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- Hall, Britt D4
- Orihel, Diane M3
- Boczulak, Stacy A2
- Coffin, Michael R S2
- Courtenay, Simon C2
- Headley, John V2
- Knysh, Kyle M2
- Pater, Christina C2
- Schiff, Sherry L2
- Sutherland, Ben J G2
- van den Heuvel, Michael R2
- Venkiteswaran, Jason J2
- Addison, Jason A1
- Akeju, Tolutope1
- Amyot, Marc1
- Balliston, Nicole1
- Ban, Natalie C1
- Ban, Stephen1
- Barbeau, Myriam A1
- Barclay, Kristina M1
- Barreto, Carlos1
- Barton, Martha1
- Bates, Lara M1
- Baulch, Helen M1
- Baulier, Loïc1
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- OPEN ACCESSTotal Zn concentrations and Zn isotope ratios were measured, using multicollector inductively coupled plasma (ICP)-mass spectrometry (MS), in three species of aquatic insects collected from a stream in Peterborough, Ontario, Canada. Total Zn levels averaged 193 ± 88 μg/g dry weight (dw) in water striders (Heteroptera: Gerridae, Aquarius remigis) and were significantly higher than the concentrations measured in stonefly nymphs (Plecoptera: Perlidae, Acroneuria abnormis) and caddisfly larvae (Trichoptera: Limnephilidae, Pycnopsyche guttifer), i.e., 136 ± 34 μg/g dw and 125 ± 26 μg/g dw, respectively. Average delta values for 66Zn/64Zn in the water striders were approximately 0.7‰ lighter (−1.2‰ ± 1.0‰) and were significantly different than those measured for stoneflies (−0.45‰ ± 0.62‰) and caddisflies (−0.51‰ ± 0.54‰). Nitrogen isotope ratios were significantly different (P < 0.05) among the three species suggesting differences in trophic positioning. Similar to the Zn isotope ratios, δ 13C values for the water striders (−28.61‰ ± 0.98‰) were significantly different than those of the stoneflies and caddisflies, i.e., −30.75‰ ± 1.33‰ and −30.68‰ ± 1.01‰, respectively. The data suggest that the differences observed in Zn ratios relate to food source for these insects. Similar to their carbon sources, Zn in water striders appears to be primarily of terrestrial origin, and of aquatic origin for the other two species.
- OPEN ACCESSWith increasing input of neurotoxic mercury to environments as a result of anthropogenic activity, it has become imperative to examine how mercury may enter biotic systems through its methylation to bioavailable forms in aquatic environments. Recent development of stable isotope-based methods in methylation studies has enabled a better understanding of the factors controlling methylation in aquatic systems. In addition, the identification and tracking of the hgcAB gene cluster, which is necessary for methylation, has broadened the range of known methylators and methylation-conducive environments. Study of abiotic factors in methylation with new molecular methods (the use of stable isotopes and genomic methods) has helped elucidate the confounding influences of many environmental factors, as these methods enable the examination of their direct effects instead of merely correlative observations. Such developments will be helpful in the finer characterization of mercury biogeochemical cycles, which will enable better predictions of the potential effects of climate change on mercury methylation in aquatic systems and, by extension, the threat this may pose to biota.
- OPEN ACCESSTadpoles are important prey items for many aquatic organisms and often represent the largest vertebrate biomass in many fishless wetland ecosystems. Neurotoxic mercury (Hg) can, at elevated levels, decrease growth, lower survival, and cause developmental instability in amphibians. We compared total Hg (THg) body burden and concentration in boreal chorus frog (Pseudacris maculata) and wood frog (Rana sylvatica) tadpoles. Overall, body burden and concentration were lower in boreal chorus frog tadpoles than wood frog tadpoles, as expected, because boreal chorus frog tadpoles consume at lower trophic levels. The variables species, stage, and mass explained 21% of total variation for body burden in our models but had negligible predictive ability for THg concentration. The vast majority of the remaining variation in both body burden and THg concentration was attributable to differences among ponds; tadpoles from ponds in three areas had considerably higher THg body burden and concentration. The pond-to-pond differences were not related to any water chemistry or physical parameter measured, and we assumed that differences in wetland geomorphology likely played an important role in determining Hg levels in tadpoles. This is the first report of Hg in frog tadpoles in the Prairie Pothole Region of North America.
- OPEN ACCESSOceanic circulation patterns shape both the distribution of species and spatial patterns of intraspecific genetic variation by influencing passively dispersed marine invertebrates. In the northwest Atlantic, strong and consistent currents at the mouth of the Bay of Fundy are expected to restrict dispersal in this region, but the relationship between populations of high dispersal species along the surrounding coastal regions has been largely underrepresented in the phylogeographic literature. We analyzed phylogeographic patterns in two intertidal invertebrates with high dispersal abilities, Tritia obsoleta (Mollusca: Gastropoda) and Macoma petalum (Mollusca: Bivalvia), between Cape Cod and the Gulf of St. Lawrence using mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA). Hierarchical analysis of molecular variance revealed population structuring among regions defined by circulation patterns, highly divergent lineages within M. petalum, and strong concordant genetic subdivision in both species between the Bay of Fundy and Gulf of Maine. Our results suggest that the gyre at the mouth of the bay is influential in restricting alongshore dispersal, allowing genetic divergence between regions to arise through genetic drift. These findings are concordant with biogeographic and phylogeographic studies of other marine organisms, suggesting that the genetic isolation of widely distributed species may be a common feature of intertidal invertebrate communities in the Bay of Fundy.
- OPEN ACCESSMicroplastic pollution is prevalent in the Ottawa River, with all open water samples (n = 62) and sediment samples (n = 10) containing microplastics. The median microplastic concentration of nearshore 100 L water samples was 0.1 fragments per L (ranged between 0.05 and 0.24 fragments per L). The larger volume Manta trawls samples taken in the middle of the Ottawa River had an overall mean concentration of plastics of 1.35 fragments per m3. Plastic concentrations were significantly higher downstream of the wastewater treatment plant (1.99 fragments per m3) compared with upstream of the effluent output (0.71 fragments per m3), suggesting that the effluent plume is a pathway for plastic pollution to the Ottawa River. The mean concentration of microplastic fragments recovered in the sediment samples was 0.22 fragments per g dry weight. The abundance of microplastics in the sediment was not significantly related to the mean particle size or the organic content of the sediment. The most common form of plastic particles found was microfibers. These made up between 70% and 100% of all plastic particles observed, although plastic microbeads and secondary plastic fragments were also recovered.
- OPEN ACCESSOrnithomimid material from the Belly River Group (Campanian) of Alberta, Canada is described as sharing characters with Qiupalong henanensis from the Qiupa Formation of Henan Province, China. Derived characters and character combinations of the pubis and astragalocalcaneum were previously used to diagnose Q. henanensis and support the referral of this material to Qiupalong sp., representing the first known occurrences of Qiupalong outside of China. Qiupalong is the sixth ornithomimid taxon to be reported from the Dinosaur Park Formation and the first ornithomimid genus with a transcontinental distribution. The Alberta material represents the oldest known occurrences of Qiupalong, and a reconsideration of character evidence suggests that this genus is phylogenetically nested within other North American ornithomimids. A North American origin for Qiupalong and subsequent dispersal to Asia is proposed.
- OPEN ACCESSLife history theory predicts selection for higher reproductive investment in response to increased mortality among mature individuals. We tested this prediction over the period from 1978 to 2013 for three populations of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) off Newfoundland. These populations were heavily fished for a long period. We considered changes in standardized gonad weight as a proxy for changes in gonadal investment. We accounted for the allometry between gonad and body weight, individual body condition, water temperature, and potential spatial and density-dependent effects. Males display significant temporal trends in gonadal investment in all populations; in agreement with theoretical predictions, these trends show increased gonadal investments during the earlier part of the time series when mortality was high, with the trends leveling off or reversing after the later imposition of fishing moratoria. In contrast, females display patterns that are less consistent and expected; significant trends are detected only when accounting for density-dependent effects, with females in two populations unexpectedly showing a long-term decline in gonadal investment. Our results support the hypothesis that fisheries-induced evolution has occurred in gonadal investment in males, but not in females, and suggest that gonadal investment is more important for male reproductive success than expected in this lekking species.
- OPEN ACCESSMicroplastics are defined as any plastic with a diameter ≤5 mm. Problems associated with these plastics such as contamination of both marine and freshwater environments and ingestion by aquatic organisms are of increasing concern. Our study quantifies the number of microplastics in a prairie creek immediately downstream of Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada. Water samples and five species of fish were collected from sample sites upstream and downstream of a wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) in the summers of 2015 and 2016. Samples were digested in either a Fe(II)/H2O2 or NaClO solution and observed under a microscope where plastics present were enumerated by colour and type. At least one microplastic was detected in 73.5% of fish and 95.6% of water samples, showing that the creek does, in fact, contain microplastics. Concentrations were higher in water from upstream sites, likely due to dilution of creek water by the release of treated effluent. The results of this study provide baseline conditions for the presence of plastics in the creek prior to a major upgrade of the WWTP scheduled for completion in 2016.
- Ben J.G. Sutherland,
- Jennifer M. Covello,
- Sarah E. Friend,
- Jordan D. Poley,
- Kim W. Koczka,
- Sara L. Purcell,
- Tara L. MacLeod,
- Bridget R. Donovan,
- Jorge Pino,
- Jose Luis González-Vecino,
- Javier Gonzalez,
- Jose Troncoso,
- Ben F. Koop,
- Simon L. Wadsworth, and
- Mark D. Fast
Salmon lice (Lepeophtheirus salmonis) are important ectoparasites of wild and farmed salmonids and cause major losses to the salmon farming industry throughout the Northern Hemisphere. With the emergence of resistance to several commonly used parasiticides, novel control strategies and integration of multiple treatment options are needed, including host immunostimulation. Here, we investigate the effects of a functional feed containing a peptidoglycan and nucleotide formulation on L. salmonis infection of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) by characterizing lice infection levels, the expression of several host immune genes, and the parasite transcriptomic response to the immunostimulated host. Although initial infection intensities were low, the low dose (LD) immunostimulant diet reduced the total lice burden by 50% relative to controls. Immunostimulant fed hosts up-regulated interleukin-1β in the skin and spleen. This gene has been implicated in successful responses of several salmonid species to salmon lice but is typically not observed in Atlantic salmon, suggesting a favorable influence on the immune response. Lice infecting LD immunostimulated salmon overexpressed genes putatively involved in parasite immunity, including carboxylesterases, and underexpressed genes putatively involved in feeding (e.g., proteases). These lice response genes further improve the characterization of the transcriptome of the non-model parasite by identifying genes potentially involved in evading host immunity. - OPEN ACCESS
- Michael R.S. Coffin,
- Simon C. Courtenay,
- Kyle M. Knysh,
- Christina C. Pater, and
- Michael R. van den Heuvel
In this study, we examined the effects of dissolved oxygen, via metrics based on hourly measurements, and other environmental variables on invertebrate assemblages in estuaries spanning a gradient of nutrient loading and geography in the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence, Canada. Upper areas (15–25 practical salinity units (PSU)) of 13 estuaries that were dominated by either seagrass (Zostera marina Linnaeus, 1753) or macroalgae (Ulva spp. Linnaeus, 1753) were sampled from June to September 2013. Macroinvertebrate assemblages from Z. marina were found to be distinct from Ulva assemblages for both epifauna and infauna. Small snails dominated each vegetation type, specifically cerithids in Z. marina and hydrobids in Ulva. Although Z. marina had higher species richness, approximately 70% of species were common to both habitats. Faunal communities differed among estuaries with large, within-estuary, temporal variance only observed at Ulva sites impacted by hypoxia and particularly at sites with long water residence time. Indeed, abundances varied by several orders of magnitude in Ulva ranging from zero to thousands of macroinvertebrates. There was a strong negative correlation between hypoxic or anoxic water, 48 h prior to sampling, with relative abundances of amphipods, and a positive correlation with the relative abundances of snails. As one of the first studies to use high-frequency oxygen monitoring, this study revealed probable impacts and the transient nature of hypoxia in eutrophication. - OPEN ACCESS
- Julio Mercader,
- Tolutope Akeju,
- Melisa Brown,
- Mariam Bundala,
- Matthew J. Collins,
- Les Copeland,
- Alison Crowther,
- Peter Dunfield,
- Amanda Henry,
- Jamie Inwood,
- Makarius Itambu,
- Joong-Jae Kim,
- Steve Larter,
- Laura Longo,
- Thomas Oldenburg,
- Robert Patalano,
- Ramaswami Sammynaiken,
- María Soto,
- Robert Tyler, and
- Hermine Xhauflair
Ancient starch research illuminates aspects of human ecology and economic botany that drove human evolution and cultural complexity over time, with a special emphasis on past technology, diet, health, and adaptation to changing environments and socio-economic systems. However, lapses in prevailing starch research demonstrate the exaggerated expectations for the field that have been generated over the last few decades. This includes an absence of explanation for the millennial-scale survivability of a biochemically degradable polymer, and difficulties in establishing authenticity and taxonomic identification. This paper outlines new taphonomic and authenticity criteria to guide future work toward designing research programs that fully exploit the potential of ancient starch while considering growing demands from readers, editors, and reviewers that look for objective compositional identification of putatively ancient starch granules. - OPEN ACCESSMercury (Hg) is a global pollutant emitted primarily as gaseous Hg0 that is deposited in aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems following its oxidation to HgII. From that point, microbes play a key role in determining Hg’s fate in the environment by participating in sequestration, oxidation, reduction, and methylation reactions. A wide diversity of chemotrophic and phototrophic microbes occupying oxic and anoxic habitats are known to participate directly in Hg cycling. Over the last few years, new findings have come to light that have greatly improved our mechanistic understanding of microbe-mediated Hg cycling pathways in the environment. In this review, we summarize recent advances in microbially mediated Hg cycling and take the opportunity to compare the relatively well-studied chemotrophic pathways to poorly understood phototrophic pathways. We present how the use of genomic and analytical tools can be used to understand Hg transformations and the physiological context of recently discovered cometabolic Hg transformations supported in anaerobes and phototrophs. Finally, we propose a conceptual framework that emphasizes the role that phototrophs play in environmental Hg redox cycling and the importance of better characterizing such pathways in the face of the environmental changes currently underway.
Age matters: Submersion period shapes community composition of lake biofilms under glyphosate stress
The phosphonate herbicide glyphosate, which is the active ingredient in the commercial formulation Roundup®, is currently the most globally used herbicide. In aquatic ecosystems, periphytic biofilms, or periphyton, are at the base of food webs and are often the first communities to be in direct contact with runoff. Microcosm experiments were conducted to assess the effects of a pulse exposure of glyphosate on community composition and chlorophyll a concentrations of lake biofilms at different colonization stages (2 months, 1 year, and 20 years). This is the first study that uses such contrasting submersion periods. Biofilms were exposed to either environmental levels of pure analytical grade glyphosate (6 μg/L, 65 μg/L, and 600 μg/L) or to corresponding phosphorus concentrations. Community composition was determined by deep sequencing of the 18S and 16S rRNA genes to target eukaryotes and cyanobacteria, respectively. The results showed that submersion period was the only significant contributor to community structure. However, at the taxon level, the potentially toxic genus Anabaena was found to increase in relative abundance. We also observed that glyphosate releases phosphorus into the surrounding water, but not in a bioavailable form. The results of this study indicate that environmental concentrations of glyphosate do not seem to impact the community composition or metabolism of lake biofilms under pulse event conditions. - OPEN ACCESSWe examined the physical and geochemical effects of sediment on the uptake of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) into marine sediment feeders and their transfer to higher trophic fauna. Sediment PBDEs increased with % total organic carbon (%TOC), organic carbon (OC) flux and grain size (%fines). Tissue PBDE variance was best explained (R2 = 0.70) by sediment acid volatile sulfides (AVS), PBDEs, and organic lability and input, with the highest values near wastewater outfalls. Dry weight tissue/sediment PBDEs declined with increasing sediment PBDEs, resulting in tissue dilution (ratio <1) at >10 000 pg/g in harbours. Ratios also decreased with increasing %fines, resulting in regional differences. These patterns imply that high levels of fines and high sediment concentrations make PBDEs less bioavailable.Dry weight PBDEs increased >100× between background deposit feeders and predators (polychaetes, crabs, bottom fish, seal), but lipid normalized PBDEs barely increased (<1.3%), suggesting remarkably high uptake in low-lipid sediment feeders, and that PBDEs don’t accumulate at higher trophic levels, but lipid content does. Filter feeders had lower lipid-normalized PBDEs than deposit feeders, highlighting the importance of food resources in higher trophic fauna for bioaccumulation.The most profound congener change occurred with sediment uptake, with nona/deca-BDEs declining and tetra-hexa-BDEs increasing. Harbour sediment feeders had more deca-BDEs than other samples, suggesting PBDEs mostly pass unmodifed through them. Deca-BDEs persist patchily in all tissues, reflecting variable dependence on sediment/pelagic food.
- OPEN ACCESSWe used moored 75 kHz acoustic Doppler current profilers (ADCPs) to examine seasonal cycles in zooplankton deep scattering layers (DSLs) observed below 1300 m depth at Endeavour Ridge hydrothermal vents. DSLs are present year-round in the lower water column near vent plumes. Temporal variations suggest passive, flow-induced displacements superimposed on migratory movements. Although the strongest DSLs are shallower than the neutrally buoyant plumes (1900–2100 m), anomalies also occur at and below plume depth. Upward movement from plume depth in the main DSL is evident in late summer/fall, resulting in shallower DSLs in winter, consistent with the timing of adult diapause/reproduction in upper-ocean migratory copepods. Movement from the upper ocean to plume depth coincides with pre-adult migration to greater depths in spring. Synchronous 20–40 d cycles in DSLs may account for patchiness in space and time of above-plume zooplankton layers observed in summer during previous net-sampling surveys, and suggests lateral and vertical migratory movements to counter current drift away from plume-derived food sources. Persistent near-bottom DSLs move vertically between the spreading plume and seafloor. Historical net data suggests that these are deep, resident fauna. Unlike upper ocean fauna, they seem to be advected considerable distances from the ridge axis, where they are evident as remnant scattering layers.
- OPEN ACCESSAddition of nutrients, such as nitrogen, can degrade water quality in lakes, rivers, and estuaries. To predict the fate of nutrient inputs, an understanding of the biogeochemical cycling of nutrients is needed. We develop and employ a novel, parsimonious, process-based model of nitrogen concentrations and stable isotopes that quantifies the competing processes of volatilization, biological assimilation, nitrification, and denitrification in nutrient-impacted rivers. Calibration of the model to nitrogen discharges from two wastewater treatment plants in the Grand River, Ontario, Canada, show that ammonia volatilization was negligible relative to biological assimilation, nitrification, and denitrification within 5 km of the discharge points.
- Beth C. Norman,
- Paul C. Frost,
- Graham C. Blakelock,
- Scott N. Higgins,
- Md Ehsanul Hoque,
- Jennifer L. Vincent,
- Katarina Cetinic, and
- Marguerite A. Xenopoulos
Silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) are an emerging class of contaminants with the potential to impact ecosystem structure and function. AgNPs are antimicrobial, suggesting that microbe-driven ecosystem functions may be particularly vulnerable to AgNP exposure. Predicting the environmental impacts of AgNPs requires in situ investigation of environmentally relevant dosing regimens over time scales that allow for ecosystem-level responses. We used 3000 L enclosures installed in a boreal lake to expose plankton communities to chronic and pulse AgNP dosing regimens with concentrations mimicking those recorded in natural waters. We compared temporal patterns of plankton responses, Ag accumulation, and ecosystem metabolism (i.e., daily ecosystem respiration, gross primary production, and net ecosystem production) for 6 weeks of chronic dosing and 3 weeks following a pulsed dose. Ag accumulated in microplankton and zooplankton, but carbon-specific Ag was nonlinear over time and generally did not predict plankton response. Ecosystem metabolism did not respond to either AgNP exposure type. This lack of response corresponded with weak microplankton responses in the chronic treatments but did not reflect the stronger microplankton response in the pulse treatment. Our results suggest that lake ecosystem metabolism is somewhat resistant to environmentally relevant concentrations of AgNPs and that organismal responses do not necessarily predict ecosystem-level responses. - OPEN ACCESS
- Barry N. Madison,
- Jessie Reynolds,
- Lauren Halliwell,
- Tim Leshuk,
- Frank Gu,
- Kerry M. Peru,
- John V. Headley, and
- Diane M. Orihel
Our study evaluates the efficacy of a “green” (i.e., sustainable, recyclable, and reusable) technology to treat waste waters produced by Canada’s oil sands industry. We examined the ability of a novel advanced oxidative method—ultra-violet photocatalysis over titanium dioxide (TiO2)-coated microparticles—to reduce the toxicity of naphthenic acid fraction components (NAFC) to early life stages of the fathead minnow (Pimephales promelas). Lengthening the duration of photocatalysis resulted in greater removal of NAFC from bioassay exposure waters; low- and high-intensity treatments reduced NAFC concentrations to about 20 and 3 mg/L (by Fourier-transformed infrared spectroscopy, FTIR), respectively. Treatments reduced the acute lethality of NAFC to fathead minnows by over half after low-intensity treatment and three-fold after high-intensity treatment. However, incomplete degradation in low-intensity treatments increased the incidence of chronic toxicity relative to untreated NAFC solutions and cardiovascular abnormalities were common even with >80% of NAFC degraded. Our findings demonstrate that photocatalysis over TiO2 microparticles is a promising method for mitigating the toxicity of oil sands process-affected water-derived NAFC to fish native to the oil sands region, but the intensity of the photocatalytic treatment needs to be considered carefully to ensure adequate mineralization of toxic constituents. - OPEN ACCESSCowichan Lake lamprey (Entosphenus macrostomus) is a threatened species resident to Mesachie Lake, Cowichan Lake, and adjoining Bear Lake and their major tributaries in British Columbia. Decreases in trapping success have created concerns that the population is declining. Some potential threats include water use, climate change, and management actions. Owing to the absence of long-term data on population trends, little information is available to estimate habitat quality and factors that influence it. We sought to fill this gap by examining associations between habitat area and variables representing suspected key drivers of habitat availability. Critical habitat areas were imaged using an unmanned aerial vehicle over a period of three years at three sites at Cowichan Lake and a subsequent habitat area was classified. Meteorological and anthropogenic controls on habitat area were investigated through automatic relevance detection regression models. The major driver of habitat area during the critical spawning period was water level during the storage season, which also depends on the meteorological variables and anthropogenic control. It is recommended that regulation of the weir should aim to ensure that the water level remains above the 1 m mark, which roughly equates to the 67% coverage of water on the habitat area used for spawning.
- Alison Mikulyuk,
- Ellen Kujawa,
- Michelle E. Nault,
- Scott Van Egeren,
- Kelly I. Wagner,
- Martha Barton,
- Jennifer Hauxwell, and
- M. Jake Vander Zanden
Invasive species are known to have negative ecological effects. However, few studies have evaluated the impacts of invasive species relative to the effects of invasive species control, thereby limiting our ability to make informed decisions considering the benefits and drawbacks of a given management approach. To address this gap, we compared the ecological effects of the invasive aquatic plant Eurasian watermilfoil (Myriophyllum spicatum L.) with the effects of lake-wide herbicide treatments used for M. spicatum control using aquatic plant data collected from 173 lakes in Wisconsin, USA. First, a pre–post analysis of aquatic plant communities found significant declines in native plant species in response to lake-wide herbicide treatment. Second, multi-level modeling using a large data set revealed a negative association between lake-wide herbicide treatments and native aquatic plants, but no significant negative effect of invasive M. spicatum. Taken together, our results indicate that lake-wide herbicide treatments aimed at controlling M. spicatum had larger effects on native aquatic plants than did the target of control—invasive M. spicatum. Our comparison reveals an important management tradeoff and encourages careful consideration of how we balance the real and perceived impacts of invasive species and the methods used for their control. - OPEN ACCESS
- Megan L. Larsen,
- Helen M. Baulch,
- Sherry L. Schiff,
- Dana F. Simon,
- Sébastien Sauvé, and
- Jason J. Venkiteswaran
The increasing prevalence of cyanobacteria-dominated harmful algal blooms is strongly associated with nutrient loading and changing climatic patterns. Changes to precipitation frequency and intensity, as predicted by current climate models, are likely to affect bloom development and composition through changes in nutrient fluxes and water column mixing. However, few studies have directly documented the effects of extreme precipitation events on cyanobacterial composition, biomass, and toxin production. We tracked changes in a eutrophic reservoir following an extreme precipitation event, describing an atypically early toxin-producing cyanobacterial bloom and successional progression of the phytoplankton community, toxins, and geochemistry. An increase in bioavailable phosphorus by more than 27-fold in surface waters preceded notable increases in Aphanizomenon flos-aquae throughout the reservoir approximately 2 weeks postevent and ∼5 weeks before blooms typically occur. Anabaenopeptin-A and three microcystin congeners (microcystin-LR, -YR, and -RR) were detected at varying levels across sites during the bloom period, which lasted between 3 and 5 weeks. These findings suggest extreme rainfall can trigger early cyanobacterial bloom initiation, effectively elongating the bloom season period of potential toxicity. However, effects will vary depending on factors including the timing of rainfall and reservoir physical structure. - OPEN ACCESS
- Svetlana Esenkulova,
- Ben J.G. Sutherland,
- Amy Tabata,
- Nicola Haigh,
- Christopher M. Pearce, and
- Kristina M. Miller
Molecular techniques are expected to be highly useful in detecting taxa causing harmful algal blooms (HABs). This is the first report in Canada evaluating HABs-related species identification using a combination of morphological and molecular approaches. Microscopy, quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR), and metabarcoding with multiple markers (i.e., 16S, 18S-dinoflagellate and 18S-diatom, large subunit (28S) rDNA) were applied on samples (n = 54) containing suspected harmful algae (e.g., Alexandrium spp., Chattonella sp., Chrysochromulina spp., Dictyocha spp., Heterosigma akashiwo, Protoceratium reticulatum, Pseudochattonella verruculosa, Pseudo-nitzschia spp., Pseudopedinella sp.). Owing to methodology limitations, qPCR result interpretation was limited, although good detectability occurred using previously published assays for Alexandrium tamarense, H. akashiwo, and P. verruculosa. Overall, the multiple-marker metabarcoding results were superior to the morphology-based methods, with the exception of taxa from the silicoflagellate group. The combined results using both 18S markers and the 28S marker together closely corresponded with morphological identification of targeted species, providing the best overall taxonomic coverage and resolution. The most numerous unique taxa were identified using the 18S-dinoflagellate amplicon, and the best resolution to the species level occurred using the 28S amplicon. Molecular techniques are therefore promising for HABs taxa detection but currently depend on deploying multiple markers for metabarcoding. - OPEN ACCESSMercury mass balance models (MMBMs) for fish are powerful tools for understanding factors affecting growth and food consumption by free-ranging fish in rivers, lakes, and oceans. Moreover, MMBMs can be used to predict the consequences of global mercury reductions, overfishing, and climate change on mercury (Hg) concentration in commercially and recreationally valuable species of fish. Such predictions are useful in decision-making by resource managers and public health policy makers, because mercury is a neurotoxin and the primary route of exposure of mercury to humans is via consumption of fish. Recent evidence has emerged to indicate that the current-day version of MMBMs overestimates the rate at which fish eliminate mercury from their bodies. Consequently, MMBMs overestimate food consumption by fish and underestimate Hg concentration in fish. In this perspective, we explore underlying reasons for this overestimation of Hg-elimination rate, as well as consequences and implications of this overestimation. We highlight emerging studies that distinguish species and sex as contributing factors, in addition to body weight and water temperature, that can play an important role in how quickly Hg is eliminated from fish. Future research directions for refining MMBMs are discussed.
- OPEN ACCESSRoad salt runoff is a leading cause of secondary freshwater salinization in north temperate climates. Increased chloride concentrations in freshwater can be toxic and lead to changes in organismal behavior, lethality, biotic homogenization, and altered food webs. High chloride concentrations have been reported for winter months in urban centers, as road density is highest in cities. However, summer chloride conditions are not typically studied as road salt is not actively applied outside of winter months, yet summer is when many taxa reproduce and are most sensitive to chloride. In our study, we test the spatial variability of summer chloride conditions across four watersheds in Toronto, Canada. We find 89% of 214 sampled sites exceeded the federal chronic exposure guidelines for chloride, and 13% exceeded the federal acute guidelines. Through a model linking concentration to cumulative proportion of impacted species, we estimate 34% of sites show in excess of one-quarter of all species may be impacted by their site-specific chloride concentrations, with up to two-thirds of species impacted at some sites. Our results suggest that even presumed low seasons for chloride show concentrations sufficient to cause significant negative impacts to aquatic communities.
- Jessica Garzke,
- Ian Forster,
- Sean C. Godwin,
- Brett T. Johnson,
- Martin Krkošek,
- Natalie Mahara,
- Evgeny A. Pakhomov,
- Luke A. Rogers, and
- Brian P.V. Hunt
Migrating marine taxa encounter diverse habitats that differ environmentally and in foraging conditions over a range of spatial scales. We examined body (RNA/DNA, length-weight residuals) and nutritional (fatty acid composition) condition of juvenile sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) in British Columbia, while migrating through oceanographically variable waters. Fish were sampled in the stratified northern Strait of Georgia (NSoG); the highly mixed Johnstone Strait (JS); and the transitional zone of Queen Charlotte Strait (QCS). In 2015, body and nutritional condition were high in the NSoG but rapidly declined to reach lowest levels in JS where prey availability was low, before showing signs of compensatory growth in QCS. In 2016, juvenile salmon had significantly lower condition in the NSoG than in 2015, although zooplankton biomass was similar, condition remained low in JS, and no compensatory growth was observed in QCS. We provide evidence that differences in juvenile salmon condition between the two years were due to changes in the food quality available to juvenile fish. We propose that existing hypotheses about fish survival need to be extended to incorporate food quality in addition to quantity to understand changes in fish condition and survival between years. - OPEN ACCESSHuman access to surface water resources in the Northern Great Plains (NGP) is challenged by availability and quality, and ecosystem health objectives for these characteristics have not been well developed. Here, we present a predictive multivariate model using the reference condition approach to inform goals for ecosystem health assessment. Benthic communities and abiotic variables were collected at 280 potential reference sites and 8 test sites, and of these, reference sites with least amount of human activity (n = 83) were classified into three community groups and summary metrics. Discriminant function analysis and cross-validation determined that stream order and ecoregion predicted 68.7% of the sites correctly, thus enabling comparison of sites with unknown condition to reference site groups. We then evaluated metrics through Test Site Analysis and stressor gradient analysis in each biological group. Beetle and amphipod fauna were found to be important for condition assessment in addition to traditional metrics of species richness, abundance, detritivory, Ephemeroptera/Plecoptera/Trichoptera dominance, and assemblage composition. These results provide least disturbed reference condition and ecological insights into land use impacts in the NGP. Ultimately, this model is an effective tool for evaluating biotic condition, enables prioritizing river management strategies, and can quantify the efficacy of mitigation measures.
- Britt D. Hall,
- Sichen Liu,
- Cameron G.J. Hoggarth,
- Lara M. Bates,
- Stacy A. Boczulak,
- Jamie D. Schmidt, and
- Andrew M. Ireson
Methylmercury concentrations [MeHg] in whole water were measured in 28 prairie wetland ponds in central Saskatchewan between 2006 and 2012. Ponds fell into four land use categories (established grass, recent grass, traditional cultivated, and certified organic cultivated) and two water level patterns (“Mainly Wet” ponds stayed wet at least until October and “Mainly Dry” ponds dried up each summer). Despite similar atmospheric Hg deposition, average [MeHg] and proportion of total Hg that was MeHg (%MeHg) were higher in water from ponds surrounded with established grass or organic farming; this trend may be driven by high [MeHg] at one Organic site. A stronger relationship was observed with water level patterns. Average [MeHg] and %MeHg were significantly higher in Mainly Wet ponds compared to Mainly Dry ponds. Higher [MeHg] in Mainly Wet ponds were correlated with much higher dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and sulfate (SO4−2) concentrations and higher specific UV absorbance of DOC. We suggest that prairie wetland ponds may not fit the accepted paradigm that wetlands with high [SO4−2] show inhibition of Hg methylation. Our work suggests controls such as the chemical nature of DOC or redox fluctuations in hydrologically dynamic systems may be important in determining net [MeHg] in these sites. - OPEN ACCESS
- Jessie S. Reynolds,
- Chris K. Elvidge,
- Ian J. Vander Meulen,
- Caleb T. Hasler,
- Richard A. Frank,
- John V. Headley,
- L. Mark Hewitt, and
- Diane M. Orihel
We evaluated whether naphthenic acid fraction compounds (NAFCs) extracted from oil sand tailings adversely affect fish survival and behaviour. Following a before–after-control-impact design, we housed wild-caught juvenile yellow perch (Perca flavescens) in outdoor mesocosms to assess survival and behaviour under baseline conditions, then exposed fish to one of three treatments: negative control, 2 mg/L NAFC, or 15 mg/L NAFC. We performed behavioural assays (no-stimulus activity, food stimulus, and predator stimulus using a model bird) and assessed a comprehensive suite of endpoints (equilibrium losses, activity, shoaling, burst swimming, freezing, and space use). We found that exposure to 15 mg/L NAFCs substantially reduced fish survival and impaired fish equilibrium in all three behavioural tests. Furthermore, exposure to NAFCs impaired anti-predator behaviour: while the activity of control fish increased by two-fold in response to a predator stimulus, fish exposed to 2 or 15 mg/L NAFC did not change their activity levels after stimulation. No significant changes were observed in other behavioural endpoints. Overall, our findings suggest that a week-long exposure to NAFCs at concentrations commonly found in tailings ponds, constructed wetlands, and other mining-impacted waters may affect multiple facets of fish behaviour that could ultimately lead to reduced fitness in fish populations. - OPEN ACCESS
- Travis G. Gerwing,
- Lily Campbell,
- Diana J. Hamilton,
- Myriam A. Barbeau,
- Gregory S. Norris,
- Sarah E. Dudas, and
- Francis Juanes
While trophic and habitat-related abiotic variables (predation, competition, tolerance, etc.) are known to influence community structure in many ecosystems, some systems appear to be only minimally influenced by these variables. Sampling multiple tidal flat communities in northern BC, Canada, we investigated the relative importance of top-down and middle-out (mesopredators) variables, competition for resources (bottom up), and abiotic variables in structuring an infaunal community (invertebrates living in sediment). Similar to previous studies on mudflats in the Bay of Fundy (also at a north temperate latitude), we determined that these variables accounted for a minor (0%–9%) proportion of the observed variation in this infaunal community, suggesting that these variables play a small role in structuring this community. Based on the results of our study and in combination with previous experiments on infaunal recovery patterns post disturbance, we posit that the main factors influencing these infaunal communities likely operate at a scale of sites (kilometres) and(or) plot (metres or less) but not transects (10–100 m within site). Candidate forces structuring these intertidal communities that need future examination include regional species pools and the variables that affect these pools, sediment biogeochemistry, and disturbance/recovery history of a site. The similarity of our Pacific coast findings to those from the north temperate Atlantic coast suggests some similarity in the processes structuring these distinct infaunal communities. - OPEN ACCESSBenthic macroinvertebrate communities, which include unionid freshwater mussels, enhance the health of river ecosystems. Human impacts have driven declines within freshwater mussel communities and due to their complex life cycles, mussel recovery efforts are complex. In Canada, conservation of imperiled species has focused on biodiversity hotspots such as the Sydenham River in the Laurentian Great Lakes Basin. In practice, species conservation and habitat monitoring are siloed between federal agencies and local conservation authorities, limiting the potential for alignment of conservation policy and practice. Here we bring together federal, local, and our own survey data to explore patterns of co-occurrences between mussel species and other macroinvertebrate taxa to explore the extent to which knowledge of one benthic community informs the other. Mussel communities (species richness, community composition) differed between sites where imperiled mussel species were present and/or absent. Benthic macroinvertebrate metrics (e.g., family richness, percent Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera taxa) and specific indicator taxa were correlated with mussel species richness and the presence of imperiled mussel species. We show that benthic macroinvertebrate diversity indicators provided insight into imperiled species occurrences that warrant further investigation. These findings underscore support for coordinated watershed monitoring efforts and could be crucial for more successful freshwater mussel conservation.
- D.T. Enright,
- P. Comeau, and
- D.M. Gillis
We used isodars, developed from the ideal free distribution (IFD), to predict the distribution of fishing effort across regulatory boundaries in the south-western Scotian Shelf’s haddock fishery. Our analysis was focused around the boundary between Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization’s Divisions 4X and 5Z. While effort within 4X was related to the standardized catch value and effort experienced along the 4X–5Z boundary, most effort predictions across the boundary were also accurate. Accuracy of these cross-boundary isodars suggests that a high degree of movement across the boundary meets the IFD assumption of free movement and thus, effort on one side of the boundary is related to fishing success on the other side of the boundary. Fisheries management strategies should adopt a broad view that encompasses adjacent regulatory regions to understand where vessels may choose to fish when multiple regulatory regions are accessible. In fisheries where isodars describe effort distributions across a regulatory boundary, the relative abundance of the underlying fish population could be better indicated by effort distribution among regulatory regions than by catch rates. - OPEN ACCESS
- Emily M. Rubidge,
- Carrie K. Robb,
- Patrick L. Thompson,
- Chris McDougall,
- Karin M. Bodtker,
- Katie S.P. Gale,
- Stephen Ban,
- Kil Hltaanuwaay Tayler Brown,
- Vicki Sahanatien,
- Sachiko Ouchi,
- Sarah K. Friesen,
- Natalie C. Ban,
- Karen L. Hunter,
- Angelica Pena,
- Amber Holdsworth, and
- Rebecca Martone
Marine protected area (MPAs) networks can buffer marine ecosystems from the impacts of climate change by allowing species to redistribute as conditions change and by reducing other stressors. There are, however, few examples where climate change has been considered in MPA network design. In this paper, we assess how climate change considerations were integrated into the design of a newly released MPA network in the Northern Shelf Bioregion in British Columbia, Canada, and then evaluate the resulting network against projected physical and biogeochemical changes and biological responses. We found that representation, replication, and size and spacing recommendations integrated into the design phase were met in most cases. Furthermore, despite varying degrees of projected changes in temperature, dissolved oxygen, and aragonite saturation across the MPA network, suitable habitat for demersal fish species is projected to remain in the network despite some redistribution among sites. We also found that mid-depth MPAs are particularly important for persistence, as fish are projected to move deeper to avoid warming in shallower areas. Our results highlight that a representative MPA network with adequate replication, that incorporates areas of varying climate change trajectory, should buffer against the impacts of climate change. - OPEN ACCESS
- Dylan Hillis,
- Kristina M. Barclay,
- Erin Foster,
- Hannah M. Kobluk,
- Taylor Vollman,
- Anne K. Salomon,
- Chris T. Darimont, and
- Iain McKechnie
Shellfish have supported Indigenous lifeways on the Pacific Coast of North America for millennia. Despite the ubiquity of clamshells in archaeological sites, shell size measurements are rarely reported due to a lack of applicable basis for generating size estimates from fragmentary remains. We present a linear regression-based method for determining shell length from hinge and umbo measurements of littleneck (Leukoma staminea; n = 239), butter (Saxidomus gigantea; n = 274), and horse (Tresus nuttallii; n = 92) clams using both contemporary and archaeological shells collected from three regions in coastal British Columbia, Canada. We examine the accuracy of these size estimations, which indicate that 83%–97% of the variability in dorsal shell length is predicted by umbo thickness and hinge length. Hinge length generated higher R2 values yet exhibited greater intra- and inter-observer error. While the predicted dorsal length for each species differed by region, this size difference was smaller than intra- and inter-observer error, suggesting broad applicability for these simple measurements. We applied these formulae to a Tseshaht First Nation archaeological clamshell assemblage (n = 488) on western Vancouver Island spanning 3000 years and observed profiles that resemble contemporary legal size limits, which suggests the sustained use and maintenance of local shellfisheries. The accuracy of these regression models for determining shell length from fragments highlights the utility of this approach as a basis for assessing past shellfish management practices. - OPEN ACCESS
- Gretchen L. Lescord,
- Jennifer Simard,
- Thomas A. Johnston,
- Jacob Seguin,
- Claire E. Farrell,
- Nelson J. O'Driscoll, and
- Constance M. O'Connor
Water resource development can alter the movement and ecology of sturgeons. We studied total (THg) and methylmercury concentrations in whole blood sampled non-lethally from namew (Moose Cree L-dialect, lake sturgeon, Acipenser fulvescens), an endangered and culturally important subsistence fish. Namew were sampled from two tributaries within the Moose Cree Homeland: the Lower Mattagami River (an impacted system with four hydroelectric generating stations) and the North French River (a reference system that is free-flowing system with no development). Results indicated namew from the North French River had higher blood [THg] than those from the Mattagami River. Further modeling showed that trophic position was the primary driver of these differences, with North French namew having the highest nitrogen isotope ratios. Based on further isotope modeling, crayfish were major components of namew diet at all sites, while other prey items differed between sites. Specifically, namew with unobstructed access to the lower watershed had notably more enriched isotope values when compared to the freshwater benthic macroinvertebrates sampled, implying that other prey not captured herein may contribute to their diets and [THg]. Overall, we found differences in namew’s trophic ecology but no elevation in blood mercury levels at a site impacted by hydroelectric operations 60+ years post-impoundment. - OPEN ACCESSStrontium isotopes are used for provenience and mobility studies in archaeology, ecology, and forensic studies, and rely on accurate baseline maps that are used to compare and interpret human and animal strontium ratios. Here, we present a bioavailable 87Sr/86Sr map, also called an isoscape, for southern British Columbia derived from modern plant samples’ 87Sr/86Sr ratios. We sampled 67 medium root depth plants over a 900 km transect from the southern BC coast to inland BC to capture the natural 87Sr/86Sr ratios of plants along the four major geological belts in British Columbia. Non-parametric Kruskal–Wallis and pairwise Wilcox tests were used to examine whether the geological belts had statistically significant mean differences. It was found that the province could be effectively divided into east and west, with the Coastal–Intermontane and Omineca–Foreland regions having statistically different means from each other. 87Sr/86Sr ratios had statistically significant relationships with salt deposition, volcanic deposition, and mean age of the underlying lithology. Generally, 87Sr/86Sr ratios increased with distance from the coast as the atmospheric input of radiogenic strontium from marine-derived rainwater decreased and the input of radiogenic strontium isotopes from the underlying geology of the Rockies in the far east of the province increased.
- OPEN ACCESSThe Nooksack Dace (Rhinichthys cataractae sp. cataractae) is a federally endangered riffle specialist endemic to the lower Fraser Valley of British Columbia, Canada, with historic population declines associated with riffle loss from stream dredging, channelization, and excessive sediment inputs. To assess the effectiveness of riffle restoration as a recovery strategy, gravel and cobble riffles were constructed in two replicate tributaries of the Nooksack River as a before-after-control-impact experiment, measuring dace abundance, substrate composition, and invertebrate biomass before and one year after restoration. Nooksack Dace density increased significantly in cobble (but not gravel) treatments relative to control riffles. Dace abundance was strongly associated with increased availability of interstitial refuges rather than substrate effects on invertebrate prey abundance, suggesting that interstitial space limits adult dace abundance. Young-of-the-year dace were not observed in one of the two restored streams despite riffle restoration, indicating increased dace density due to aggregation in higher-quality restored riffles. This recruitment limitation indicates persistence of a population bottleneck at an early life history stage that is not addressed by successful restoration of adult riffle habitat.
- OPEN ACCESSPrimary producers’ growth rates are ideal bioindicators of changing climate due to their sensitivity to environmental conditions. On the Central Coast of British Columbia, we assessed growth rates of Nereocystis luetkeana, a canopy-forming annual kelp, by assessing baseline variability in growth rates and their response to environmental conditions of over 600 individuals and across three sites (2016–2019). Optimal growth rates for blades and stipes (∼13–14 cm/day) occurred within a narrow range of local environmental conditions. Growth decreased at temperatures > 10 °C, below 1 µm/L nitrate concentration, and surface light availability reduced blade growth at low and high levels (daily light integral or DLI <20 and >40 mol/m2/day). Spatiotemporal variability in these environmental drivers co-occurred with differences in growth rates, suggesting that local conditions strongly influenced growth. In particular, temperature and nutrients were un-coupled seasonally in this region, with more variable responses in growth over the primary growing season (May to September). Overall, the sensitivity of the growth rates of this annual kelp to changing climatic conditions suggests that it is a useful bioindicator for management and marine planning efforts (e.g., restoration and aquaculture) across its species range and provides a feasible metric for monitoring.
- Lee F.G. Gutowsky,
- Marshall Stuart,
- Amanda L. Caskenette,
- Lauren Jarvis,
- Doug A. Watkinson,
- Colin Kovachik,
- Douglas R. Leroux,
- Nicholas B. Kludt,
- Mark A. Pegg, and
- Eva C. Enders
In temperate rivers, where environmental conditions vary seasonally, many fishes migrate among summer, spawning, and winter habitats. Dams disrupt these migrations, limiting access to habitat and potentially affecting populations. Bigmouth Buffalo (Ictiobus cyprinellus) is a species of fish with at-risk populations in central Canada. The impact of dams on the extent of Bigmouth Buffalo migration and the overlap between summer and winter home ranges is unknown. Here, we assessed the migratory history of 80 Bigmouth Buffalo tagged with acoustic transmitters in the Red River (USA and Canada), a large binational waterway regulated by semi-passable dams. We sought to understand when and why Bigmouth Buffalo migrate, and how river use varies seasonally. Following more than 6 years of data collection, we found that the degree and probability of overlap between winter and summer home ranges varied by river section between barriers. Importantly, overlap was lowest in the longest continuous river section where well-defined migratory behaviours were observed. The results of this study reveal previously unknown details about Bigmouth Buffalo migration, demonstrate the consequences of river fragmentation on geographic space use, and highlight the importance of river connectivity to fish migration. - OPEN ACCESSBecause of Canada’s large size, it is impractical to obtain a comprehensive perspective on biotic change through morphological approaches. DNA metabarcoding offers a potential path, but its application requires access to a well-parameterized DNA barcode reference library. This study presents the current state of DNA barcode coverage for Canadian animals, highlighting progress, identifying gaps, and providing recommendations for future research. Our analysis indicates that many of the known species (100 000 terrestrial and 6000 marine) in the Canadian fauna possess DNA barcode coverage, but there are important gaps geographically and taxonomically. We summarize DNA barcode coverage for the species in freshwater, marine, and terrestrial environments by ecoregion, finding that 95.6% of the 2.3 million Canadian barcode records derive from terrestrial ecosystems. Although the density of barcode records per 100 km² is 13x higher for terrestrial than aquatic environments (22.4 vs. 1.7), coverage for 58% of marine species is available (54% for annelids, 52% for arthropods, 88% for chordates, 39% for echinoderms, and 46% for molluscs). By revealing data-deficient areas and taxonomic groups, this study offers a roadmap for expanding the DNA barcode library for the Canadian fauna as an essential foundation for the scalable biosurveillance initiatives that inform biodiversity conservation efforts.
- OPEN ACCESSClimate change threatens marine ecosystems with known effects on marine life, including changes in metabolic rates, survival, and community structure. Based on a structured literature review, we developed a conceptual “pathways of effects” model that summarizes how three stressors associated with climate change (warming, acidification, and storms) affect functional species groups on the West Coast of Vancouver Island, Canada. We identified 155 distinct pathways from the three stressors through 12 categories of biological effects ranging from changes in the biochemistry of individual organisms to effects on community composition. Most species groups were affected by several climate stressors and via many pathways, although individual studies generally considered only a small fraction of relevant pathways. These effects depended on the species of interest and geographical location, highlighting the importance of local research. Climate change stressors exert complex, sometimes contradictory effects that vary across ecological scales. For example, some stressors that adversely affected a species in laboratory studies appeared beneficial in community-scale field studies. Pathways of effects models are helpful tools to summarize scientific studies across ecological scales. Compiling them in standardized databases would allow researchers and practitioners to search across species and regions to better support ecosystem-based management and environmental impact assessment.
- Wesley J. Glisson,
- Michelle Nault,
- Chris Jurek,
- Eric Fischer,
- Keegan Lund,
- Kylie Bloodsworth Cattoor,
- April Londo,
- Nicole Kovar,
- Emelia Hauck-Jacobs,
- Rod Egdell,
- Steve McComas,
- Eric Fieldseth, and
- Daniel J. Larkin
Nitellopsis obtusa (starry stonewort) is an invasive macroalga subject to substantial control efforts in the Midwestern United States; however, there has not been systematic evaluation of treatment effectiveness. We synthesized management approaches and outcomes using monitoring performed over a decade-long period across 38 lakes in Indiana, Wisconsin, and Minnesota. Copper-based algaecide treatments were the primary means of control, followed by physical removal methods or combination treatments. Control efforts and associated monitoring data varied by spatial scale, as did surveyors’ N. obtusa sampling methods. At the largest (whole-lake) scale, we found no evidence that algaecide treatments were slowing expansion or reducing abundance of N. obtusa within infested lakes. At smaller, within-lake scales, we found that algaecide and physical treatments could reduce N. obtusa frequency and biomass, but outcomes were highly variable. At the smallest scales, hand pulling was an effective containment strategy for small, localized populations that were detected early. These results highlight the need to set realistic goals for N. obtusa control and develop improved management techniques. There were also critical gaps in monitoring that limited our ability to evaluate treatment effectiveness. In particular, increased monitoring of unmanaged reference lakes and untreated areas within managed lakes is needed. - OPEN ACCESS
- Stephanie Graves,
- Shao-Min Chen,
- Rachel McNamee,
- Tazi H. Rodrigues,
- Brian Hayden,
- Chelsea M. Rochman,
- Jennifer F. Provencher,
- Michael D. Rennie,
- Daniel Layton-Matthews,
- Matthew Leybourne,
- Owen A. Sherwood, and
- Diane M. Orihel
Microplastics degrade slowly over time, leaching carbon (C) that could be subsequently incorporated into aquatic food webs. Current estimates of microplastic degradation vary, and little is known about microplastic-derived C fate under natural environmental conditions. To investigate whether microplastics leach C that is subsequently incorporated into aquatic food webs, we added isotopically enriched microplastics to Lake 378 at the Experimental Lakes Area in Ontario, Canada. In an ∼1100 L limnocorral (in situ open-bottom enclosure), we added 99% 13C-labelled polystyrene (8–216 µm in longest dimension) at a nominal concentration of 3268 particles/L. A second limnocorral without microplastics served as a negative control. Monthly measurements of δ13C-DIC and δ13C-DOC in filtered water revealed no detectable leaching of 13C from the plastic. Compound-specific isotope analysis of δ13C in amino acids of bulk plankton and periphyton revealed a slight (0.5‰) enrichment in 13C, within the range of natural variability for these organisms. Under the natural conditions of temperate oligotrophic lakes, degradation of microplastics is likely a very slow process that was not possible to detect in this 4-month experiment. Future studies should focus on assessing degradation of microplastics under realistic field scenarios to improve estimates of degradation pathways and associated time scales. - OPEN ACCESS
- Kara L. Webster,
- Maria Strack,
- Nicole Balliston,
- Marissa A. Davies,
- E. Kathryn Hettinga,
- Miranda Hunter,
- Kimberly Kleinke,
- Megan Schmidt,
- Carlos Barreto,
- Melanie Bird,
- Kristen Blann,
- Kelly Bona,
- Allison Cassidy,
- John Connolly,
- Scott J. Davidson,
- Lee Fedorchuk,
- Michelle Garneau,
- Lorna Harris,
- Hongxing He,
- Sarah Howie,
- Adam Kirkwood,
- Nicholas Pontone,
- Karen Richardson,
- Nicole Sanderson,
- Gilles Seutin,
- Bin Xu, and
- Xiangbo Yin
Knowledge and data on the current function, future threats, and benefits of peatlands in Canada are required to support evidence-based decision-making to ensure they continue to provide critical ecosystem services. This is particularly relevant for Canada, given the large expanse of relatively intact peatland area. There is a need, not only to standardize protocols, but also to prioritize types of information and knowledge that can best meet conservation and management goals. This was the challenge posed to the participants of the Global Peatlands Initiative workshop in June 2023 in Quebec City, Quebec, Canada. Participants were composed of researchers using primarily Western science approaches that use peatland data for carbon accounting, policy or sustainable land use, reclamation/restoration, conservation, wildlife, and water resources applications. For seven peatland data categories (hydrometeorological and environmental sensing; peat coring and depth; greenhouse gas monitoring; biodiversity; vegetation, woody debris, and litter; Traditional Knowledge; water quality), three priority measurements were identified and recommendations for their collection were discussed. The key recommendations from the workshop were to (1) create standardized, yet flexible protocols; (2) coordinate field data collection where possible; (3) weave more Traditional Knowledge into understanding of peatlands; (4) create an atlas of existing peatland information; (5) scope opportunities to create a network of peatland “super sites”.