN ACCESSMonarch butterflies (Danaus plexippus, Linnaeus, 1758) are comprised of two migratory populations separated by the Rocky Mountains and are renowned for their long-distance movements among the United States, Canada, and Mexico. Both populations have declined over several decades across North America prompting all three countries to evaluate conservation efforts. Monitoring monarch distribution and abundance is a necessary aspect of ongoing management in Canada where they are a species at risk. We used presence-only data from two citizen science data sets to estimate the annual breeding distribution of monarch butterflies in Canada between 2000 and 2015. Monarch breeding distribution in Canada varied widely among years owing to natural variation, and when considering the upper 95% of the probability of occurrence, the annual mean breeding distribution in Canada was 484 943 km2 (min: 173 449 km2; max: 1 425 835 km2). The area of occurrence was approximately an order of magnitude larger in eastern Canada than in western Canada. Habitat restoration for monarch butterflies in Canada should prioritize productive habitats in southern Ontario where monarchs occur annually and, therefore, likely contribute most to the long-term viability of monarchs in eastern North America. Overall, our assessment sets the geographic context to develop successful management strategies for monarchs in Canada.
- OPEN ACCESSCimicid insects, bed bugs and their allies, include about 100 species of blood-feeding ectoparasites. Among them, a few have become widespread and abundant pests of humans. Cimicids vary in their degree of specialization to hosts. Whereas most species specialize on insectivorous birds or bats, the common bed bug can feed on a range of distantly related host species, such as bats, humans, and chickens. We suggest that association with humans and generalism in bed bugs led to fundamentally different living conditions that fostered rapid growth and expansion of their populations. We propose that the evolutionary and ecological success of common bed bugs reflected exploitation of large homeothermic hosts (humans) that sheltered in buildings. This was a departure from congeners whose hosts are much smaller and often heterothermic. We argue that interesting insights into the biology of pest species may be obtained using an integrated view of their ecology and evolution.
- OPEN ACCESSPrey individuals employ several adaptive behaviours to reduce predation risk. We need to learn how those behaviours interact in an overall strategy of risk management, how strategies vary with changing conditions, and whether some behaviours might compensate for others. I addressed these issues with manipulative experiments evaluating how snowshoe hares’ (Lepus americanus) vigilance varies with their giving-up densities (GUDs) in artificial food patches. I tested whether the results, collected when there was no evidence of predation, were congruent with an earlier study under higher predation. When predator sign was common, vigilance depended directly on habitat. But when risk was low, habitat’s influence on vigilance was indirect. Hares were least vigilant during the new moon where the distance to escape habitat was far, but only in open risky habitat. Hares were more vigilant during the full moon, but only at stations far from escape habitat. Moon phase and additional cover had no effect on GUDs that were highest at open risky stations far from escape habitat. The results suggest that reduced risk allowed hares to allocate less time to vigilance, but they needed to forage for similar amounts of food during each moon phase to maintain their energetic state.
- OPEN ACCESSHarvest records suggest that the abundance of bobcats (Lynx rufus) has increased and the leading edge of their distribution has spread northward, while the trailing edge of the Canada lynx (Lynx canadensis) range has contracted in Ontario, Canada. There has been a debate about whether these closely related felids might compete in areas of sympatry, but there is little research on sympatric populations of bobcat and lynx. Both species are found on the north shore of Lake Huron in Ontario, Canada, which provided an opportunity to investigate their spatial patterns and habitat use. We surveyed snowmobile routes for snow tracks over three winters and estimated probability of occupancy for the two felid species while accounting for detectability. Bobcat and lynx tracks were never found on the same survey route. Bobcat occupancy increased with habitat heterogeneity, whereas lynx occupancy increased with homogeneity. Our results fit with the common assumption of the generalist and specialist natures of bobcat and lynx, respectively. Our findings suggest that bobcats invaded former lynx territory after these areas became vacant. The story of the bobcat and the lynx is one of the loss of a unique, boreal specialist due to anthropogenic change, and eventual replacement by an adaptable generalist.
- Joe-Felix Bienentreu,
- Leon Grayfer,
- Danna M. Schock,
- Matthew Guerreiro,
- Melanie Mehes-Smith,
- Stephanie J. DeWitte-Orr,
- Jacques Robert,
- Craig R. Brunetti, and
- David Lesbarrères
Ranaviruses have been associated with rising numbers of mass die-offs in amphibian populations around the globe. However, most studies on ranaviruses to date focused on larval amphibians. To assess the role of postmetamorphic amphibians in the epidemiology of ranaviruses and to determine the role of viral immune-suppression genes, we performed a bath-exposure study on post-metamorphic wood frogs (Rana sylvatica) using environmentally relevant concentrations of wild-type Frog virus 3 (WT FV3), and a gene-knockout mutant (KO FV3), deficient for the putative immune-suppression gene vIF-2α. We observed a 42% infection rate and 5% mortality across the virus challenges, with infection rates and viral loads following a dose-dependent pattern. Individuals exposed to the knockout variant exhibited significantly decreased growth and increased lethargy compared with wild-type treatments. Although 85% of exposed individuals exhibited common signs of ranavirosis throughout the experiment, most of these individuals did not exhibit signs of infection by 40 d post-exposure. Overall, we showed that even a single short time exposure to environmentally relevant concentrations of ranavirus may cause sublethal infections in postmetamorphic amphibians, highlighting the importance of this life stage in the epidemiology of ranaviruses. Our study also supports the importance of the vIF-2α gene in immune-suppression in infected individuals. - OPEN ACCESSRanaviruses are an emerging group of pathogens capable of infecting all cold-blooded vertebrates. In Europe, ranaviruses pose a particularly potent threat to wild amphibian populations. Since the 1980s research on amphibian-infecting ranaviruses in Europe has been growing. The wide distribution of amphibian populations in Europe, the ease with which many are monitored, and the tractable nature of counterpart ex situ experimental systems have provided researchers with a unique opportunity to study many aspects of host–ranavirus interactions in the wild. These characteristics of European amphibian populations will also enable researchers to lead the way as the field of host–ranavirus interactions progresses. In this review, we provide a summary of the current key knowledge regarding amphibian infecting ranaviruses throughout Europe. We then outline important areas of further research and suggest practical ways each could be pursued. We address the study of potential interactions between the amphibian microbiome and ranaviruses, how pollution may exacerbate ranaviral disease either as direct stressors of amphibians or indirect modification of the amphibian microbiome. Finally, we discuss the need for continued surveillance of ranaviral emergence in the face of climate change.
- OPEN ACCESSHigh-latitude countries often contain the polar range edge of species that are common farther south, potentially focusing national conservation efforts toward range-edge populations. The global conservation value of edge populations is controversial, but if they occur where biodiversity is high, there need not be trade-offs in protecting them. Using 152 of 158 terrestrial mammal species in Canada, we tested how species’ distributions relate to their national conservation status and total mammal richness. We found that half of “Canadian” mammals had <20% of their global range in Canada. National threat status was strongly associated with range area; mammals considered “at risk” had 42% smaller Canadian ranges than mammals considered secure. However, after accounting for range area, taxa with smaller proportions of their global range in Canada were not more likely to be considered at risk, suggesting edge populations are not inherently more vulnerable. When we calculated mammal diversity across Canada (100 × 100 km grid cells), we found that hotspots of at-risk or range-edge mammals were twice as species rich as nonhotspot cells, containing up to 44% of Canadian mammal diversity per grid cell. Our results suggest that protecting areas with the most at-risk or range-edge mammals would simultaneously protect habitat for many species currently deemed secure.
- Steven J. Cooke,
- Robert J. Lennox,
- Jacob W. Brownscombe,
- Sara J. Iverson,
- Frederick G. Whoriskey,
- Joshua J. Millspaugh,
- Nigel E. Hussey,
- Glenn T. Crossin,
- Brendan J. Godley, and
- Robert Harcourt
Monitoring animals with electronic tags is an increasingly important tool for fundamental and applied ecological research. Based on the size of the system under study, the ability to recapture the animal, and research medium (e.g., aerial, freshwater, saltwater, terrestrial), tags selected may either log data in memory (bio-logging), transmit it to a receiver or satellite (biotelemetry), or have a hybrid design. Over time, we perceive that user groups are diverging based on increasing use of technology specific terms, favouring either bio-logging or biotelemetry. It is crucial to ensure that a divide does not become entrenched in the community because it will likely hinder efforts to advance field and analytical methods and reduce accessibility of animal tracking with electronic tags to early-career and new researchers. We discuss the context for this emerging problem and the evidence that this is manifesting within the scientific community. Finally, we suggest how the animal tracking community may work to address this issue to maximize the benefits of information transfer and integration between users of the two technologies. - OPEN ACCESS
- Shawn R. Craik,
- Rodger D. Titman,
- Anna M. Calvert,
- Gregory J. Robertson,
- Mark L. Mallory, and
- Sarah E. Gutowsky
The addition of eggs to a nest by a conspecific is known for approximately 250 bird species. Understanding the evolution of conspecific brood parasitism (CBP) requires assessment of fitness consequences to the egg recipient (host). We addressed host traits and the effects of CBP on future reproduction (i.e., annual survival) and hatching success of hosts by following the nesting of 206 red-breasted mergansers (Mergus serrator) for a colony in which an average of 41% of nests was parasitized annually. Each host was tracked for ≥2 seasons and up to seven seasons. The proportion of a host’s nesting attempts that was parasitized averaged 43% and varied considerably across individuals (range 0%–100%). Probability of parasitism, however, was not repeatable across a host’s nests. Rather, rates of CBP throughout a host’s lifetime increased with earlier dates of nest initiation. CBP had no effect on annual survival of a host. Hatching success throughout a host’s lifetime declined with a greater number of foreign eggs added to the individual’s nests. This study revealed that there may be measurable costs of CBP to lifetime reproductive success in red-breasted mergansers, although our observations suggest that costs to hosts are limited to the most heavily parasitized clutches. - OPEN ACCESSThe American common eider (Somateria mollissima dresseri) is a colonially nesting sea duck breeding on islands in the coastal regions of Atlantic Canada. Declines in colony size have been pronounced in some parts of its range, notably in Nova Scotia, and may be attributable to a variety of interconnected factors including changes in habitat conditions. Using surveys collected two decades apart, we compared nesting habitat types, availability, and use by breeding eiders on 16 islands that supported >1600 eider nests in 1992–1993, but 830 nests in 2013. While general patterns of eider nesting habitat use remained consistent (e.g., nesting preferences exhibited for Low Shrubland and Grassland habitats, and avoidance of forest or beach habitats), overall vegetation cover declined, but relative habitat changes were inconsistent across islands. Three of the islands with the greatest change in vegetation had cormorant (Phalacrocorax spp.) colonies in 2013 that were not there in the earlier years. We suggest that changes in vegetation, in some cases facilitated by cormorant colony formation, influenced susceptibility of nesting females to predators, and these interconnected factors may be contributing to local population declines.
- OPEN ACCESSCanada lynx (Lynx canadensis) are keystone predators. However, contact with congenerics, like the bobcat (Lynx rufus), could alter lynx trophic ecology and destabilize boreal food webs. We set out to describe the trophic niches of these species in allopatry and sympatry to assess how resources are partitioned among them and project whether the northward expansion of the bobcats’ range will lead to the displacement of lynx. To quantify the trophic niche, we measured stable isotopes of carbon and nitrogen in muscle and liver samples of bobcat and lynx. Our results indicate that both bobcat and lynx consumed snowshoe hare as their primary prey. However, lynx specialized on hare throughout our study, whereas bobcats foraged as generalists in sympatry with lynx and hare-specialists in allopatry. Our results highlight the contrasting ecological strategies of two congeneric felids and underscore the potential relevance of foraging efficiency in shaping the trophic niche of consumers in competitive environments.